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Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Sasha was not worried about Alex making the Hate family bankrupt.

In truth, she did not care about anything that had to do with Leo Hale at all.

Also, Sasha was not intimidated by Alex per se. He was merely a powerless live–in son–in–law of theJennings‘.

A useless scumbag like him did not weigh on her mind at all.

What Sasha had qualms about, was that Alex and Kate would report to the superiors of the Four SeasCorporation about what happened, and they would take action against her family.novelbin

If the Four Seas Corporation was offended by her, the Taylor family might end up in shambles, let alonethe Hale family whose prosperity relied on their connections with them.

“Leo dear, what do we do now?” Sasha asked in a frail tone as she hurriedly untied her husband.

Sasha had no idea how to handle such disputes. All she had in mind was fear. Leo was her only wayout of the situation now.

“I have no idea too. Let’s hope that their superiors won’t be upset when they hear about whathappened.” Leo was also on pins and needles.

Kate’s family was an influential family from the Lumenopolis. Although Kate was only working as anassistant director in the Marketing Department of the Four Seas Corporation, she for sure had a lot ofpower within the company too.

Now, not only did Leo spike Kate’s drink with an aphrodisiac, but he had also shamelessly accused herof seducing him. By right, Kate would be enraged by him.

Even if the Four Seas Corporation chose not to take action against him, the Sutton family wouldcertainly hound him for what he had done to Kate.

Damn it! If this old hag didn’t show up, I would already be having my sweet time with Kate now andthere wouldn’t be this much trouble!

Leo was confident that once he had slept with Kate, he could talk his way into the Sutton family. TheTaylor family would not be able to do anything to him then, given the status of the Sutton family.

Leo glanced at Sasha bitterly. In his mind, the woman had already died a million times at his hands,

“How about I give my dad a phone call? He should be able to help. For the time being, we will justapologize to them. Perhaps out of our sincerity, the Four Seas Corporation will not be so mercilesstowards us,” Sasha suggested.

Leo mulled over the idea for a second and agreed it was the best thing they could do now.

It seemed to him that they had no other options if they wanted to get out of this tight corner unscathed.

“Alright, I think your plan works. But remember to exaggerate the situation to your dad. Or else, hemight not bother to show up,” Leo commented.


Sasha nodded her head and took out her phone.

Just at this moment, Leo’s phone rung.

It was a call from his father.

“You rascal! Who gave you the nerve to provoke the executive staff of the Four Seas Corporation?”Right upon

Chapter 171

picking up the call, an angry voice came roaring from the phone’s speaker.

Leo stammered, “Dad, I–I…

“What more do you have to say? The Four Seas Corporation have just informed us that we will bebankrupt in approximately twelve hours. How dare you toy with our family assets? Ugh! I want to killyou right now!” The head of the Hale family raged on.

“Dad, I will let Sasha get in touch with her dad right now. He might be able to help with our situation,”Leo hastily responded.

Now, it was all up to Philip Taylor, the head of the Taylor family, to save all of them.

Alex and Kate both left the Hale family company building.

Kate did not say anything. Alex did not pester her either, as he figured that she might need some timeto herself after that incident.

But he soon realized there was something wrong with Kate.

Alex turned his head to look at Kate. He saw Kate tossing and turning in her seat with her face flushingred.

“Were you drugged by Leo?” Alex instantly knew what was wrong with Kate since he had experiencewith. these kinds of situations before.

“Yes, please send me to the hospital!” Kate whimpered. She was feeling mortified, scared and enraged,all at the same time.

However, Kate realized the aphrodisiac was soon going to take full control of her body.

Her heart was thudding loud and fast in her chest, especially now that there was a decent–looking mansitting just a few inches away from her.

Moreover, that man was someone who could make ladies swoon over him had he exposed his real selfto the world.

“Oh, okay.” Alex thought too that it would be the best for Kate if he sent her to the hospital.

“I–I’m warning you! D–don’t you dare touch me, or else I will… ” Kate was already finding it difficult toverbalize anything. All of a sudden, she seemed to have lost herself completely.

Kate unfastened her safety belt and threw herself into the embrace of Alex.

“Uh, give it to me! I need you to do me right now! Please, I beg you!” Kate clung onto Alex’s body tightlyand started to tear off his clothes.

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