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Chapter 470

Chapter 470 Site Visit


+15 Bonus

Witnessing the magic of the Pill of Longevity again, Maggie went to bed holding the pill that she hadprivately kept for herself, feeling inexplicably warm in her heart.

Early the next morning, Maggie returned to Nebula City from Lumenopolis. She had already made anappointment with Alex to pick up the car at the auto show today, and she couldn’t miss the opportunityof riding in a top sports car with Alex.

After arriving at Nebula City with great excitement, Maggie touched up her makeup before calling Alex.

“Mr. Jefferson, the auto show is about the begin. Where are you? I’ll pick you up,” Maggie said softly assoon as the call was connected.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Grant. The project has been approved, and I’ve promised to treat Benjamin to a meal.I’m gonna have to say no to the auto show.” Alex’s apologetic voice sounded from the other end of theline.

“Oh, I see. Well, the project is more important. We’ll go and collect the car some other day then.”Maggie was a little disappointed inside, but thinking that the tech dome project had received its seal ofapproval, she simply shrugged it off.

She wasn’t one to act according to her sentiments, and she knew how serious things were.

Although it was a rare opportunity to be able to go on a date with Alex, the tech dome project was moreimportant.

But even if Alex didn’t wish to go, she had planned to visit the auto show by herself just to clear hermind.

Truth be told, Alex and Evans were supposed to meet up for dinner. He simply rejected Maggiebecause he didn’t want to give her too many chances.

But now that the tech dome project had been approved, he planned to go on a site visit to Nebula Hillwith Stefan under the proposal of the city’s leader.

Nebula Hill was just the name of a place in the new district. It was far away from the outskirts of thecity, but not very far away from Mount Blossom.

Under the survey of a group of staff, Alex finally took a fancy to the mountain range which had apleasant view that stretched‘ in every direction and was very suitable for development.

The staff had roughly surveyed that, including the entire uninhabited area outside Nebula Hill, andconcluded that the total area was about thirty square kilometers, spanning across the three majorurban areas of Nebula City.

“Let’s just buy the entire mountain range. Ginny, please accompany Mr. Jones to the city to enquireabout this in the afternoon,” Alex said to Ginny who was next to him.

“If there are no competitors, we can get it with about ten million. But if there are competitors, it’s hard tosay,” Stefan said.

As soon as Stefan finished speaking, they saw a caravan of cars approaching, from which a group ofpeople got out of the car and they were seemingly interested in this mountain range as well.

“It’s the Zuckers,” Stefan said to Alex in a low voice upon realizing who the other party was, “Do theywant to buy this mountain area too?”


12:14 Thu, 8 Jun

Chapter 470 Site Visit


+15 Bonus

The Zucker family was one of the four oldest families in Nebula City. They were very powerful. In termsof money alone, they might not be as powerful as Jack Sawyer, but in terms of connections, they werenot inferior to the Sawyer family.

More so, the Zucker family was much stronger than the Jones family.

“Hey, aren’t you Mr. Jones? Is the Jones family interested in this piece of land as well?” A young man inhis mid–twenties who recognized Stefan at a glance went straight to greet him with a handshake.

As for Alex, he was automatically ignored.

Alex had always kept a low profile and never exposed his identity to the media, so very little peopleknew about him.

Coupled with the fact that he was dressed casually, David was all the more unimpressed, thinking thathe was just a staff member of Stefan’s.novelbin

“Oh, Mr. Zucker, please to meet you.” Stefan returned the handshake with a smile.

“Your little secretary is quite pretty, Mr. Jones,” David Zucker smiled upon noticing Ginny. His eyes litup.. “Where did you recruit her?”

“Via the talent market, of course,” Stefan said with a laugh. “I can’t possibly recruit from the streets,no?”

“You sure are humorous, Mr. Jones,” David laughed in response.

“Are you perhaps interested in this piece of land, Mr. Zucker?” Stefan asked.

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