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Chapter 555

Chapter 555 Heather Getting Ready To Meet Her Fan

All that time, Heather’s popularity had been growing rapidly, and she quickly became one of the mostviewed streamers on Volcano.

In the beginning, her popularity was rising just from Anonymuncle’s donations. But now, even thoughAnonymuncle had not been online for a few days, a lot of wealthy people started donating to her.

Among the most generous ones, there was a rich fan named Youngmaster. His donation would neverbe less than a hundred thousand each time and was only second to Anonymuncle in terms of wealthamong Heather’s fans.

That said, Anonymuncle would always donate to Heather quietly without saying anything. Heather eventook the initiative and asked for his Twitter, but he never answered. That made her a little disappointed.

On the other hand, Youngmaster was not only open-handed, but he also frequently chatted withHeather. Moreover, he was quite good at keeping a conversation. Youngmaster understood womenand was very considerate, so Heather’s interest in him kept growing.

After she got off-stream the day before, Youngmaster actually asked to meet Heather. Heather knew hewas from a city, but it was not Nebula City, so she thought he was merely joking.

Surprisingly, Youngmaster told her he was in Nebula City, and that got her panicking a little.

She figured it was not going to be a simple meeting considering the amount Youngmaster had donatedto her as well as the distance he traveled.

So, she wanted to refuse, but Carmen, who was beside Heather, kept urging her to go and meet theguy.

To Carmen, her daughter was now famous, so she should get acquainted with the rich and expand hercircle.novelbin

Heather gave it some thought, eventually conforming to what Carmen said, and agreed toYoungmaster’s invitation.

It was the first time she was going to meet a fan, so she wanted to look good.

Hence, she tried out her outfits in front of the mirror and kept asking Carmen for opinions.

Carmen laughed. “Oh, Heather. You’re going to kill it tomorrow when you meet Youngmaster. If hetakes an interest in you, you can actually consider dating him.”

“What are you talking about, Mom? I’m only meeting a fan. What would Alex think if he heard what yousay?” Heather replied.

Indeed, Heather merely wanted to meet Youngmaster so that he would continue donating to her.

In all honesty, Heather was still a naive child when it came to streaming.

It was clear that the intentions behind those massive donations were not pure. Besides Alex, all theother donators were most certainly lusting for Heather’s body.

No one would ever spend money on someone without thinking of getting anything back. There was noway they would spend so much money only to tell Heather that she was a great singer.

Moreover, Heather’s singing could only be considered average at best on the platform. She merely hada

sweet voice.

If they wanted to listen to people singing they could have opened up any of the celebrities channelsand gotten a better listening experience

Carmen rolled her eyes. “I think Alex had already decided that he’s not going back to split theinheritance He’s destined to be a driver for the rest of his life! You deserve so much better””

She kept going “Now that you’re a famous streamer, you should take this opportunity to get acquaintedwith wealthy people and leave that useless Alex if you find someone suntable. That trash is literally anidiot’ Who would ever forfeit that much inheritance? We can cut ties with him after you two divorce, so iwon’t ever have to see his face again.”

Hearing what Carmen said, Heather kept quiet, but she actually had a lot of complaints about Alex aswell. I wouldn’t be streaming for a living if he had gone back and gotten a cut of his inheritance.

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