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As Sejun prepared to leave for the waypoint, “Chairman Park, we’ll go ahead, meow!” Theo said toSejun while holding the bundle. Piyot and Uren, who had packed their luggage, were already standingbehind Theo. “Huh? Where are you going?” Sejun, who thought they were leaving together, asked.“Puhuhut. That’s right, meow! We’re going to earn some money, meow! I, Vice Chairman Theo…” Theoexplained that he was going with Uren to catch debtors and swindlers who were on Uren’s blacklist.Uren, who needed Theo to collect the money, showed his blacklist to Sejun with a pitiful look. “Wow.You’ve really been ripped off a lot.” Sejun was shocked as he checked the amounts written on theblacklist. Among the 15 names on the blacklist, the amount next to the name at the very bottom was 1trillion tower coins. And when Theo mentioned that they would split the money 50-50… “As expected ofVice Chairman Theo! Great job! That’s right Yes, we should help each other. Go ahead.” Sejun urgedTheo to leave quickly. “Puhuhut. Got it, meow! We’ll be back soon, meow!” “Okay. Have a safe trip.”Theo, excited by Sejun’s praise, rubbed his face vigorously against Sejun’s knee one last time beforeleaving with Piyot, Uren, and the slaves. Except for the skeletons. They were to descend to the 4thfloor of the tower separately. Sejun instructed the crying skeleton gang, who had become slaves, toreceive orders from the King of Farming and gave the King of Farming five Dragon Warrior Helmets toprotect themselves. Clatter. [Then we’ll be going too.] The King of Farming, who had risen from theyoungest of the crying skeleton gang to the highest position of power, led the crying skeleton gang andthe five Dragon Warriors down the tower. As the King of Farming moved, ‘Ah… so it was Sejun nim.’Dragon Tooth Soldiers, Sejun, Kkueng. As the three connected in his mind, the King of Farmingrealized who the skeleton was that led Koto on the path to overthrow the bone caste system. *** 10thTower, 1st Floor. “Alright. It’s finished.” Stella smiled as she completed the voice message orb. Thesurroundings had small hills here and there because Stella had dug around looking for materials tomake the voice message orb. Woong. Stella infused the orb with magic power and recorded her voice.And then, “Transport.” She sent the voice message orb to Sejun. -You could have said it a little moregently··· The administrator of the 10th tower, who had been listening, spoke with concern. Theadministrator was worried that the person who received Stella’s voice message orb and had passed

the trial of the 10th tower might get offended and not come. *** 99th Floor of the Black Tower. On theway to the farm, riding on Toryong. “It’ll be completely dark soon.” Sejun said, looking at the darkeningsky. A little later, -Master, we have arrived. Have a good night. “Yes. Good night to you too, Toryong.”Sejun, who had arrived at the farm, greeted Toryong and Ppyarolong. Kurorong. Arorong. Kkirorong.He put the already sleeping four into bed. And then Sejun lay down on the bed. Gulp. [You haveconsumed Medicinal Mugwort.] [All stats increase by 20.] [Your lifespan increases by 3 months.] [Youhave consumed a bitter-tasting medicine.] [Talent: A Medicine That’s Bitter is Good for Staminaactivates.] [Stamina increases by 9.] “It’s still really bitter as expected…” Sejun fell asleep, ending the384th day after eating Medicinal Mugwort. Snore. As everyone fell into a deep sleep, When the skywas completely dyed black, (Pip-pip!) Paespaes, the nocturnal golden bat clinging to Sejun’s shoulder,started its day. (TL: Paespaes is the name of Golden bat that is being used from this chapterownwards. Paespaes is the sound that the golden bat makes which I have translated as Pip-pip. ) (Pip-pip! Good night, everyone!) Paespaes greeted everyone quietly enough not to disturb the sleepinggroup, (Pip-pip. I’m hungry.) Flap, flap. It quietly flew outside and headed to the kitchen. On the table inthe kitchen, there were fruits that Sejun had prepared for Paespaes to eat. There were elixir cherrytomatoes, grapes, watermelons, and all the other fruits that Sejun was growing. Slurp. Slurp. (Pip-pip!It’s so delicious!) Paespaes filled its belly with fruit juice. It went to the pineapple field where thescreaming pineapple field, cut a pineapple, and pressed down on the pineapple that was about toscream with its wings. (Pip-pip! Success!) Paespaes was doing alone what it couldn’t do with Sejunduring the day because it was sleeping. (Pip… I can only handle it once. As expected, brother Cuengi’sstrength is amazing!) Having made a single screaming pineapple silent once, Paespaes flew to adeserted cave in the east. Paespaes, seemingly familiar with the cave, went in without hesitation andsettled in the center of a large open space. Then, (Pip-pip Storm Fist!) (One-Pip Slash!) (Pip-pip-hoo-!)It started its night workout, using the skills it had learned from its older brothers. (Paespaes Drill Storm!)It practiced the combined skill of Theo and Cuengi, inserting its own name. (One-Pip Fist!) (Pip-pipDestruction Fist!) (Pip Rush!) Paespaes repeatedly used Theo and Cuengi’s new techniques, modifyingthem to fit its body, and then came out of the cave. It seemed the sun was rising, as the sky was getting

