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Chapter 85

Chapter 85

TL: Hanguk

The next morning.


As Sejun got up from his bed,


Something white fell from Sejun’s leg.



Instead of falling to the ground, a round tuft of fur was floating in the air.“lona?”

It was lona, who was sleeping curled up, that fell from Sejun’s lap.


Sejun carefully lifted lona and put her on his blanket,


lona curled up even more irritably.

“Did she not sleep well?”

Considering her irritable tone, it seemed like she needed more sleep.As Sejun left lona and went outside,




The rabbits that were already awake greeted Sejun.

“Right, Morning.”

After greeting the rabbits, Sejun washed his face at the faucet and prepared breakfast in the kitchen.Breakfast was SeP’s soup, which was being cooked for 24 hours as usual. Today, he added roasted sweet potatoes to it.“Let's have breakfast!”

Upon Sejun’s call, the rabbits that had been stretching in the front yard of the house lined up to receive breakfast and gatheredtogether to eat.


“Flamie, good morning.”

Sejun carried breakfast and went down to the cave. He wanted to chat with Flamie.[Master! Good morning!]

Flamie greeted Sejun cheerfully, waving its leaf as usual in response to Sejun’s greeting.“Is there anything uncomfortable?”

[No! But more importantly, my leaf’s have recovered! Please give me the seed of the Corrupted Ent’s seed! | will purify it perfectlythis time!]

Flamie showed his first leaf, which had turned green, and spoke to Sejun.“Huh?! The leaf has recovered?”

Sejun spoke, looking at Flamie’s leaf. The first and third leaves, excluding the second one that was recently used, had turnedback to green.

[Yes! Please take out the seed of the Corrupted Ent’s seed!]


Sejun took out the Corrupted Ent’s seed he had put in his pocket.


As Flamie yelled,


The leaf with the ability to purify changed to white and sent a white flame to the enhanced seed of the Corrupted Ent.Swish.

The flame of purification gently seeped into the seed, which had turned from blue to sky blue.

“Flamie, you worked hard.”

Sejun petted Flamie’s leaf, which had just turned white after using the flame of purification, and spoke.[Heheheh! More! More!]

While Sejun stroked Flamie with his left hand, he ate breakfast with his right hand and started his morning farm work afterbreakfast.

Swish. Swish.

While Sejun was harvesting the cherry tomatoes in the cave,



The black rabbit and Cuengi, who had eaten breakfast, came down to the cave cheering full of fighting spirit.“Guys, I’m counting on you for lunch. let’s have crayfish today.”



At Sejun’s words, the two nodded and entered the pond.

Allittle later, Sejun finished harvesting the remaining cherry tomatoes and climbed the ladder to the ground.That's when,


Sejun, who had climbed to the end of the ladder, felt something strange.

“Why is it like this?”

The ladder installed for moving between the cave and the surface was a foot higher than its original height, as if the ground hadshifted.

“That’s strange. Did the ladder grow?”Sejun found it odd, but it wasn’t a big deal, so he ignored it and looked around after climbing to the surface.

The white rabbits were farming in the morning, and the grey rabbits were working on canal construction with the Black Minotaurswho had gone to work on time.

And then,squeak!

ChuChu was using magic to cut the trees into the sizes the gray rabbits wanted, and lifting the items the gray rabbits neededwith floating magic, helping with the canal construction.

“Your magic skills are good.”

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. Of course! she is my disciple!”

lona, who had woken up at some point, spoke in a voice full of pride from behind Sejun.

“Well...it's a bit embarrassing to brag about a disciple who can use magic in front of Sejun.”


“| know everything. You’re playing, aren’t you, Sejun? You're playing while purposely taking on a weaker role, right?”Seeing Sejun being protected by other monsters, lona thought that Sejun was playing with the concept of being the weakest.“Huh? Oh...right.”

Sejun responded to lona’s words by agreeing. It was more embarrassing to say no at this point.

And he decided to make thorough use of this misunderstanding.

“Jona, can you help ChuChu with the canal construction? | can’t use my strength because I’m playing.”

“Yes! Leave it to me! | will finish it today!”

And so, lona joined the canal construction. lona briefly discussed the canal construction with the grey rabbits and then began touse magic.

“Stone Wall!”Boom.

lona’s magic was on a different scale from ChuChu’s. In an instant, dozens of stone pillars sprouted to make the pillars tosupport the canal. And all of them were precisely the thickness and height that the gray rabbits requested.

Although one might think that destruction and precision are far apart, it requires very precise magic control to use magic of greatdestruction.

Thanks to that, by late afternoon, a 1km long canal leading to the north among the canals leading to all directions wascompleted.



Upon hearing the news that the canal was completed, Cuengi brought out the Cuengi’s Boat, which had been sealed.The Cuengi’s Boat had been transformed into a decent ship shape under the care of the grey rabbits.

There was even a figurehead carved in the shape of Cuengi on the bow, and both the front and rear seats were widened so thatseveral people could ride.


Cuengi called Sejun while boarding the front seat of the Cuengi’s Boat.“Got it.”

Sejun responded and boarded the Cuengi’s Boat. Now that the canal was also completed, he thought it would be okay.When Sejun got on the ship,


The black rabbit, who was already sitting in the back seat, greeted Sejun.“Oh. It’s changed a lot.”

Inside, there were wide wooden seats for comfortable seating, and there were handles.While Sejun was looking around the Cuengi’s Boat,

“We'll also get on.”


lona and ChuChu also boarded the Cuengi’s Boat.

