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Chapter 226

Chapter 227 Mr Jefferson

You are here too!

When everyone saw Gavin Wells walking over, they instantly put the matter of Jessica and Alex asidefor the moment. They stood up to greet him enthusiastically except Zane and his father who weremuttering crossly. Why has Mr. Well come at this bl**dy timing!

However, Gavin was no ordinary man. He was the director of the Provincial Police Department, so itcould be said he was the superior of their boss.novelbin

Everybody buried their resentment towards Alex and glared at him before turning their gaze towardsMr. Wells.

Before Gavin moved to Nebula City, he was a subordinate of Victoria. Back then, she treated him very


Despite the difference in their social status now, he still remembered Victoria’s kindness. Hence, hemade sure he maintained a cordial relationship with her.

Since it was Victoria’s birthday, he would certainly come over to celebrate it with her.

Logically speaking, if the Hudson Family had such outstanding connections, they wouldn’t need tobutter up Zane.

However, Victoria was an upright woman. If her grandsons wished to climb the social ladder, theywould have to do it according to their ability.

And so, nobody dared to ask Victoria to take advantage of her connection with Gavin.

“Haha, Mrs. Hudson, happy birthday! May you stay healthy and live a long, prosperous life!” wishedGavin the moment he entered the room.

“Haha, that’s very sweet of you, Mr. Wells!” smiled Victoria.

“Hello, Mr. Wells. You are here too,” Zane greeted him with a smile.

“Mr. Wells,” Presley greeted him as well.

Gavin looked at the two men as he was a little puzzle,

As a big shot, he could certainly recognize Zane and Presley, yet he was surprised to find out they bothhad a connection with the Hudson Family,

Gavin nodded in response with a polite smile on his face. “Zane and Presley, right? It seems like Mrs.Hudson’s party is really happening.”

“That’s right. It’s a blast,” Zane and Presley agreed as they laughed amicably.

Zachariah turned to stare at Alex derisively when he saw that he didn’t greet Gavin.

This fellow had to be crazy! Even Gavin wasn’t worth any respect in his eyes, huh?

He was rather happy to see that. Just wait until I sabotage him, then, he could enjoy watching how Alexcould salvage the situation.

Mr. Wells started walking over to the main table being ushered by a crowd.

“Wow Alex, you are full of yourself, huh? How could you not greet Mr. Wells? Do you even have anyrespect for Mr. Wells?” Zachariah chided Alex loudly, just as Alex was about to rise up and greet Gavin.

At this moment, everybody realized Alex wasn’t with them when they went to greet Gavin.

Everybody was so focused on Gavin just now that they didn’t realize Alex hadn’t moved from his seat.

The expressions of everybody changed, even Victoria furrowed her brows.

Gavin had shown respect to her now because back when Gavin was only a low–rank employee, shehad helped him out several times.

However, that didn’t mean her family could disrespect Gavin this way.

Besides, Gavin was the director of the Provincial Police Department. For him to turn up at her birthdaycelebration was a huge honor for the Hudson family.

How could she tolerate this insolence from her own family?

At this moment, Victoria, who used to like Alex, was now extremely disappointed with him.

Money was one thing, but his attitude was an entirely different matter.

She was aware that Alex was not only very wealthy but was also generous too.

However, she thought Alex’s manners were truly horrendous.

He was too arrogant and rather incapable of maintaining interpersonal relationships.

Just then, Jessica furrowed her brows with distress after she noticed how the rest of the Hudsons hadsnubbed Alex. She was lost for words.

Zane’s lips curved slightly with satisfaction after he saw what happened in front of him.

He was rather annoyed with how much the Hudsons were protesting against the marriage.

However, he never expected Jessica’s boyfriend to be such an embarrassment.

Thus, this was truly the best time to retaliate.

“Oh my, Mr. Jefferson. You are here too!”

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