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Chapter 1227

“Whether you like it or not, you’re getting married this time. I know what you’re thinking about. You’rejust waiting for Alex to marry you, aren’t you? But there’s no hope for that anymore. Alex is going tomarry Kate.”

With that, Carmen yanked Heather from the bed and started pulling her out of the room.

Never Marry Him

“Mom, what are you doing? I’ve told you, I won’t marry him. There’s no way I’m marrying a man oldenough to be my father just for money.”

Heather struggled with all her might but to no avail. These days, Carmen had been doing a lot ofphysical work, be it household chores or outside work to earn money. Thus, her strength was muchgreater than that of Heather.

Ignoring Heather’s struggle, Carmen continued to drag her out of the room. She was genuinely terrifiedof enduring a life of poverty and couldn’t bear it for even a single day. The only person with thepotential to change this situation was Heather.

“Mom, if you keep forcing me like this, I might as well die!” Heather said defiantly.

Upon hearing her daughter’s words, Carmen gradually calmed down. She released Heather’s handwith an apologetic expression on her face.

“I’m sorry, Heather, I was too harsh just now. Please don’t be mad at me. I’m at my wit’s end. I’m wornout from working and doing housework every day. I can’t go on like this anymore. can only place myhopes on you.”

As Carmen spoke, she suddenly covered her face and began to cry. Her sobs were heart- wrenching,as if she had suffered the greatest injustice in the world.

Seeing her mother crying so heartbrokenly, Heather was somewhat moved. She reached out and heldCarmen’s hand.

As Heather touched Carmen’s hand, she noticed the numerous calluses that had developed eventhough Carmen usually took good care of herself. Observing Carmen’s face, she also spotted theemergence of wrinkles.

Although Carmen could be quite selfish at times, she was still Heather’s mother. Heather couldn’t helpbut feel a tinge of compassion.

Extending her hand to gently wipe away the tears on Carmen’s face, she offered comfort, saying,“Please don’t cry. I’ll go see Mr. Watson, alright? I’ll be obedient.”

When Carmen heard that, her tears instantly ceased as delight crossed her face. She looked atHeather with a smile and asked, “Do you really agree to go on a date with Mr. Watson? You’re nottrying to fool your mother, are you?”

Heather let out a helpless sigh and repeated, “I’ve agreed to meet with Mr. Watson. I’ll do as told. Stopcrying.”

“Okay, I’ll stop crying. My dear daughter, you’re so understanding. You truly are my good


girl. Once you’re with Mr. Watson, we won’t have to endure hardships anymore.” Carmen fi atremendous sense of relief, knowing that her naive daughter had finally realized the situation.

Heather slipped into the best dress from her wardrobe and applied some makeup. After styling her hair,she left the house.

After descending the stairs, she noticed a Porsche parked downstairs. It was quite unusual to see aPorsche in such a remote and impoverished place. Without a second thought, Heather knew itbelonged to Dexter.

At this moment, Dexter also spotted Heather. He pushed open the car door and stepped out As he gotcloser and took a good look at Heather, his eyes widened in surprise.

Who is this enchanting figure before me? She’s like a fairy, so exquisite and ethereal, seeminglyuntouched by the ordinary world. It’s as if she has emerged straight from the pages of a fairytale.

“Ms. Jennings, you are truly stunning. I’m almost overwhelmed by your beauty. You’re even morebeautiful than the celebrities who appeared on television,” Dexter sincerely complimented.

Faced with Dexter’s compliments, Heather just smiled without saying a word. Being stared at by thisolder man in front of her was starting to make her feel a bit uncomfortable.

With one glance at his greedy eyes, Heather could tell what lecherous thoughts were running throughDexter’s mind.

Alas, she had no choice as she had already promised Carmen. Even if she didn’t like it, she had to goon a date with him.

Dexter wasn’t angry even though Heather didn’t talk to him. After all, who could possibly lose theirtemper when faced with a beautiful woman?

Far from being upset, he eagerly helped Heather open the car door. Both of them got into the car. Witha smile, Dexter asked Heather, “Ms. Jennings, do you prefer Eurasian cuisine or Anglandurn cuisine?”

“Eurasian cuisine!” Heather casually replied.

Dexter agreed with a nod. He then instructed his driver to head toward Nebula City’s most famousrestaurant, Happy Living

Throughout the journey, Dexter couldn’t stop himself from incessantly recounting his illustriousachievements, boasting about the grand scale of his business and the influential figures he hadcollaborated with.novelbin

Meanwhile, Heather quietly listened beside him, occasionally offering a word of agreement,

Exeter and Heather had

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il the car finally came to a halt at the entrance of Happy Living

Dexter and Heather had just gotten out of the car when Heather spotted Alex and Kine right in front ofthem

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