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Chapter 490

Chapter 490 Testing The Watersnovelbin

+15 Bonus

Brian and Jacob didn’t expect to see Alex standing in front of them. It didn’t take a genius to know thatAlex was there to ask Dr. Skyworth to help cure Lucas as well, but they couldn’t let Alex do sosuccessfully.

“What are you doing here?” asked Jacob in a grouchy tone.

Alex was equally surprised to see Jacob there. The first thought that came to his mind was that Brianand Jacob must’ve gone to Tyrael because Demi was sick. Did they come to ask Tyrael to treat Demi?

“That has nothing to do with you,” replied Alex.

“I know why you’re here, anyway. You’re here to ask the divine physician to help Lucas, aren’t you?”scoffed Jacob.

Alex raised his brows in surprise. I just got out of the hospital, and news about the accident alreadyreached them? I guess Heather or Carmen told the guys about it.

“So what if I am?”

Jacob’s eyes shone with distaste when he turned to Alex. After that, he presented the gift to Tyrael.Jacob spoke in an appeasing tone, “Dr. Skyworth, my father bought this hundred-year-old ginseng inan auction. about a year ago. It’s not the best ginseng in the world, but it’s a luxury here in Nebula City.It’s a token of our appreciation, and we hope you’ll accept it, Dr. Skyworth.”

Tyrael never gave it a thought before rejecting, “There’s no point in accepting a gift I have not yetearned. Please clarify the purpose of your visit before anything else.”

Brian quickly chimed in, “Here’s the thing. Dr. Skyworth. My nephew, Lucas, got into an accident, andthe doctor said that he injured his spine. He’s basically paralyzed from the neck down, and we’d like toask you to go treat him.”

Alex’s eyes bulged the second Brian finished speaking.

Brian and his son actually went to see Tyrael in the middle of the night, for Lucas’ sake? That cannotbe real. It has to be a joke! It’s strange enough that those two didn’t celebrate Lucas’ accident, butasking Tyrael to help? What kind of a miracle is that?

Tyrael turned to Alex at that moment.

The former didn’t know what happened between Alex and the Jenningses, but the Jenningses hadrequested the same thing that Alex had. As such, Tyrael wanted to see what Alex thought about theentire incident.

Alex scanned Brian and Jacob from head to toe. He soon realized what was going on. They must havean ulterior motive for asking Tyrael to help Lucas out!

Personal gain was the only reason those two would help.

Alex analyzed the situation and thought that the Jenningses must be trying to make Heather owe favor.After that, they would ask her to give them a raise or a promotion within the company.

Or maybe they have something even viler planned?

Alex’s lips curved into a cruel grin when he thought about it. He scoffed, “Aren’t the Jenningses beingbought out by others? Are you sure you still have the resources to hire Dr. Skyworth?”


Chapter 490 Testing The Waters

$15 Bonus

“You think we can’t afford to hire Dr. Skyworth? Please. I bet you’re the one who’s too broke to hire thedivine physician. That’s why you’re chatting away instead,” insulted Jacob as he shot a dirty look atAlex.

After that, Jacob put on a genuine smile and turned to Tyrael. “Dr. Skyworth, we can afford to pay youhowever much you want just to get you to cure Lucas.”

Alex grinned with disdain before saying, “Dr. Skyworth has already said that the medical fee will betwenty million. Are you sure you guys can handle it?”

“Twenty million?”

Jacob and Brian were both stunned for a moment. They stared at Tyrael in disbelief before asking, “Dr.Skyworth, are you really requesting twenty million?”

Tyrael turned to Alex. Tyrael didn’t know what the man was doing, but that didn’t stop him from noddingand lying for Alex’s sake. “It’s true. The current technology of the medical industry cannot curesomeone who is paralyzed from the neck down. Only ancient medicine practitioners… Actually, it’d bemore appropriate to say that I’m the only one in the world who can treat the patient. Therefore, I’mrequesting twenty million in payment.”

“T-that is… uhm… Dr. Skyworth, isn’t twenty million a little too much?” asked Brian as he smiled,looking troubled.

The Jenningses wanted to get Heather to owe them a favor, but that favor was too expensive. Theycouldn’t afford something like that.

Given the Jenningses’ current financial condition, twenty million was simply too hefty a sum.

Moreover, if they paid the doctor twenty million, they would not have enough funds to buy back theirshares.

The father-son duo was instantly trapped in an awkward position.

“So? What’s the verdict? Can’t afford it, can you?” mocked Alex.

Jacob looked terrible, but he retaliated, “What are you chuckling about? Don’t speak as if you canafford it. If you’re that good, why don’t you man up and hire Dr. Skyworth to save your brother-in-law?”

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