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Chapter 421

Chapter 421 I Am Okay

Right after Alex spoke, Deckard’s expression suddenly changed, and one could see a huge admirationand respect towards Alex emitting from his eyes!

He has such an amazing display of observation!

This is the best divine physician he has ever met!

With a mere pair of naked eyes, he could analyze every minuscule detail with utter precision. Such agod- like existence!

Tyrael and his granddaughter Auriel were also astonished. Could Alex really pinpoint all these?

They found it hard to believe. Looking at Deckard, Tyrael had to admit that he could not reach that god-like level of medical prowess.

“Mr. Jefferson, or should I call you Dr. Jefferson, what you’ve said is true. Five years ago, I sparredagainst someone. At that time, I had just achieved the Master Level. My Mortal Force was not sufficientand I was soundly defeated and injured. Although my rib has healed over the years, the healing is notcomplete – just as you’ve said. A small trace of my opponent’s Mortal Force remains. Every time theweather changes from sunny to rainy or vice versa, I feel it relapsing, and that is hard on me. I feel sohelpless,” admitted


For real? He got the diagnosis right?

Auriel was very surprised. She could not believe that Alex was actually better than her. However,Deckard’s words made it very clear whose diagnosis was the better one. She had

but to be convinced.


Tyrael was surprised as well and was filled with admiration. After all, Deckard’s affliction was notnoticed by his naked eyes at all.

At this moment, Deckard Grant looked at Alex expectantly. Filled with hope, he asked, “Dr. Jefferson, isit possible for my old injury to be cured completely?”

Alex nodded, “Don’t worry. When I return to Nebula City I’ll refine a pot of healing pills for you.However, I must inform you that due to the ingredients and process it will be very expensive. However,these pills can cure your old–age illnesses. If you can find and supply me with a strand of thousand–year wild ginseng, I can also refine some longevity pills which not only will prolong life but also containhealing properties. It’ll be another wonderful addition to combat your old age. Another added benefit willbe the possibility for you to further train and advance your martial prowess.”

Hearing these, Deckard was overjoyed and said, “If Dr. Jefferson can really refine these pills, Iguarantee


the Grant family are willing to buy from you for more than one billion s. As for the thousand–year wildginseng, my father has one in his collection!”

Alex faintly smiled and said, “I don’t want your money. I only want you to invest in me.”

“Ah? This is…” Deckard looked baffled. He was only interested in martial arts since he was a child.Even

after achieving the rank of Master of martial arts, he was still not the head of the Grant family due to hislack of understanding nor care on matters concerning the family trade and business.

This was why his father intended to pass on the head of the family position to Maggie.

In this matter, Louis, being just like Deckard, only liked martial arts, and his knowledge in running abusiness was also close to nil.


Chapter 421 I Am Okay

+15 Bonus

Meanwhile, being the total opposite, Maggie possessed brilliant and sharp business acumen. Hence,when Richard wanted to pass on the head of the family position to Maggie, very few people in thefamily opposed his decision.

With Maggie leading the business, the Grant family excelled in the business world, thus making moremoney. With more money earned, everyone in the family, including the few who initially went againsther, found their share of the profit increasing as well.

“Dr. Jefferson, if you can refine those pills, the Grant family is willing to invest in you as much as wecan afford.” At this moment, the old Richard who was lying on the bed suddenly spoke up.

Everyone turned their heads, in time to see Richard feebly getting up from his bed and walkingfalteringly towards them.



Everyone in the Grant family hurried over to help the old man.

Richard waved them off and said, “I’m okay now.”

Having said this, he understood that Alex succeeded in resuscitating him. He quickly offered hisappreciation. “Dr. Jefferson, thank you for saving my life. You pulled an old man like me away from thegates of Hades.”

Alex smiled and humbly said, “Please don’t thank me. In fact, Dr. Skyworth and his granddaughtercontributed more to your recovery. Even if I have not done anything, you will still wake up on your own.”

Both Tyrael and Auriel were surprised at Alex’s humility. They did not expect him to give them all thecredit. This led them to respect Alex even more.

Especially for Auriel, she no longer thought of Alex as being annoying.


He knew of Tyrael’s reputation in Lumenopolis. His status as a divine physician was recognized bymany >rominent families. Having saved his life during this critical juncture, Richard had the utmostrespect for

1. im.

Tyrael immediately said, “You’re is too kind. My granddaughter and I did not contribute much actually.The most praise should go to Dr. Jefferson, for if he did not help, even if you woke up, you wouldn’thave he strength to last a few days. With his assistance, you will be fine for at least a year. Even myskills can’t achieve what Dr. Jefferson has done. He is the real divine physician here.”

Alex joked, “Alright, let us leave these never–ending praises and politeness behind.”

Everyone laughed as they felt comfortable with Alex’s humility. Even as an esteemed divine physician,he didn’t put on airs and was still easy to get along with.

‘Come. Let’s go downstairs for some tea,” invited Richard.

Everyone nodded their heads and followed Richard downstairs. Deckard wanted to help him down thestairs but was stopped.

After all, Richard himself was also a Master of martial arts. Right at this moment, his health was undercontrol, hence, he did not feel weak. His pride would not allow him to get help now.

Richard led them to a pavilion in his backyard. There were chairs and a table under the trees. Heinvited Alex and Tyrael to sit by his side, while the others stood around him.

Maggie personally made tea for all three of them.

“Dr. Jefferson, Dr. Skyworth. Please have some tea.” Richard raised his teacup and said to both ofthem.

“Richard is too kind. Thank you.” Both Alex and Tyrael took a sip from their cups before looking at theold man.

Richard faced Alex and enquired, “You mentioned something about refining some


longevity pills. Is that

“Of course. Here are some Pills of Regeneration that I have refined before. It is effective for heartdiseases. Maybe Deckard can give it a try,” suggested Alex as he passed one to Deckard Grant.

Deckard had an unstable heart palpitation problem, and this Pill of Regeneration would definitely cureit.

Everyone looked at the pill on Alex’s hand. That

fragrance. Their eyes lit up expectan


moment, their noses picked up a burst of medicinal

Especially Tyrael, who was a Master in the field of ancient medicine, found it to be a pleasant surprise.He -recognized the potency of the aforementioned pill. Only medicines that reached a certain potentpower

would emit such a strong medicinal aroma.

“Thank you, Dr. Jefferson!” Deckard was overjoyed. He reached out and eagerly took it. He smelled themedicinal fragrance of the Pill of Regeneration and popped it into his mouth and swallowed it in onegulp without giving it much thought.

Very soon the effect of the pill took effect. Deckard could feel the warmth of the medicinal powerflowing

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