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Chapter 534

Chapter 534 Please Teach Jessica

After Heather showered and prepared to make supper, she heard a notification alert from her phonenovelbin

It came from one of her fans on Twitter.

Today, she added a few fans. However, there were too many groups to add, and Twitter only couldallow her to add a few hundred of them. Therefore, she stopped doing it after some time.

Since it was from a fan, Heather picked up her phone to check the notification. To her surprise, themessage read: “Hello! I am from New Media Organization. Our chairman saw potential in you, and welike to offer you a contract. If you take it, we will promote you and make sure you become a top livestreamer in no time.”

The message took Heather by surprise. She had no clue what the organization did. Therefore, shewent online to search about them instead of immediately replying.

Taking a seat, she searched about them and finally understood their job scope.

To put it simply, they were riding on the success of live streamers.

On paper, it sounded good as they helped put one’s videos on the recommended list. While it wouldincrease one’s viewership and popularity, one would have to pay a monthly commission for it. Someorganizations took an even higher cut.

They were like the managers of celebrities.

Even after her research, there was one thing that Heather did not understand. Once she signed thecontract, it meant giving up on her freedom.

per The organization would fix her live stream hours, such that she had to meet certain required hoursday or month. This term did not sound ideal, and she did not want to be bound by any of these terms.

However, she did not refute the offer immediately and decided to call Jessica. Not only was theVolcano Media Group a subsidiary of the Four Seas Corporation, but Jessica was also her closestfriend in school. “Jessica, are you going to bed soon?” Once the call connected, Heather gleefullygreeted.

“No, how about you? Why are you calling at this hour? Did something happen?” Jessica asked out ofcuriosity.

“Haha, yes, there is something I want to ask you. Well, I started live streaming on Volcano recently.Since I do not have a contract with any platform, and I’m not a permanent live streamer tied to acontract, how much is my cut from the donations?” Heather realized that she had failed to consider thisquestion. She did not expect to receive so much attention or any donations from the start. Therefore,she did not bother

with it.

However, she received two million in donations in one day alone. As such, she needed to clarify it.

After some thought, Jessica explained, “Before you sign a contract, you will receive a thirent cut, whilethe platform receives a seventy percent cut. If you sign a contract, it will depend have negotiated.Some will receive the same share, while some will receive seventy p platforms can offer as high as aseventy percent to you, which usually only applies to


“Oh? Does that mean that I will only get thirty percent of the donations I received today?” H

taken aback by the shocking revelation. She was not happy.

Her donations amounted to two million. Yet, it seemed too little if one calculated the thirty percentportion.

Aware that Heather felt annoyed, Jessica paused for a while before she replied, “However, youreceived quite a lot of donations today. Perhaps, I can try to ask my general manager if you can receivefifty percent or forty percent of it.”

Jessica knew Volcano’s general manager personally. She was confident that if she told him thatHeather was Alex’s wife, he would not even protest if she proposed receiving nothing from her.

Unfortunately, she also knew that Heather would be suspicious, so she prepared to bargain themaximum they could give, which was seventy percent for Heather.

“Jessica, thank you so much! When I receive my money, I will surely treat you to a meal,” Heathercheered.

“Sure.” Jessica grinned.

Then, Heather continued, “Oh, I have another problem that I need your opinion. New MediaOrganization found me and told me to join their organization. In return, they would promote me. Do youthink they are reliable?”

Shaking her head, Jessica responded, “To any other person, it is better to join an organization. After all,they will teach you tricks on live streaming and help with your promotional activities. When you growfamous enough, they can also secure advertisement deals for you too. On the flip side, they will alsotake a cut from you. But based on your popularity today, I think there is no need for you to join them.

Since you have gained some traction, the platform will automatically promote you as they know thatyou have potential to grow more.”

“Ah, I see. All right, thank you so much for the valuable advice, Jessica. I shan’t keep you up for anylonger then.” With that, Heather ended the call.

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