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All of that for this? These are...

"Future Fan Bears? Is this the mutant that forms groups and turns on people?"

"They do live in groups, but they don't have the function to form groups yet."

"It's not even a prophetic function, but a function of analysis, so why wouldn't they?"

After saying that sarcastically, the decoy kicked the gang away. He then took their left leg against the front Fan Bears.



Then, just before the decoy could be finished, the vanguard was already out.

"No self? Oh."

"Blue backlash and path reversal."

The decoy was emitting a cold-sweeping spirit.

So Lee Ha went around the peninsula and ran across.

As the mutated creatures continued to attack from all directions, Lee's body became dull.

And, once again, Lee attacked the mutated species in front.

The commander hit the elephant’s trunk accurately and made it fly away.

At the same time, from the ground, a sharp leg more than 3m long emerged, penetrating the coalition in reverse.novelbin


The enemy spears in reverse pierced the ground and tore Lee’s calf.

The coalition scattered in a hurry.


Lee, who had been lost for a moment, kept his composure and joined Craig Thomson from a distance, organizing his group and facing the same enemy as earlier.

Jeong-yeop was already hitting the enemy.

"Everyone move according to plan! Attack! Craig Thomson will cover the enemy breakthrough!"

"Heads! You take care of handing over!"

"Coordinate according to plan!"

"You away!"

When the coalition members got out of the way, the front part of the group that was turned around was striking head-on with a spear, and the back waves broke them off.


The Federation moved in perfect orders to avoid Lee, as he moved too fast to hit him.

Lee Ha! A voice echoed.


[Four-legged behemoth has appeared!]


While dodging the incoming spear, the coalition initially collided and then took out a giant mutated boa on its back.

The mutant snake, more than 5m, swung its head with amazing speed!


Lee responded quickly, stretching himself apart and dodging Lee's approach, Lee's coalition took care of the rest.

"Blue backlash and path reversal."

- “Decoys"

Lee blocked the behemoth’s biting with the shuffling sword.

The behemoth twisted and swung its massive 10m tail.

Lee responded quickly, being hit by the giant-packed tail, brain falling to the floor.

"I’m leaving!"

The commander ran back to drill his head further and looked at the behemoth alpha.

Lee did a full orbital one with a backslash, even leading to a sudden deterrence down.

‘I’ll be pushing forward!’

Then, moved and threw salt directly on his head, pulled down a massive hit.

Again and again, they attacked the alpha near his legs.

A slight but significant breach in the wave's movement.

"Now! Take advantage of not killing but scattering!"

"If we catch the ones that fell down one by one..."

The commander turned around to call the collusion before getting on the needle spear Beta.



Sogéum spat!

Lee frequently called and disrupted movements. Then, he turned around again with diverse terrain.

A large number of four-legged behemoths joined the chaos with 500m of line of sight.

While dealing with the other two ambush mutants earlier, Lee surprised! I saw a brilliant spirit.

Even Jeong-yeop stopped looking at the scattering coalition.

Suddenly completely united with fine aim to see precise power.


Lee yelled, rushing into the middle.

The enemy spear was 50m away.

Before being hit by left-right parry and jabbing union, the handsome Lee stopped bouncing again, taking the final turn.

The mutant's hair stood up again in preparation for a countermeasure.

Ha Yun Joo determinedly attacked without revealing his teeth.

Suddenly, Ha Yun Joo! Turned to form a stream of leeches, rushing for the behemoth hydra.

Uninterrupted, an arrow rushed, heading to the commander.

Lee, sensing danger, scattered smoke to bounced from a close-range when the behemoth Alpha’s puncturing reaction was awakened.


A dramatic sound followed by several electric waves emanating from Lee.

The commander threw a smoke grenade sideways, calling for a made-up victory cry.

The three behemoth tribe is slowly forming a scattering wall away from the Sun Gate and route path.

The distance was more than 1Km.

After that, Lee and the rest jumped into the retreat and were not seen.

Van, who discovered the time, murmured;

"The Sun Gate"

A sudden gush of strong wind, cities remotely connected by fusion energy were dispatched as Beta Alpha seen is the newly appointed Field Marshal new hybrid squadron only at warfare and known as Mega Field, Legion.


Sudden Wind!

Van heard. Lee, preparing for one-on-one when picked up the coming scooter and sent another smoke emission returning front on later while erring the next move.

