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Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Isn’t that the chairman of Four Seas Corporation?

Why’s he mingling with these common folk?

When Madison saw the ridicule in the eyes of the crowd, she immediately understood.

So… these people don’t know who Alex is.

Madison’s eyes lit up at this thought.

If I do well today and help him out, will he be more open to me then?

Everyone saw how Madison and her manager’s face stiffened the moment they laid eyes on Alex, andthey automatically assumed it was because Madison was outraged. Wade hurried up to her to try andcalm her down. “Please don’t be angry, Ms. Zucker. I was only joking earlier. He’s not right in the head.We should just ignore him.”

However, Madison didn’t even spare him one look. Instead, she strode right up to Alex.

“Wait, Ms. Zucker…” Wade truly believed Madison was so furious that she was going to smack Alex.

Though he really wanted to see Alex humiliated, he was also worried that the latter would be dumbenough to hit back. And if that resulted in Madison getting injured, then that would be very, very bad.

Thus, he hurriedly ran up to Madison. He was hoping that after she took her anger out on Alex, hewould be quick enough to stop him from retaliating.

Everyone else also believed that Madison was heading over to teach Alex a lesson. They couldn’t bemore excited.

“Ha! That idiot’s done for!”

“Right! Serves him right for being so disrespectful towards Madison Zucker. She’s going to teach himhow to be a decent human being.”

“It’s such a pity that Heather’s in the washroom. She should be here to witness her husband beingsmacked around by a woman. Now that would be entertaining!”

“Please. Giving him a smackdown is lenient enough. He completely disregarded the great MadisonZucker and even verbally humiliated her. He deserves to go to prison for all that.”

“That’s why people always say to watch your mouth. He couldn’t control his tongue, and now he’sgoing to get what’s coming to him.”

The crowd followed after Madison as they excitedly chattered on.

Right then, Madison had walked right up to Alex. Her next move stunned everyone she was bowing tohim!

“Mr. Jefferson, didn’t know you would be here today too. If there’s anything I did that displeased you,please let me know,” Madison said, her voice filled with respect.

She really wanted Alex to give her a chance.

Those in her line of work all needed a strong backer. Without one, it would only be a matter of timebefore they disappeared from the spotlight and eventually the whole industry.

Moreover, she was signed under one of Four Seas Corporation’s subsidiaries. So, everything about her– how well she would do, how long she would last – was all dependent on Four Seas Corporation.

Everyone in the hall instantly fell silent. It was, in fact, so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone froze; their brains had stopped functioning.

No one could believe what they were witnessing.

Megastar Madison Zucker was actually bowing to Alex and being deferent to him.

Surely, this isn’t real?

Some of them even started rubbing their eyes as they wondered whether they were havinghallucinations.

This was especially so for Wade. All sorts of thoughts were running through his mind, but none of themcould explain why he was seeing what he was seeing. It just didn’t make sense!

Isn’t Alex just a live–in son–in–law of the Jennings?


Why is she being so respectful towards him?

The homeroom teacher was among those who were rubbing their eyes.

But no matter how hard he rubbed his eyes, facts were still facts. He had no choice but to accept them.

“I guess… I guess it wasn’t Heather who was blind. It was us!“, the teacher gasped as a faint blushbegan to creep onto his face.

He had said Heather had poor taste for marrying a useless loser like Alex earlier.

Who knew he would be proven wrong so quickly.

“Mr. Jefferson…” the manager next to Madison also bowed to Alex.

Alex gave him a curt nod in response before he turned to study Madison.

Madison glanced at the glass of red wine in front of Alex, then pouted as she asked, “Mr. Jefferson, canI have a glass of wine with you?”

She tried to make herself look as pitiful as possible so that he would want to be nice to her.

“A glass of wine?”

Alex’s eyes darkened. “You’re an A–list celebrity, and yet you’re out here singing for whoever? Youmight be okay with losing face, but are you sure your agency will be okay with being embarrassedalongside you?”

Madison’s heart jumped to her throat, and she started to panic.

“Mr. Jefferson, I’m sorry. I’ve made a mistake. I won’t ever do anything like this to embarrass thecompany again!” apologized Madison. She was feeling both afraid and wronged.

She hadn’t wanted to come either!

It was only then when the crowd came back to their senses.

They finally realized that this live–in son–in–law they were so full of contempt for was actually someonewith a pretty powerful background.

No one knew what to say. They could only stare at Alex with their eyes wide and their jaws slack.novelbin

Mr. Jefferson!

That’s right. Even the superstar Madison Zucker herself needed to respectfully refer to him as Mr.Jefferson.

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