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Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Trap

+15 Bonus

“Huh? Are there really ghosts and monsters?” Heather and Carmen paled as fear crept into their eyes.

To them, ghosts and monsters were just myths. They had never seen them for themselves.

Moreover, society was advancing more and more in technology. Many had long forgotten about ghostsand monsters. Both were surprised to find out that these were real.

“Yes. When I was on the way here, I even heard odd noises coming from the roof of my house, but Icouldn’t see anything there. If you don’t believe my words, you can come and see it for yourself. Myhouse is completely shrouded with an evil aura. It’s terrifying!” Stefan shrieked fearfully.

Alex stared at Stefan for a moment before the expression on his face changed drastically.

He has the Mind’s Eye now, Alex thought when he saw negative energy hovering between Stefan’seyes.

However, that was not all, the most surprising thing that he noticed was that Stefan’s life energy wasseeping away. In less than two days, his life energy would completely dissipate.

“Let’s not delay any further. I’ll come with you right now,” Alex said as the doubts he felt left him afternoticing the changes in Stefan.

Originally, even without the Monoceros bone, the talisman he used back then would have resolved thenegative energy in forty–nine days.

It seemed like the matter had worsened from what he could notice on Stefan.

“Mr. Jefferson, thank you so much!” Stefan was stunned for a moment. He had not expected that Alexwould come with him in the middle of his dinner. Was I wrong about him?novelbin

No. Mr. Kline is the real geomancer. He’s from the Mountain of the Beasts. This man is just a live–inson–in–law. It’s obvious that he’s been fooling us earlier.

There was a hint of hesitation in his heart, and Stefan shook his head to get rid of it. He was sure thatAlex was a fraud.

Why else would he not say a word about the Monoceros bone? He must be a fraud.

“Is it dangerous?” Heather asked quietly.

After all, it’s an evil spirit.

Can Alex really do this? If he gets possessed, will he…

Heather was worried about Alex.

Alex turned to look at her. At that moment, he could sense that Heather was genuinely concernedabout him.

“It’ll be fine. Trust me. The evil spirit will run off the moment it sees me,” Alex reassured with a laugh.“Will it kill you to not boast for a day. Stop being so full of yourself. We know what you’re capable of,and it’s not much. Don’t come to us if you’re possessed. You’ll make things horrible for us,” Carmenmuttered sarcastically.


Chapter 296 Trap

She did not care about Alex’s safety.

She was only worried that he would be possessed, and bring disaster to her family.

Not a single cell in her body believed that Alex was a geomancer.

Upon hearing Carmen’s words, Stefan became surer that Alex was a fraud.

+15 Bonus

A trace of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes. Once Damian subdued Alex, he was definitely going tobreak Alex’s legs himself.

How dare he fool the Jones family? I’m going to make him regret coming into this world.

When Stefan was younger, he was a ruthless man. Throughout his life, he had only played the part ofthe bully and had never been bullied by anyone. If he did not teach Alex a lesson, he feared that hisanger would never leave him.

Alex turned to look at Carmen, but he did not explain anything to her before he walked out of the door.

Heather opened her mouth, wanting to say something about Alex’s stubbornness, but in the end,nothing

came out.

“Did you move my talisman?” Alex asked when he was going down the stairs with Stefan. If theJoneses didn’t touch the talisman, this shouldn’t be happening.

“No. We really didn’t. We’ve been listening to your instructions, and we never let anyone come close tothe talisman and the ancient jade.” Stefan shook his head fervently.

Alex then glanced at Stefan before falling silent.

Desmond had been going against me yesterday. It’s likely that he tore up my talisman when he gothome because he was embarrassed.

Soon, they reached the Jones family’s home. When Alex saw Damian and his junior, Lexa, henarrowed his


He then turned to look at Stefan and asked with a smile that did not reach his eyes. “Mr. Jones, haveyou set up a trap for me?”

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