Son-In-Law Gets an Upgrade

Chapter 1219 Damon Bach
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Chapter 1219 Damon Bach

Among the crowd, it was evident that mere numbers did not guarantee victory. Alex raised his leg andstomped it forcefully on the ground, instantly releasing a powerful force that caused the adversaries tobe pushed back more than ten meters away.

The strength of a Grandmaster was beyond what they could handle. Alex could have easily taken themall down in a matter of minutes if he wanted to.

However, he refrained from acting impulsively, as he needed to understand the underlying reasonsbehind their actions. That’s why he chose to wait for the right moment.

Raising his hand, Alex grabbed one of the Raven Sect disciples who was about to launch a deadlyattack on him. He was about to snap the man’s neck when Wanda stopped him.

“Don’t kill them, they are innocent! The real culprit behind all this is Hadriel. Please, I beg you not to killthem!” Wanda pleaded, her eyes filled with earnest desperation as she looked at Alex.

Those people were all disciples of the Raven Sect, members of the same sect as Wanda. In the past,they would respectfully address her as “Ms. Wanda” whenever they saw her.

Her quest for revenge was solely aimed at Hadriel. He was the one responsible for everything that hadtranspired, and the others had little to do with the cause of the conflict.

In the end, Alex finally let go of the hand that was choking the man, releasing him just as a multitude ofdisciples rushed toward them.

The Raven Sect had more than five hundred disciples. If Alex were to fight back, he could quicklydefeat them. However, casualties would be inevitable, and the situation was further complicated byWanda’s plea not to kill anyone.

Hadriel issued the command but refrained from taking action himself. He quietly observed everything,knowing well that the soft-hearted Wanda would not harm her fellow disciples.novelbin

With five hundred people engaged in a war of attrition, some of Alex’s Mortal Force would be depleted,conveniently buying some time until Mr. Bach arrived. By then, Alex would have no chance of escape,

Wanda, oh Wanda, your words hold no weight, and you’re still targeted by everyone. Despite bringingin Alex, who seemed formidable, what use is it? After all, could he really overpower Mr. Bach? Decadesago, Mr. Bach was already at second-phase of Grandmaster, and after so many years in seclusion, it’shighly likely that he has already broken through to third-phase.

After the continuous attacks, Alex and Wanda managed to incapacitate the five hundred men without.causing them any harm. However, that had already taken half an hour, during which time they had.expended a significant amount of their energy.

Although there was no Grandmaster among them, there were still quite a few Masters. Wanda hadexhausted all her Mortal Force in her efforts to deal with them, and even though she stood there, herlegs. were slightly trembling.

On the other hand, Alex fared much better. He seemed like an inexhaustible machine, growing strongeras the battle continued, showing no signs of fatigue. His resilience astonished Hadriel, who was takenaback. by his formidable prowess.

“Use whatever underhanded tactics you have left now, or you won’t have any chance left. After all, yourdays in this world are numbered,” Alex said, his gaze sharp as he looked and charged toward Hadrielin a single swift motion.

“Thunder Palm!”

With a swift motion, Alex raised his hand and struck out with a palm toward Hadriel. The golden palmsilhouette carried the power of purple lightning, making it look exceptionally formidable.

Hadriel hadn’t expected that Alex, who had just endured continuous attacks, would launch anotherassault. on him without any sign of fatigue. Could it be that he could never be exhausted?

Even with the naked eye, it was evident that Alex’s palm strike carried a tremendous force. It was alsohis most formidable killer move, and Hadriel didn’t dare to take it head-on and quickly dodged instead.

One move after another, Alex had Hadriel in constant retreat, leaving him no room for a counterattack.Hadriel had already felt inferior when Alex defeated the three sect leaders. However, he had neverimagined that he would be so thoroughly suppressed.

If things continued that way, there could only be one outcome, and that was death. Hadriel’s gazerepeatedly darted toward the entrance, hoping that Mr. Bach would arrive soon.

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