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Chapter 378

Chapter 378 Ignorant

“Leah, you know why I’m angry now, right? This guy is just hopeless!” exclaimed Heather as shesighed.

Leah nodded, agreeing strongly with what Heather said. Looking at Alex, she said, “Alex, since Mr.Jones is willing to give you a salary of ten million, it means that you’re very capable. Why didn’t youagree?”

Is there something wrong with Alex’s brain? How foolish is he to give up such an amazing opportunity?

If Leah knew about Alex’s identity, she would be agitated by his nonchalance toward the Jeffersons’multibillion assets, and his generosity to his brother, Shàne. After all, no one would be this foolish?

“Yeah, Alex. That’s hundreds of millions a year. It’s an extremely prestigious opportunity for anemployee. A lot of bosses cannot even earn a billion in a year,” Rose chimed in.

“Call Mr. Jones quickly. Otherwise, he might change his mind,” hurried Leah.

However, Alex merely smiled and continued eating silently.

“Alex, didn’t you say you’ll buy a mansion for me? When will you buy it?” Heather changed the topic,trying to force Alex to relent.

Leah and Rose immediately understood. Alex must have promised Heather in the past, so she wasusing his promise to force him to work for the Joneses.

However, they could not understand why Alex would rather work as a chauffeur with a monthly salaryof twenty thousand instead of working for Stefan.

Alex explained, “My boss treats me really well. He gave me a luxury car that costs millions. How can Ibetray him just for a slightly higher salary? I should stand by my principles, right?”.

Actually, he knew what Heather meant.

Recently, they had been arguing about his inheritance. To be honest, he was a bit annoyed already.

“Alex, did your boss really give you a million- luxury car?” asked Rose in surprise

Why does he have such amazing luck? Not only did his boss give him a luxury car, but Mr. Jones isalso offering him a job that pays a million monthly!

Is he really the Jennings’ live-in son-in-law?

The more Rose thought about it, the more Alex did not seem like a man who lived off a woman.

“Well, the RS7 that Heather is driving is a gift from my boss. It costs two million. Since my boss treatsme so well, how can I betray him just for a higher salary, right?” explained Alex.

“Yeah. If someone gives me a two million luxury car, I won’t betray the person too. It’s true that we musthave basic morals and principles.” Rose nodded approvingly.

Alex glanced at Rose, surprised that she could understand.

“This is a difference between two million and ten million. How can we relate it to morals? You shouldjust tell your boss directly. He’ll definitely let you leave. Even if he doesn’t, he’ll increase your salary bya lot,” suggested Carmen. However, her tone was calm and careful.

“Yeah, Alex. Even if you aren’t going to work for Mr. Jones, you should tell your boss. He’ll definitelyincrease your salary,” said Leah as she nodded.

Glancing at Heather’s furious gaze, Alex finally nodded and agreed, “Okay, I’ll talk to my boss tomorrowand tell him to increase my salary. Otherwise, I’ll quit.”novelbin

“You should make him increase your salary to a hundred thousand,” said Heather.

“A hundred thousand is too little. It should be a minimum of five hundred thousand. If not, you shouldjust quit and go work for Mr. Jones,” added Leah.

“Yeah! Mr. Jones is offering you ten million,” agreed Carmen.

Alex was at a loss for words. Even the richest man in the world will not pay a chauffeur five hundredthousand a month! Only you guys dare to even mention it.

Such ignorant people!

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