a bit brighter. (I’m getting a bit tired.) Paespaes hurried back to the farm, washed its body in thebathhouse, (Pip-pip! Blackie will love this!) As an older brother wanting to prepare a snack for theyoungest, Paespaes placed cherry tomatoes in Fenrir’s secret stash. The cherry tomatoes Fenrir sawyesterday among the carrots and cherry tomatoes weren’t placed there by the Black Rabbit but byPaespaes. There were too many who knew about the so-called secret stash. (Pip-pip. Today wasanother fulfilling day. Time to sleep now.) Paespaes finished its day by clinging to Sejun’s thigh andfalling asleep in stealth mode. *** “Alright!” Sejun woke up and sat up. [During sleep, you have stored10% of your life force.] [The Life Orb is 0.75% complete.] [0.1 magic power has accumulated over 24hours.] [Magic power increased by 0.1.] “Hehehe.” Sejun grinned widely at the message, marked thedate on the wall, and strolled around the farm. At that moment, “Huh? Why is this here?” Sejun said ashe picked up a single screaming pineapple from the ground. “Did I forget about it?” Sejun put thepineapple into the Void Storage and continued walking. “Alright. This spot looks good. Land Moving.”Sejun laid stones on a 5-square meter path frequented by the mushroom ants and created, [LeahRoad] -Leah, the God of Abundance, who will enrich our pockets with the Harvest Elixir. She is a goodgod. He inscribed the benefactor’s achievement on the stone, creating Leah Road. Since it waspostpaid and he hadn’t received the Harvest Elixir yet, he wrote “will enrich” instead of “enriched” toreflect the future. After making Leah Road, Sejun headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.“Someone had a good meal.” Sejun confirmed the fruit remnants on the table and prepared breakfast.Meanwhile, Ppyak. Kueng. “Yes. Good morning.” Black Rabbit, Cuengi, and Ajax exchanged morninggreetings as they woke up, and Kkihiit. Kking?! ‘Heehee. Is my secret stash still there?!’ As soon asFenrir woke up in bed, he excitedly ran towards his secret stash. And then, Kking? ‘Who could it be thistime?’ Fenrir began identifying suspects upon seeing his secret stash filled with cherry tomatoes.However… judging by the fact that they didn’t give a thumbs up even after making eye contact withhim, it didn’t seem like it was the black rabbit’s doing this time. Kking. ‘This place is no longer safe.’Fenrir decided to create a second secret stash. A short while later, “Ajax, have a good trip.” “Yes!Hyung!” Kueng! [Cuengi is going to gather herbs!] Ppyak! [Uncle, I’m going too!] After breakfast, Ajaxheaded to the White Tower, Cuengi went to the western forest, and the Black Rabbit left for thenovelbin

