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Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083 Embarrassment

“Stefan, actually, the five-star hotel you booked for us isn’Chapter 1083 Embarrassment

“How is it possible that he’s the chairman of Four Seas Corporation? Besides, he was the one who saidthat it was a coincidence they share the same last name!” Horace put forth his argument, his voiceresonating with unwavering conviction.

It was Alex himself who told us that he just happened to have the same last name as Four SeasCorporation’s chairman, Autumn must have said that to preserve her pride.

Stefan was about to speak, but before he could utter a word, a disapproving frown etched itself onHorace’s face. “Stefan, to tell you the truth, I was quite fond of Autumn until this very moment. I’m trulyastounded by her lack of manners. You heard the way she spoke to me earlier. Is that how she shouldconverse with an elder? To make matters worse, she even dared to fabricate the truth!”

She’s just a brat! If not for the fact that she’s the sole daughter of the Jones family. I would’vevehemently opposed the union between my son and that impertinent girl! At that thought, Horacelooked toward Wesley, his eyes

brimming with satisfaction.

With a grim expression on his face, Stefan tried to tamp down his anger by stuffing food into his mouth.Even though every dish on the table was a delicacy, at that moment, they all tasted bland to the man.

If Alex had not stopped him, he would have revealed the truth, which would have been akin to a punchto Horace’s face. Stefan felt a flash of irritation, hating the fact that he was relatives with Horace.

Nevertheless, Horace did not seem bothered by the fact that Stefan was ignoring him. Since theconversation was already at a dead end, there was no need for him to force it.

After all, he could simply hire some men to give Alex a good beating and threaten him to leave Autumnalone. He was confident it would be enough to scare the pauper away.

Wesley, who was not aware of Horace’s plan, walked toward his father with a sulky face and said in anaggrieved manner, “Dad, what if Autumn is not interested in me and falls in love with someone else?”

Turning toward his son, Horace reassured him softly. “Don’t worry about that. I already have a plan inmind. You should just focus on enjoying the food. These are all exotic delicacies. It would be such awaste if we don’t finish them!”

With a visible sense of relief washing over him, Wesley’s tense demeanor gradually eased. He hadbeen extremely reliant on his father ever since young and had always done whatever he was told,having grown accustomed to following his father’s instructions. As such, Wesley stopped worrying andstarted gobbling down the food as he relished the opportunity to explore such culinary delights for thevery first time.

Look at the array of erotic delicacies! These must be really expensive! I never would’ve gotten themmyself. Just like what Dad said, I have to eat as much as I can.

A hushed silence settled over the private room as Horare and his son lost their inhibitions and starteddevouring the dishes one after another. After having their fill, they took out a plastic bag and startedpacking the leftovers

Upon witnessing their atrocious behavior, Stefan lowered his head in embarrassment, unable to lookAlex in the eye

If given another chance, he would not have invited Alex to meet his distant cousin. That way, he couldhave avoided embarrassing himself in front of Alex

After filling the plastic bag with food. Horace looked up and noticed that everyone was staring at himand


his son with strange looks in their eyes 7 dnight you

ng up the utemills. I packed the was picking the farmers hard work, you know he were already donewith dur de no one eat is waste Bust Their are die meulis of am

Needless to say, the meeting ended on happy note. Even though Horace did not get to meet thechairman of Fow Seas Corporation, he will managed shaves falling meal, which left hom afer watched

Stefan apologized to Ales before instructing his driver send the man home. On the other hand Her andWesley were about to pull her trick st

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