“Then I'll float it to go the fountain. Levitate.”

As lona used the levitation spell,


The boat began to float in the air.


“You cunning hamster! Are you trying to kidnap Sejun, meow?!”

Theo, who had climbed onto Sejun’s lap at some point, shouted at lona.“| arrived so quickly, victory is mine, meow!”

Theo, who hastened the wolves and interns to shorten the arrival time by several hours, arrived at the 99th floor of the tower,confident of his victory.

“| will go ahead, you guys follow slowly, meow!”“Yes!”Theo hurried off to Sejun’s farm.

Theo, who had no idea that lona had already arrived yesterday using the lightspeed merchant's route, was still receiving strangesignals from his instincts about Sejun’s lap.

‘Sejun’s lap is in danger, meow!’

Just as Theo, putting aside his anxiety, ran eagerly and neared Sejun’s farm,“What, meow?!”

He saw lona far away, trying to kidnap Sejun on a boat.

“As | suspected, meow! How dare you steal my lap and run away, meow?!”Theo sprinted full speed and jumped onto the boat. More precisely, onto Sejun’s lap.And he shouted at the lap thief.

“Don't worry, President Park, meow! | will protect you, meow!”

Theo, covering Sejun’s lap with his own body, reassured the kidnapped Sejun.“What do you mean kidnapped? We're just riding a boat.”

“Meow? What are you saying, meow?”

“We're going to take the boat down from there.”

Sejun pointed to the canal and explained.

“Oh. Is that so, meow?”

“Yes. So apologize to lona for calling her a cunning hamster earlier.”

“No way, meow! Even if she didn’t kidnap, it’s true lona is cunning, meow!”“Theo, are you not going to listen?”

“Tsk! Fine, meow.”

Upon hearing Sejun’s stern voice, Theo reluctantly responded.

And then,

“Jona, I’m sorry for calling you a cunning hamster, meow. | got a little carried away earlier, meow.”Theo meekly approached lona and spoke.

“It's okay. Welcome, Representative Theo.”

lona happily accepted Theo's apology and even welcomed him warmly. Finally, all the pieces of her deep sleep puzzle cametogether.


In the meantime, the Cuengi’s Boat had arrived above the fountain.And then,


The Cuengi’s Boat tipped over the edge of the canal,


and began to go down along the canal.


Cuengi’s Boat, cutting through thewater currents. As the slope wagentle, the beat flared abot andSejun a the animals enjoyed thepleasant headwind and the view ofthe farm. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Was it this big?”

From his view above the canal, Sejun was able to realize anew just how large his farm was.While Sejun was looking down at his farm,

‘| won't let my guard down, meow!’

Only Theo, clinging to Sejun’s lap, was keeping a wary eye on his rival, lona.


To Theo, lona looking his way and laughing seemed like she was targeting Sejun’s lap. Actually, she was laughing at Sejun’s lapand Theo’s tail.

While Theo was keeping an eye on lona,Splash.

The Cuengi’s Boat, which had moved1km, arrived at the end of thegarral.On the ceturpntrip, Xebdi carried thesat wit everyone in it and walkedback the 1km. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Something's missing.”

Sejun said as he got off the Cuengi’s Boat.

“What do you mean, meow?”

“There’s a lack of extremeness.”

“The ride is too slow because the slope of the canal is too gentle. We can’t get enough speed to feel the thrill.”“| don’t know what that is, but I’m also lacking something, meow. | need Churu, meow!”

Theo took out a Churu from his bag and jumped onto Sejun’s lap.


“Open it for me, meow!”

Theo jumped onto Sejun’s lap and boldly held out the Churu to Sejun. Because he is President Theo!He had achieved record-breaking results in this auction. He had more than enough right to ask for Churu.“Okay.”

Sejun opened the Churu and brought it to Theo’s mouth.

“lll enjoy this, meow!”


When Theo happily started to lick the Churu,

“Mr. Sejun, we have returned.”

An interrupter appeared. Elka returned belatedly with the wolves, interns, and the criminal Skaram.“Who's that goblin?”

Sejun, seeing Skaram being dragged with his hands tied, asked.

“It's Skaram, who conned me, meow! Punish him, meow!”

Theo quickly forgot about the Churu and glared at Skaram.

“Ah, so he’s that Skaram.”

Sejun looked at Skaram and smiled. He might have found a way to secure goods from Earth now.Just then,

“Hmm! How dare you bring him here!”

Kaiser's angry voice came from the black dragon statue.

And then,


Kaiser instantly erased Skaram.

With only Skaram’s existence annihilated, his clothes fell to the ground.


No, why?!! What about my ramen?!!novelbin

When Sejun looked at Kaiser with eyes asking for an explanation,

“What? Why?”

Flap. Flap.

Kaiser asked in a shameless voice and hurriedly went back to the fountain.

“President Park, hang in there, meow. It’s too early to give up, meow!”

Theo started to rummage aroundwhere Skaram had vanishe i) raat

COM ny aaradrot eltabytting until just now, but suddenlyhe felt an attraction in his front paws.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


“President Park, | found something, meow!”

Theo pointed to something that had fallen on the ground. There was a small metal key there.“What is this?”

As Sejun picked up the key,

[The Void Prison Key is bound to Tower Farmer Park Sejun.]“A Prison?”

At the same time, a keyhole appeared in front of Sejun.

“Do | insert it here?”

When Sejun inserted the key and turned it,


With the sound of a door opening, the door to the Void Prison opened.

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