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Chapter 442

Chapter 442 Jonathan And His Pride

Jack took the news of Jolene joining Four Seas Corporation very seriously.

+5 Bonus

He had been pressed under a mountain of work ever since Madison Zucker jumped ship from theircompany. Her sudden departure had set off an avalanche of repercussions that still gave him aheadache whenever he thought about it.

However, the most important thing on his mind currently was that they still had not found a suitablereplacement for Madison Zucker.

Their original plan was to go to Lumenopolis or Ruthorham to search for a suitable candidate, buteveryone seemed to look down on Four Seas Corporation. They were all under the impression thatbeing a company in a second–rate city, Four Seas Corporation was too small a company not worth anyof their time.

The entire situation made Jack’s headache grow worse day by day.

Alex had already kickstarted his tech dome project thanks to the thirty–five billion investments he hadmanaged to attract. But under Jack’s lead, Four Seas Corporation still could not settle the matter infinding a suitable female lead for the variety show. As a result, Jack started having doubts about hiscapabilities.

And yet, never in his wildest dreams did Jack ever expect Jolene to come and join their companywillingly at this crucial moment. Jolene’s initiative to join their company was a relief to him, as it helpedto solve his current problem.

It went without saying that Jack had agreed to her offer immediately. He proceeded to send Jonathan,who was the best security guard manager in their company to escort Jolene.

As Jonathan had a background in military special ops and was currently learning martial arts fromCharlie, he was highly skilled in many forms of fighting skills. In Jack’s opinion, sending Jonathan toescort Jolene was already the highest honor he could extend to her.

After accepting his mission from Jack, Jonathan arrived at the airport on the next day half an hourearlier. As soon as he reached the airport, he saw a large crowd of young people gathered at theentrance of the arrival hall eagerly.

Some of them were carrying large banners that read “We Love You, Jolene,” among other similarslogans. Jonathan abruptly fealized that these young people were the fans of the famous celebrity hewas supposed to fetch.

He was not a fan of watching either movies or TV dramas, so he did not understand anything about thetrending celebrities. Moreover, he could not understand the crazy act of these fans either. But he hadheard rumors which claimed that most diehard fans were unreasonable people who might turn on eachother just for a chance to meet their favorite celebrity.

That was why Jonathan kept a safe distance from the crowd. He knew better than not attracting anytrouble that was not needed.

“The fan sites just confirmed the rumors. Jolene Dalton is really coming to Nebula City and I’m soexcited!” A young girl said eagerly. She was only seventeen or eighteen years old at most.

“Exactly! I’m getting nervous too! Who would’ve expected that Jolene would come to our humble city?Nebula City hasn’t welcomed a real celebrity in ages.” Another little girl chimed in, practically shakingwith excitement.


12:02 Thu 8 JUN

Chapter 442 Jonathan And His Pride


+5 Bonus

“This is my first time seeing a celebrity up close, and she’s my super–idol too! Oh, I think I’m going tofaint soon.”

After hearing the half–crazed declarations from the gathered crowd of hardcore fans, Jonathan couldonly raise an eyebrow. These fans are really crazy…

He retreated to the side, checking the time. If his information were correct, Jolene would be arriving in afew minutes. Then, he lit a cigarette to pass the time while standing in front of the car.

“Guys, have you all heard? Jolene’s coming to Nebula City because she’s going to sign an agreementwith Four Seas Corporation to film Galaxy Girls. Our girl, Jolene, is going to be the superstar of GalaxyGirls!”

“You’re not kidding us, are you? Four Seas Corporation must be very impressive nowadays if they canget Jolene to participate in their shows.”

“Of course! Their market value just skyrocketed again recently. I think Four Seas Corporation is worthmore than a hundred billion now. There’s no other entertainment company in the country that’s richerthan them currently. How is that not impressive?”

“Oh, stop arguing. I have a cousin who’s working at Four Seas Corporation, and he said that Jolene iscoming to join Four Seas Corporation for good this time. She’s going to be our city’s superstar in thefuture!”

“Oh my god, if that’s real, it’s going to be awesome! We’ll have so many more chances to see her in thefuture!”novelbin

“It’s gotta be real. Jolene was boycotted by her old company, and only Four Seas Corporation canignore Nebula Pictures like they don’t matter and sign Jolene under their label.”

“Ah, Four Seas Corporation is truly becoming the pride and joy of Nebula City. I’m proud to announcethat from now onwards, I’m an official fan of the company that made all of this possible–Four SeasCorporation!”

The other fans quickly joined in, laughing as they heaped praises onto Four Seas Corporation. Uponhearing that, Jonathan felt an inexplicable stirring of pride.

Yeah, I work at Four Seas Corporation too! And I’m the Manager of the Security Department there!

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