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Chapter 1159

Chapter 1159 Prepare For The Worst

“Who are you? Let go of me right now, or I’ll have security throw you out of the hospital,” screamedMason, his voice tinged with fear. He was taken aback by the man who seemed to have appeared outof thin air. Anyone would be caught off guard, too, given the situation.

The person who arrived was none other than Alex. He had driven haphazardly after leaving the techdome, running countless red lights along the way. The only thought searing through his mind was toreach the hospital as soon as he could. He was worried sick about Emmalyn’s well-being.

“Are you my daughter’s attending physician? How is she now? Is her condition life-threatening?” Alexasked anxiously.

He was so enveloped with anxiety that he had completely forgotten that he was also an expert in themedical field. In fact, there were very few in the whole of Eurasia who could surpass his medical skills.

Before Mason could say anything, Alex let go of his hand and rushed into the room where Emmalynwas. Mason was baffled; he had no idea who Alex was, and he found it particularly strange that thelatter would rush into the ward without even listening to the patient’s condition.

He called the girl his daughter, so he must be the father. It is obvious that he cares deeply for hisdaughter to behave so frantically.

Mason softened and relented as this realization dawned on him. He could relate to what the father wasgoing through. Thereafter, he entered the room to inform Alex of Emmalyn’s condition.

Meanwhile, in the ward, Alex gently placed his hand on Emmalyn’s abdomen and used his MortalForce to sense the changes within her body.

“Master, her entire stomach has been corroded by a mysterious poison, which has infiltrated into herbloodstream. There’s no way this poison can be removed from her body completely. I’m afraid it will bevery difficult to save her,” stated Jade. It looked at Alex with concern, not sure how to console the man.

An array of expressions flashed across Alex’s anxious face.

I’ve never encountered the poison inside Emmalyn’s body. It is not even recorded in Nine HeavenScrolls. She is just a little child, barely over a year old. How can she possibly have come into contactwith such a potent poison? Is this the work of those from the secret forces?novelbin

Alex quickly dismissed the idea. After all, Wanda had reached Master Realm, so there was no way shecould have missed the presence of any secret forces within her proximity.

As Alex was lost in his train of thought, he was interrupted by Kate’s voice.

“Alex, our daughter has been poisoned! This incompetent doctor claimed there is nothing he can do tosave her. He advised it is best for us to prepare for the worst!” exclaimed Kate furiously before breakinginto tears of despair.

Mason was dumbfounded by Kate’s irrational remarks. Not only had his good intentions gone astray,but he was even categorized as a quack.

“Sir, please restrain your wife. I’ll have both of you thrown out of this hospital if she continues on likethis! Your daughter’s condition is severe. I cannot save her, and I dare say that no one in the world cansave her either!” he explained to Alex exasperatedly.

Alex let out a long sigh. He reached out to feel the unconscious Emmalyn’s forehead, and it wasscorching. The thought of his daughter suffering from the poison broke his heart. He would rather bethe one lying in the hospital bed instead.

“Her stomach is completely corroded; the toxins have spread into the bloodstream. However, hercondition is not entirely beyond saving,” Alex said calmly with an affirmative tone. He would never letEmmalyn die in vain like this.

Mason was bewildered by Alex’s remarks. He looked at the latter incredulously as if he was facing analien.

If I remember correctly, this man arrived late. How can he possibly know what has caused the little girl’scondition? There’s only one possibility. They must have gone to another hospital before this!

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