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Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090 An Investment Of Five Billion

Horace was waiting to meet the chairman of Four Seas Corporation when he spotted Alex coming tohim. “How did you manage to enter Four Seas Corporation?” he blurted out incredulously.

Right after he said that, he spotted Jack behind Alex. He knew that Jack was the previous chairman ofFour Seas Corporation and currently the person-in-charge of the company.

At once, he straightened his back and offered an ingratiating smile. “Mr. Sawyer, is Mr. Jefferson free tomeet me?”

Jack shot Horace a look before turning to Alex. “Mr. Jefferson, these are the men who insisted onmeeting you to discuss a collaboration with Four Seas Corporation.”

Alex nodded knowingly and couldn’t help but chuckle, “Ah, I see. I actually know these men. We haddinner together just last night! Mr. Hernandez even arranged for a few of his men to see me off, andone of them happened to be Tigris.”

Horace felt his mind go blank. The truth rocked him so hard that he could barely think straight.

This young man is the chairman of Four Seas Corporation? I thought he was a penniless man andeven mocked him countless times! It looks like Autumn was right when she told me he’s the chairmanof Four Seas Corporation.

Horace was at a loss for words. He had unknowingly offended an influential man. Alex even found outthat he was the one who had secretly sent Tigris to beat him up.

Realizing that his plan to strike a deal would be futile. Horace felt a cold sweat break out on hisforehead as fear coursed through his body. His legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

“M-Mr. Jefferson, it was all a misunderstanding. I assure you, I don’t know anyone by the name Youmust have misunderstood the situation. I deeply regret any offense I may have caused you restaurant,and I sincerely hope you won’t hold it against me,” he pleaded.novelbin

Horace thought if he insisted that it wasn’t him, no one could pin the blame on him. If I apologize p toMr. Jefferson, he might forgive me for what I did.

His reaction was just as Alex had anticipated. Sporting a mischievous grin, Alex responded, “Ah, whata small world. You say you don’t know Tigris, but he actually mentioned knowing you quite well! In fact,1 just called him to let him know about your presence, and he should be joining us shortly.”

Horace had no idea what Alex was getting at, but he happened to be good friends with Tigris andquickly formulated a plan. He decided to discreetly signal Tigris to play along with him, hoping tonavigate the situation in his favor.

At that thought, Horace grew increasingly confident. He relaxed and began talking business to Alex.

With a confident smile, Horace attempted to regain control of the conversation. “Mr. Jefferson, I’m asuccessful businessman in Horington. I’ve come here today to propose a lucrative investmentopportunity. There is a project that I have in mind which has immense potential for growth. If you investone hundred million dollars, I assure you that your investment will triple within a year.”

Horace passionately delved into the details of his project, painting a vivid picture of the immensesuccess that awaited Alex. With persuasive arguments and compelling projections, he made it soundas if investing in his project would propel Alex to the ranks of the world’s wealthiest individuals

“During dinner, I overheard that you possess a fortune worth billions,” Alex casually remarked, playfully

glancing toward Horace, curious about his response. “Given your vast wealth, why would you need myinvestment of a mere hundred million?”

Horace’s face flushed with embarrassment as he hurriedly waved his hands. “Mr. Jefferson, pleasedon’t say such things. Unexpected circumstances have arisen, leading to my assets being frozen.That’s precisely why I require your investment-so we can generate profits together!”

Alex touched his chin thoughtfully. A moment later, he said, “I must admit, that project does hold myinterest. Considering the potential for a triple return, I’m willing to invest a substantial sum of fivebillion.”

Five billion!

Horace’s eyes widened in utter disbelief upon hearing the staggering amount. Jumping up from thecouch. he excitedly waved his hands, unable to fathom what he had just heard. “Five billion! Yourgenerosity truly befits the chairman of Four Seas Corporation! Thank you for placing your trust in me!”Horace exclaimed as he gave Alex a firm handshake.

Even Wesley, who thought of Alex as his love rival, couldn’t contain his delight and thanked Alexprofusely.

Behind Alex, Jack was a tad confused. What is Mr. Jefferson up to? It is obvious that both men are upto no good! Why would he agree to invest five billion?

Right then, around fifty to sixty men marched into Four Seas Corporation. The security guards allowedthem entry instead of blocking them outside.

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