waypoint where the Minotaur King was. And then, Kkihiit. Kking! ‘Heehee. Secret stash number 2 willnever be discovered!’ Leaving Fenrir, who was diligently digging to the right of the Creator God’sTablet, Sejun moved to the largest cornfield on the farm. For reference, Fenrir’s first secret stash wasto the left of the Creator God’s Tablet. “Aileen, can you give me the Fenrir’s 0.5% core fragment?”Arriving at the field, Sejun asked for the fragment of Fenrir’s core that he had got yesterday. Heplanned to test whether the crops that received the great achievement reward after dealing with thelocusts could truly absorb the power of destruction. [The Tower’s Administrator says okay.] WhenAileen responded and the core fragment appeared in Sejun’s palm, he buried it shallowly in the ground.After burying the core fragment, Drip. Drip. Sejun moved to the place where he had planted the thickdarkness cherries and dropped a drop of the Harvest Elixir on the sprouts. Creak. Creak. The cherriesgrew rapidly. Since he had also used , the yield was expected to be high. Sejun then went to the placewhere the sunflower sprouts were growing, “Abundance!” Drinking a mugwort juice potion, he used thepower on all the planted sunflower sprouts and Drip. Drip. He dropped a drop of the Harvest Elixir ontwo of the sprouts. And then, “Abundance!” He used the last remaining drop of the Harvest Elixir on theKidney Bean of Soil Fertility after using the power. Because the brown dragon customer was waiting.After using all the Harvest Elixir, he returned to the cornfield and took out the fragment of Fenrir’s core.[0.4999…9%] How many 9s were there…? Even a rough count showed over 20. The power ofdestruction had been absorbed, but only very minutely. “It does work, but…” The effect was too weak.“But at least the effect has been confirmed.” Sejun decided to bury the piece of Fenrir’s core in theground again and observe it further. Of course, considering how excited Fenrir got over core fragments,Sejun surrounded it with thick stones and buried it deep to prevent Fenrir from taking it out. At thatmoment, Kking! ‘I sensed my core here!’ Thud. Thud. Fenrir, having belatedly sensed the corefragment, came running. But, Kking? ‘Where is it?’ As the crops absorbed the power of destructionfrom the core fragment, it became impossible to pinpoint its exact location. Kking! ‘I’ll find it!’ Of course,Fenrir wasn’t one to give up. But, “Blackie, didn’t I say not to play in the fields!” Fenrir, who was diggingup the field, got caught by Sejun and was forcibly put in the sling bag. Kking! ‘I’ll find it someday!’ Withonly its head sticking out of the sling bag, Fenrir kept staring at the cornfield until Kkirorong. It fell

asleep. This bag is just too comfortable… While Sejun was carrying Fenrir and examining the cropsthat were rapidly growing as they absorbed the Harvest Elixir, [The 10th Tower’s assistant, the greatsilver dragon Stella Hisron, has sent you a Voice Message Orb.] [To receive the voice message orb, 1million tower coins are required.] [Do you wish to receive the voice message orb?] A messageappeared. “Yes, I’ll receive it.” There was no reason not to receive it since delivering it to Crisella wouldyield a 10,000-fold profit. [1 million tower coins have been paid.] [You have acquired the voice messageorb.] “Aileen, please deliver this to Crisella nim when she comes.” Sejun immediately handed thereceived orb to Aileen. [The Tower’s Administrator asks if you don’t need to listen to it.] “Yes, I won’tlisten.” It was obvious that it would be Stella angrily asking why he hadn’t come to the 10th towerquickly. This way, he could avoid hearing Stella’s wrath-filled voice. Sejun had made a very wisedecision. *** Underground of the Tower’s land. [Oh?! This works?] Flamie marveled as it absorbed thered mist through its roots. Sejun’s great achievement was producing this effect. Since Flamie was alsoa crop nurtured by Sejun, it could absorb a very minute amount of the power of destruction. However,the scale of the “very minute amount” that Flamie absorbed was different. [Great! Now I can go to otherplaces too!] Flamie began to extend its roots into areas it couldn’t reach before because of the red mistof destruction. *****

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