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Chapter 452

Chapter 452 Stuart Nixon

Stuart nodded and beckoned for the secretary to continue.

“I think that if you target Heather, you will definitely be able to find out who Four Seas Corporation’schairman is.”

From an outsider’s point of view, the chairman of Four Seas Corporation never made a publicappearance – very few people knew who he was.

Most employees in Four Seas Corporation didn’t even know Alex’s true identity. This made it hard forStuart to investigate it.


Stuart nodded and instructed, “Contact Jennings Corporation and offer them a chance to work togetherwith us.

To him, Heather would definitely be grateful because he was offering her a business opportunity.

At the same time, he was curious as to how Four Seas Corporation’s chairman’s lady would look like.

“Alright,” The secretary replied before heading off.

Stuart then went to the hospital.

He had arrived at Nebula City for two days already, yet this was his first time visiting his brother, Simon.novelbin

“Stuart, you must avenge me! Four Seas Corporation really is nasty! Not only do I want them to gobankrupt, but I also want all their executives to kneel and beg me for mercy!” Simon snarledmenacingly

to Stuart.

Stuart patted Simon’s back and consoled him, “Just focus on getting well. I will help you get yourrevenge on them. No one gets away scot–free after they beat up someone from the Nixon family! I willmake sure they pay the price for their actions!”

As he spoke, a ferocious glint flashed in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Tyrael’s clinic in Nebula City officially opened today, and the man invited his friends andsome of Nebula City’s prominent figures, including Alex, to the opening ceremony.

Alex promised to teach the Sunny Method to Auriel – that prospect excited Tyrael and hisgranddaughter.

In return, Alex wanted Tyrael to open a clinic in Nebula City since he was a divine physician himself.

The Sunny Method was a technique passed down in the Skyworth family, but some parts of it had beenlost over time. As a result of that, the Skyworth family couldn’t utilize the Sunny Method to its fullpotential.

That was the reason why Tyrael thought Alex’s proposition to be a good deal.

After Tyrael gave Alex a toast, Auriel also toasted to Alex even though she disliked drinking.

“Dr. Jefferson, perhaps you can take on Auriel as your apprentice,” Tyrael suddenly suggested.

At that moment, Auriel immediately saluted Alex in recognition of him as her mentor. “Master, please


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Chapter 452 Stuart Nixon

allow me to salute you.”

+5 Bonus

Auriel’s impression of Alex had changed drastically over the past few months. Originally, she lookeddown on him, but she grew to admire him after he displayed his skills. In the end, she looked up to himso much she decided to be his apprentice.

Alex knew Auriel was talented in ancient medicine, and he intended to teach her the contents of theNine Heaven Scrolls, yet he was still reluctant to take her in as a disciple.

That was because he didn’t know Tyrael and Auriel well enough to judge their personalities, so he wasafraid that Auriel might turn to the dark side and harm others.

“Dr. Jefferson, Auriel is very bright and talented in ancient medicine. She definitely won’t let you down ifyou take her in as your disciple.” Maggie tried to convince Alex too.

Maggie genuinely admired Auriel’s prowess in medicine, so she wanted to befriend her.

After all, someone as powerful as Auriel might save Maggie’s life someday if she managed to befriendher!

As he stared at Auriel, who was still kneeling in front of him, Alex nodded and declared, “Alright. I willformally accept you as my disciple today.”

With an excited grin, Auriel bowed down even further. “Thank you so much, master!”

Alex continued his speech, “However, being my disciple entails some rules. Firstly, you’re not allowedto harm anyone with your skills. Secondly, you’re not allowed to disobey me. Are you able to abide by

these rules?”

“Yes. Don’t worry, master. I lost my parents since I was young, so I’ll treat you like a father figure. I willdefinitely not dare to disobey you!” Auriel proclaimed hastily.


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