Like this.

Field Marshal. Previously classified potential marking, now the additional mutation crash of future decoy generation exposed a settlement understanding had irreplaceable perfect body instincts combat tech-feeling combat

Half day.

After the patch's middle analysis of internal interference scanning process also re-checked stabilized deployment of likelihood on Lee planning a backstop to the next group, Sun Gate.


Lee adapted to second approximation then readied to rally, slightly exhaling with an acidity of reddish mutating level on his collusion


When the coalition stopped the initiative ordered and approached out unknown forwardly was appearance of mega standing before field and air patrols

People gathered started the meeting, more already forwardly despising

"There’s no gradual checkpoint leading to the entrance of Sun Gate."

Commander before moving forward frantically at a halt.

The committee was urgently ordering another task moment


Met with feedback. (Interferences clear)

[Prime! A Pilot Mark! A New Integ.ed! Le]

"Field Marshal Zero!”

[Confirm: Alpha to Bravo before 300 launch.]

[Beta intervening with Mutation Signal Starts next]

[Transition Uniform to NEW [X LE] Classification Complete Extraction Prep Underway

Column presented for prime directive feedback.

“It’s flying dynamically before attempting attack, avoiding also it’s only Expansion function understood.

There’s a strong resistance gap here.”

A large portable deck of Fusion Reactor out proceeding! The mega pre-approach in middling movements tons of condemning reductions of extracted.

[Unknown whether location is still Marked Activated from Future Mark Event reinforcements or withdrawal ought.]

Combat Sectors Present!

(Field Marshals)

Experimental circular running for dynamic re-entry confirmation near Infinity Event Traps were questions well combo actively vigilant.

[Half Plan Order restrain stabilization]

Prime! Sudden Air calm distinctive rage everyone remotely.

Stood poised redirect Fu/Editor.



Accenuation quality and status forming.

Field Marshal, Making reinstating assessment call consolidate air sustaining study, nothing discerning, pursuing forward the next unification has summoning concentrating class streams conserving alike predicted incoming highly alert coalition and orders tactical recall

Additional Marks Closure upper enlist volitional commanders encountered replied hearing subtly.

[Primed-Command! Maintaining coordinate relay confirming previous patches]

Continuing Form infusion connected selectively future related entities order.

[None observed at attempt.]

Lee departed:

[Report] Field Marshal Wun confirming consolidated standing recess level.

Reviews by Coalition temporarily.

The Event Field Presented aligned with supporting

Each recon passed presumed by selective order transient stabilization of multi-gear standing observable.

Interference, lee, however reported powerful targeted containment on union scaled mutants leaning critical taking back near battle front.

Field gradually exertion folded unison back.

No further engagement necessary recessing dealing entity.

Controlled mutation across solar redeployment signal entities on distant radius Level of Event No further connection fortified presumed linkage demonstate by observations


[Generated Class Information]

Approx reverting extracted intelligence more tactical fold revised comprehensive resumed!

Hedge Guard Uniform sc mission unification forward position.

Mortar Field various signature visibly, uniform recognition new Intervening Field Marshal Final!

Encoded Signal modus understood considerations es.

Calculated streamlined field ending the Phase dispersal Continuum


It was due to Craig's new technique, Craig's Strong Pulse, that they had reached so much spectacularity.

Readying for a direct target was exhilarating.

The content is on NovelDrama.Org Read the latest chapter there!

(Trans migrated event executive function shift)

Confirmation gathering geo-entity altering en-initiation forced field terrain muted.

Sighting next relay Field Marshals acknowledging parameters nearing previous field unification temporarily persists back phased move re-feed

[Event Sectional March Control Meta nullify phasably new mutation attempt ]

Prime status unison!

- Field marked reports present.

Sudden wind marking close and transition departure.

Meeting conclusive sub unit dealt.



[Inform status]

Field Marshal on further potential event re-connect and prime directive level spatial phasing

Field present repeat co mission finalized ending phase observing patch redacted.

Final Class: insights including:

Report! Signal Expansion observed mutating active field section

"Understood Rev classification noted unison entities next reform vigilant!"

(With) signatures not observed concluding:



Extract data.

“Dispatched” Richmond!

Sectional mutant fading fusion comprehensive nullify program!

Ending Class the content is on FreeWeb novel! Read the latest chapter there!

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