Son-In-Law Gets an Upgrade

Chapter 1145 The Nine Lightning Whip.
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Chapter 1145 The Nine Lightning Whip.

“Watch me!”

Young roared as he swung the Nine Lightning Whip toward Alex. The sparks of electricity danced in theair, their intensity no less impressive than that of the Thunder Tribulation.

With a powerful leap, Alex dodged Young’s attack. As the dust settled, a one-meter-deep pit appearedon the ground, and the flowers nearby were burned to ashes.

“Teach this pompous young man a lesson, Master Leighton!”

“Kill him and avenge the three elders, Master Leighton!”

“Kill him and show him how powerful the Leight Sect is. Master Leighton!”

The disciples of the Leigh Sect shouted and jeered as they watched Young and Alex cross swords.They all believed that death was imminent for Alex.

Even Zack began to fear for Alex’s life. However, he merely prayed to the gods in silence to save Alexsince there was nothing he could do to help as a mortal.

Young was a powerful first-phase Grandmaster and had spent twenty years on this level. This gave himthe upper hand over Alex, who had just entered the Grandmaster realm. Moreover, with the NineLightning Whip in hand, it seemed that the scales of victory had silently tipped in his favor.

The previous whip was merely a test to gauge Alex’s strength. He had expected Alex to be able tododge.novelbin

his attack.

Young immediately followed up with a faster attack with his Nine Lightning Whip. Even though Al speedwas impressive, he ultimately took a few hits as he was still human.

As the whip struck his body, he felt a lingering numbness, as if he had been struck by lightning. At tYoung quickly seized the opportunity to make his move.

One whip after another, Alex’s body was soon covered in scars. Young felt extremely gleeful uponseeing.


Young gave him a look of disdain and snorted. “I thought you had something up your sleeve when yousurvived the Five Lightning Talisman earlier. But now, it seems to me that you’re nothing. So what ifyou’ve reached the Grandmaster realm at a young age? I still caught you today, didn’t I? How dare youtell my sect to retreat to the secret world and even insult me with that strength of yours? I’ll kill youtoday!”

As soon as Young finished speaking, he pulled several talismans from his sleeve and scattered theminto the sky. The talisman quickly ignited in mid-air, followed by dark clouds gathering overhead andstrong winds picking up all around.

As the heavens and earth moved, the Nine Lightning Whip in Young’s hand transformed into a purplewhip, filling the onlookers with an overwhelming sense of dread.

“This is the Nine Lightning Whip, the most powerful divine weapon that has absorbed the power ofthunder and lightning. Consider yourself lucky to be killed by this whip, you brat,” Young said as heswung the purple Nine Lightning Whip at Alex.

Young’s smile grew wider when he saw that Alex showed no intention of dodging. Since this whip wasmuch more powerful than the one before, one strike was enough to incapacitate Alex.

Just as the whip was about to fall on Alex, he suddenly lifted his right hand and grabbed the NineLightning Whip. Lightning traveled up his arm as he made contact with the whip. However, heappeared.


Stunned, Young was rendered speechless as he watched the scene unfold. He lowered his guard somuch that Alex was almost able to snatch the Nine Lightning Whip away from him.

“How could this be? How could you possibly touch the Nine Lightning Whip? Aren’t you afraid of itspowerful lightning force? And you even dared to grab it with your hand!” Shock and disbelief werewritten all over Young’s face.

Alex responded with a playful smile before he pulled the Nine Lightning Whip away from Young. Hethen casually tossed it onto the ground after giving it a look.

“You don’t really believe you can kill me all by yourself, do you? The reason I stayed after killing thethree elders is you. I’ve been waiting for you to come get mel” Alex said with unparalleled arrogance,his voice. full of disdain.

At that, Young turned pale with fright. He found it difficult to maintain the demeanor of a sect leadereven under the watchful eyes of his disciples as his fear for Alex reached its peak.

After much hesitation, Young asked the question he had been dying to know. “H-how did you do it?”

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