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Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075 Foundation Establishment Pill

Alex closed his eyes and assumed a cross-legged position after swallowing the pill. He held his breathand focused on the potent energy radiating from the pill, permeating his limbs and body.

An intense heat, reminiscent of a blazing fire, enveloped Alex, searing his skin with an unbearablesensation. His face flushed crimson, and every inch of his body turned a fiery red.

After what seemed like a quarter of an hour, Alex was perspiring profusely, beads of sweat drippingdown his face and saturating his clothes.

Undeterred, he kept his eyes shut, steadfast in his determination to fully assimilate the pill within hiscore. Only by successfully consuming the pill’s essence could he then unleash its unparalleled potency.

The initial searing sensation did not diminish over time, instead, it intensified, enveloping Alex in aninferno.

Every inch of his body seemed ablaze, except for a coolness emanating from the condensed jadenestled against his chest. It offered a respite, a gentle stream of relief amidst the scorching torment,

Had it not been for the cooling sensation from the condensed jade resting on his chest, Alex mighthave succumbed long ago.

Unbeknownst to Alex, who had his eyes closed, his body was aflame; his garments were reduced tosmoldering remnants by the relentless heat.

However, the flames did not inflict any harm on his skin. Instead, they caused his skin pores to excretedark secretions as if expelling impurities from his body. Gradually, these black secretions evaporatedinto the air, leaving no trace as if they had never existed.

“Are you there, Alex?”

A melodious female voice echoed from outside the door. Lost in his cultivation, Alex remained obliviousto the external sounds.

After a prolonged silence, the woman repeated with a mised voice, “Alex, are you in there?”

When she heard no response after a while, she muttered to herself, “Flynn said that Alex was in theroom. Why is there no response?”

She grew impatient and forcefully pushed open the door to ascertain whether Alex was inside.

When the door swung open, Autumn cautiously peered into the room; her curiosity piqued about theman’s whereabouts.novelbin

Her gaze swept across the room until it came to rest on the shocking sight of a naked figure seatedwith crossed legs on the bed. She widened her eyes and blinked rapidly, momentarily disregarding thedistinction of gender.

It was undeniable that Alex had an impressively sculpted physique. Moreover, the FoundationEstablishment Pill had purged all impurities from his body, giving him skin as smooth and flawless as afreshly peeled egg

His well-defined muscles, unlike the exaggerated physiques seen on television, exuded a subtle yetundeniable strength; it stood as a testament to the rigorous training he had endured in preparation forthe countless battles he had fought.

Autumn stood frozen in astonishment, her eyes fixed upon Alex. Little did she expect that beneath hisunassuming exterior lay such a remarkable physique.

Even Autumn, who diligently pampered her skin and indulged in daily milk baths, couldn’t help but feelenvious. She was now eager to wake Alex and inquire about his skincare secrets.

Her gaze involuntarily shifted downward, and when it reached a particular area, her cheeksimmediately flushed.

The object slipped from her hand, hitting the ground with a resounding thud. The sudden impactcaused Autumn to snap out of her daze.

She suddenly became aware of her lapse and swiftly turned her head in embarrassment, wiping awaythe drool that had escaped from the corner of her mouth.

Meanwhile, Alex gradually emerged from his meditative state. After an hour had passed, he hadsuccessfully completed the assimilation of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

When he opened his eyes, he found a woman standing before him, her back turned. Judging from herfigure, Alex recognized her as Autumn.

“When did you arrive, Ms. Jones?” he asked.

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