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Chapter 1105

Chapter 1105 Snatching Condensed Jade

After sensing it with his intention, Alex realized that the dagger pressed against his neck was just anordinary one, and it couldn’t take his life..

What puzzled him, however, was how this woman could have appeared behind him so silently andunnoticed.

“What is it?” Alex asked, puzzled.

“Where is the jade pendant you were wearing around your neck before? Give it to me!”

The woman’s voice rang in Alex’s ear once again, but this time, there was a sense of urgency in hertone, as if she was extremely eager to obtain the jade pendant.

Upon hearing this, Alex finally understood. It turned out that this person wanted the condensed jade,but there was no way for her to snatch it from him now.

After the condensed jade absorbed his fresh blood and acknowledged him as its master, it completelymerged into his body. In fact it turned into the doll in his spiritual mind.

Perhaps this woman had been behind him for a while but only revealed herself now because shehadn’t found condensed jade earlier.

“The thing is gone, and I have no idea where I lost it,” Alex said with a helpless shrug, casually spinninga


“Gone? How could it be gone?” The woman’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Could someone have gotten there before me and snatched the jade pendant away? How could thishappen? Hardly anyone can recognize something like condensed jade, so how could it be stolen justlike that?

The woman gripped the dagger in her hand, pressing it forcefully against Alex’s neck. Her voice was ascold as ice as she said, “Are you trying to play me? Hand over the jade pendant now, or I’ll kill you.”

Unfazed by the threat of the mysterious woman, Alex laughed and asked in a relaxed tone, “Are youreally that confident that you can kill me?”

As he spoke, he slapped toward his back, but as his hand touched the woman’s body, it brushedagainst something incredibly soft.

It was only after a moment that Alex realized, quite unexpectedly, that his palm had just struck themysterious woman right in the softest part of her chest.

A hint of embarrassment flickered across Alex’s face. He was accustomed to dealing with men andacting without restraint. However, when suddenly faced with a female opponent, he never expectedsuch a situation to occur.

The mysterious woman was sent flying several meters away by the sudden strike. As she struggled toget up, she forcefully spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.

“You despicable and shameless scoundrel, how dare you use such tactics against me! I’ll kill you!” Themysterious woman gritted her teeth in anger and immediately charged toward Alex once again.

The woman was dressed in a black robe, making it impossible to see what she really looked like. Alexwondered if he had ever seen her somewhere before.

However, since she knew that he had condensed jade on him, it meant that the two of them had indeedmet before. With this thought, Alex began to wonder what kind of face was hidden beneath the blackrobe.

Facing the mysterious woman’s attacks, Alex easily dealt with them. After exchanging blows, Alex wasquite certain that this woman’s strength was only at the peak of Master Realm, and she was still a stepaway from Grandmaster Realm.

Alex lifted his leg and kicked the woman in the stomach, sending her flying once again. She crashedinto the wall, causing it to collapse before finally coming to a stop.

The onlookers at the roadside were dumbfounded as the two people engaged in combat, having onlyseen such incredible scenes on television before.

Some people even thought it was a performance, but after looking around for a while, they still couldn’tfind any cameras or directors.

“Oh my goodness, is this for real? Or am I just hallucinating? How can one person possibly have thatmuch strength?”

“Could this be some kind of prank from a variety show?

“Who cares if it’s real or fake? Hurry up and take out your phone to record it! Once we post it online, wemight just become famous!”

Upon hearing this, many onlookers by the roadside took out their phones and started filming.

After all, this kind of situation was quite rare, and for people living in the twenty-first century, it hadsimply refreshed their worldview.novelbin

The mysterious woman, who was sent flying by a kick, coughed violently a few times but did not fallunconscious. However, she inevitably suffered severe injuries and no longer had the strength to fightAlex.

The mysterious woman, with her hands covering her chest, looked at Alex in astonishment and asked,“How could you have become so strong in such a short time? Have you reached the second-phase ofGrandmaster Realm?”

Upon hearing these words, Alex became even more certain that this woman must have seen himsomewhere before. Otherwise, how could she know about his increased strength?

Quickly walking over. Alex planned to pull off the mysterious woman’s black robe, wanting to see whatshe really looked like.

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