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Chapter 64

"It's too late now.Patrick and I will send you home first" Kirstine said and clutched Sophia's handstightly.

"There is still public transport available.You don't have to.You should return home immediately andwrap your foot with a towel and ice to reduce swelling.Otherwise, you will be unable to walk tomorrow"Sophia insisted.

Kirstine still disagreed, but Patrick uttered, "It's not a big deal.She is not a child.Let's go."

Then, Patrick walked around the car to move back to the driver's seat after closing the door.

In a matter of seconds, the car vanished from Sophia's sight.

Sophia looked in the direction where the car had vanished and finally let out the deep breath she hadbeen holding.Sophia had a difficult day.She had been tormented by the events a lot.

It was nearly ten o'clock when she got off the bus.

After getting off the bus, Sophia noticed that the pharmacy at the community's entrance had not yetclosed, so she dashed in to buy some medicines and pieces of gauze.

She subconsciously looked for some aid because she fell to the ground due to the strong force earlier.

However, she didn't anticipate that her wrist would take a toll and receive the damage from theaccident.

She thought she had sprained her wrist.It was painful and swollen, but it would hurt worse and get evenmore swollen in the morning.

Sophia went into a small supermarket that had not yet closed after leaving the pharmacy.

She bought some snacks that Fiona and Emma liked and walked to her apartment's entrance withsatisfaction.

When she got home, Emma had already fallen asleep.

Fiona was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching TV.It seemed that she had just woken up.Itwas evident because her hair was a little messy.

"I knew it! Sophia is the best.I know you're going to bring me some delicious food" Fiona excitedlymuttered.

"Don't tell me you stayed up all night and didn't sleep to wait for me to buy snacks? Eating at night willmake you fat"

Sophia retorted with a warning.

"It doesn't matter.I won't get fat no matter how much I eat” Fiona said as she opened a bag of potatochips.

Sophia raised her eyebrows, but she knew that Fiona was telling the truth.

Fiona indeed had a body that couldn't absorb fat easily.She had a fast metabolism.

Sophia went to bed early after she washed up.She took the medicine and wrapped the gauze on herwrist.

Sophia closed her eyes.She felt so tired today and wanted to sleep early.

The next Monday morning, Frostford City had good weather, which was rare.

The sky was blue and clear as if an endless sea.

The pine trees in the neighborhood looked vibrant under the sunlight.The bright sunlight shone throughthe gaps between the thick leaves, forming pillars of light.

Since the weather was good, people around Frostford City would also have a better mood.Sophiaarrived at her office building.

When she got out of the bus, she passed by Patrick's car.

As usual, he took rigorous care of himself from head to toe.

Patrick looked fine in the morning.

Sophia took the employee elevator to the top floor and didn't expect to meet him coming from theexclusive elevator.

Of course, he was followed by a crowd that kept coming and going.

Like her other colleagues, whom she ran into, Sophia stood aside and avoided them.She patientlywaited for them to walk over first.

When they arrived at the General Manager Office, Jenelyn was already there, holding a businessmagazine in her hand.

It was the photo that Sophia had saw on the screen at the department store entrance.

"Tell me, how can President Evans be so handsome? He's too handsome, right? Sophia, I'll tell you thetruth.If I can sleep with that kind of man in this life, I can die right now.I'll immediately feel like my life isworth it.I'll have no regrets"

Sophia glanced at the magazine in her hand and asked, "Don't you have a boyfriend?"

Jenelyn's smile instantly froze.

"Don't bring it up.We broke up” she quickly answered.

Sophia was right.She had anticipated it before, but she didn't expect to see Jennelyn move onquickly.She worked in her usual mood and condition in just a few days.

"In the future, I will be a fine single woman living her life.I won't have any commitments for now.In short,I am free.I can sleep as late as I want to, and if I like to do something or anything, I can do it withoutsomeone stopping me.I'll travel a lot and go shopping at my will.Finally, I won't feel guilty aboutappreciating and staring at good-looking men's faces"

Maybe it was because the weather was nice, or Jenelyn had immediately recovered from a breakupthat Sophia felt unusually warm and good this morning.

Sophia smiled and leaned back in her chair.She turned her computer on while Jenelyn didn't return toher seat.

Instead, she continued to inspect and hold the magazine in her hands.

"There is nothing special in the photo.Do you have to look at it so seriously?"

Sophia couldn't help but tease Jenelyn because she still held the magazine.

Jenelyn answered, "You don't know.If I don't appreciate and enjoy his handsome face, I'm afraid I won'thave a chance later on"

Sophia looked confused, so Jennelyn explained, "After all, he already has a fiancee.If one dayPresident Evans suddenly feels that the time has arrived to announce a marriage, then I won't have achance to keep doing this."

When she finished talking, Jenelyn lowered her head to Sophia's ear and teasingly said, "You knowwhat, they say that the more perfect a man is, the smaller the size he got in that area.Do you think

President Evans is like that?"

Sophia was taken aback when Jenelyn suddenly said this, and she looked flushed from her ears to herneck when she thought of Patrick's you-know-what.She pushed Jenelyn away.

This was a sensitive and taboo subject.

How could a female employee think of something like this about her boss? Sophia's day began withthis embarrassing kind of situation.She wouldn't forget about it.

At lunchtime, the meal ordered by the general manager had arrived.

Usually, Jenelyn, Theresa, and Meredith would decide who would be the lucky woman to give Patrick'slunch by who would win a game.

However, the three suddenly lost interest today, so the task fell to Sophia.

Sophia thought that Patrick scolded someone in the other department, which caused the three of themto be like this! Sophia couldn't do anything about it.

So, she walked into his office and knocked on his door a few times.

Without hearing him say, "Please come in" the door directly opened from inside.

She saw Patrick, who was having one of his hands in his pocket and the other on the phone.

He was talking with someone, and his voice was low.

When he saw Sophia, he opened the door and walked over to the window.

Outside the window, the sunlight was warm and natural.

When its light fell onto his body, it softened his physique and made him look angelic.

Patrick looked so handsome as he was clad in fashionable clothing.It was a pure black Italianhandmade suit.

The design and the quality were not only excellent, but it was also perfectly tailored, intricate,innovative, and thorough.novelbin

In front of the suit's decorative pocket was a folded white handkerchief.

This showed the pocket's level with consistent straight tailoring, which was about a centimeter long.

Inside his suit was a white shirt, and along the collar of the shirt was an elegant tie.

This made Patrick look more classy and captivating.

Sophia somehow heard a faint female voice when he was talking over the phone.

The woman had a soft and thin voice.She didn't know what the woman was saying on the other end,but Patrick's voice seemed not fine.

He was a bit upset, but he was suppressing his temper and uttered, "I'll think about it carefully.Iknow...After all, marriage is an important matter"

Seconds followed soon after that.

It seemed like they reached an understanding, which made Patrick say, "Okay, I will"

That was what Sophia thought, but they kept talking and Sophia heard him murmur, "Hm."

After some time, Patrick ended their conversation with an, "Okay: Meanwhile, Sophia placed the foodon a large pear wood table.

The smell of mint on his body became more noticeable as she got closer.

Patrick's back was broad, but some sunlight shone through his shoulder.The light was too bright andblinding.

Sophia didn't stretch out her fingers to block the sunlight until the corner of her eyes was affected.

However, the sunlight still shone through the gaps between her fingers.She found Patrick's voice deepand pleasant, especially when he uttered, "After all, marriage is an important matter."

‘Marriage? Is he going to get married?’ Sophia thought to herself.

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