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Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Kate glanced at Leo and noticed that he was peeping at her. Immediately she knew she was in trouble.

Still, Kate acted as if nothing happened and took out her phone to text Alex about her dangeroussituation.

Just as the message was delivered, Kate felt her whole body flushing.

Leo saw how unusually red Kate was and trembled fervently in excitement.novelbin

His lustful eyes were fully fixated on Kate. His eyes slowly moved from her beautiful brows to the patchof fair skin at her ankles.

There was no doubt that the aphrodisiac had taken over Kate’s entire body.

Kate involuntarily gulped as she felt her hair stood on its end.

She knew with dead certainty that even if Alex managed to rush to her in time, she would be totallyincapacitated until Alex brought her to the hospital.

To her knowledge, which came from all the web novels she had read, some aphrodisiacs were sointense that even medical professionals had no means to alleviate the symptoms. The only way toremove the aphrodisiac from her system was for her to have sexual intercourse with another man,

Therefore, Kate desperately hoped that the aphrodisiac Leo had given her was not something thatcould only be undone via sex.

“Oh my! Kate, what is happening to you?” Leo faked concern in his tone.

“You stay away from me!” Kate backed up in a scurry. She almost stumbled and fell.

At that moment, Kate would lose herself at the smell of any man’s pheromones.

Worried about what she would get herself into, Kate rushed dizzily for the door.

However, before she could reach the door, Kate found herself in the hot and fleshy embrace of Leo.

Kate was in panic. She tried to throw herself away from Leo, but with one forceful grab, Leo had herback into his arms.

“Kate, do you know? Since our time in university, I have always dreamed of getting together with you,but you were so cold to me…”

Leo lugged Kate off the ground and headed for the sofa.

“Leo Hale, if you dare lay a finger on me, I will make sure the Hale family live the rest of their days inhell!” Kate threatened with her shaking voice.

However, Leo was not intimidated by her threats at all. He put himself on top of her body to stop herfrom moving around.

Kate broke down in despair. Her tears streamed out of her eyes like two rivers as her vein pumped withhatred.

Leo knew it was time for him to proceed further with his conquest when he saw Kate losing her energyto resist by the second.

He took off his clothes in a hurry, but just as he was about to remove Kate’s jacket, the door burst open.

A few men barged into the room and behind them followed an ugly woman.

“Leo Hale, how dare you cheat on me?” The ugly woman stormed ahead and sent a kick straight atLeo’s head.

Chapter 168

When Leo finally caught a clear glimpse of his attacker’s face, he was stupefied.

Why is this ugly hag here?

Leo’s expression took a 180–degree turn. He had no idea that his men were bought off by his wife.

Each and every move of his must have been under the surveillance of his wife.

When Leo’s wife knew Leo was going to meet with the pretty Kate, she immediately sensed somethingwas up. True as it could be, she caught her husband in his act red–handed.

Leo’s wife went by the name of Sasha Taylor. When she was young, she had once fallen very ill. It wasbecause of the sickness that her face was permanently disfigured.

However, the Taylor family had a lot of influence in Nebula City, which was why Leo’s parents hadarranged for him to marry Sasha. After their marriage, the Hale family prospered because of the Taylorfamily’s power.

In a way, Leo was the hero of his family.

For his family’s sake, he was willing to sacrifice his happiness to marry the hideous Sasha.

However, to Leo’s surprise and misfortune, Sasha was not an easy woman to deal with…

Especially since she was from the great family of Taylor, Sasha did not take any of the Hales seriously.

“Sasha darling! I wasn’t the one who made the first move! It was this b*tch who seduced me in the firstplace!” Leo panicked when he saw his wife coming for him.

Kate could not believe how shameless the man was to claim that she was the one who started thewhole thing.

Sasha saw Kate in her messy state and seemed to buy her husband’s lie. She barked, “Tie the two ofthem! I must teach these two a lesson today!”

Immediately, a few bodyguards approached the two of them on the sofa and tied them up at once.

Sasha slapped Leo hard in his face. She yelled, “You shameless pig! How dare you cheat on me afterall the fortune my family has brought you?”

Sasha continued with a flurry of slaps while she chided on, “If it weren’t for our family, the Hale familywould have been bankrupt now and both you and your dad would be in jail too! How dare you cheat onme? Believe me when I say I will beat the light out of you today!”

Sasha could not hold her rage anymore. She had her bodyguard hand her a whip, then with a fling ofher arm, the whip ripped open the flesh on Leo’s face.

“Sasha, it’s really not my fault! It’s all because of that woman! She wanted our company to offer morecommission so badly that she was willing to seduce me!”

Leo’s body was trembling nonstop. Sasha glowered at him like a starving tiger at its prey.

“Are you sure?” Sasha questioned her husband harshly.

“Yes, all of my words are true! She wanted 5 more percent of our profits for their company’scommission but I did not agree. Then she started to flirt with me all of a sudden. Clearly, she was tryingto seduce me to make things go her way! If you don’t trust me, you can take a look at the contract onthe table!” Leo nodded violently.

“You little b*tch! How dare you seduce my husband? I am going to ruin that pretty little face of yours!”Sasha bought her husband’s lies and with a flick of her hand, she sent the whip flying towards Kate’sface.

Sasha was not only angry at Kate for seducing her husband, but she was also jealous of Kate’s naturalbeauty.

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