Sinful Love

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8 months later...

A white jeep is cruising leisurely, bumping through a dirt road, lined both sides by thick forest. A fewhuman workers and a heavy auger machine hustling at the starting point of the road. Orion's eyeinspected the poles and wires lied in roles by the roadside. A lot has changed since the last time hehad been to Mountain Manuka. A bumpy ride towards the mountain valley is now smoother, thanks toSelena who had initiated the idea of clearing trees and making a leveled dirt road so that packmembers could travel faster in and out of the mountain. It has also opened the gate to civilizeddevelopment, beginning with electricity supply. Soon, telephone lines and the internet would also beinstalled. This is the second time Orion riding into Mountain Manuka. He arrived at the brick house andthe first thing he sees is Selena's friend and her brother, Aaron.

This is the second time they have gathered at the Mountain Manuka. Orion came exactly 12days afterSelena had left him in charge of Samrat Kingdom, for their wedding, a day before the full moon. Zadenhad decided to get legally wed, since he wants all his properties and funds to be accessible to Selena,just in case something happens to him. Challenging Epsilon had really opened his eyes in more thanone way.

A simple wedding by Lake Khalifa, where most of their lovable memories took place, where Selenaconceived their baby. Grasses were trimmed short on that day. A line of wooden handrails installed, allthe way from a series of white wooden dividers, forming a compartment for the bride till the end of LakeKhalifa, where a flower arch, entwined with white roses from end to end. A chiffon silhouette fringed thefloral arch, extending down to the handrail, curving their way to the bride's compartment at the end.Wooden benches lined in a perfect manner on both sides of the handrail, followed by a line of lanternson one side and blocks of candles next to the aisle, providing subtle flicker of light on the sunsetevening. It also kept Makeala edgy with continuous worry that something is going to set on fire. In themid of the handrail, as aisle, planks of woods lined up for the convenience of the bride, drizzled with

white rose petals. The horizon was especially beautiful, with orangy yellow ombre painted across thehorizon of mountain peaks, spreading serenity down the hill, across the water body to the gatheredwerewolves and humans. Zaden had trimmed his beard a little bit closer than usual, his mustacheslimmer than usual. He couldn't bring himself to a clean shave as it may look weird. He stood there bythe floral arch, in a fresh, crisp slim-cut tuxedo, black coat with white inners shirt, completed with a bow,looking exceptionally dashing. He kept glancing at his Tag Heuer wristwatch, face filled with tensioneven though the bride is not late.

“Relax man...” Orion nudged him from the sides. His best man isn't looking bad himself. Zaden glaredat him

“I did all the arrangements. Do you think she would like it?” He asked low at Orion.

“I think she would be more focused on you rather than the decorations, Zaden” Orion raised hiseyebrows.

“Just don't get cold feet, because if you don't marry her, there is a lot of man here who would” Xavierfrom between Zaden and Orion, earning a kick on his foot from Orion. He pursed his lips tight torestrain his screaming pain.

“What??? Are you planning to hi-jack her or something?” Zaden asked him with a frown and he startedstammering when the guitar strung a sweet tune, Let Her Go by Passenger, chosen by Grandpa Kaiafter much debate. Everyone's attention panned to the entryway. There she stood. A white lacewedding dress with a plunging A-neckline that stops at her mid-chest and the bottom extends all theway down in a slim cut. A skin-toned fabric lined the back of white lace flowers, making them popagainst her skin. Another layer of white chiffon flare skirt with a delicate lace belt hangs from her waistdown into a long trail behind her. The whole dress fits her perfectly as it hangs by a strap on hershoulders. Her hair hasn't changed much, just the curls are more prominent, bouncy and with a sidepartition. Strands from her hairline rolled to join at her the back of her head and a few baby breath

tastefully decorates those rolls. A simple rose gold eyeshadow making her grey eye seemed rounderand popped. Her lips with light pink matte lipstick and blushing peach blush. A gentle smile and a pairof twinkling eyes complete the look. Holding a bouquet of white roses and baby breath in one hand andher other hand grasping tights on her father's arms, as if her life depends on it. She is obviouslytensed, indicated by the notch on her throat and trembling breath. She walked down the path.

“There is my angel” Zaden mumbled to himself but Orion, Sitka and Xavier heard him too. His eyeswidened slightly, frozen at her. His heart skipped a beat when he first laid his eyes on his bride. A softsmile on his lips, like a twitch and twinkle in his eyes indicates how amused he is. A priceless reactionthat can never be erased from memory and Selena didn't waste an ounce of it, observing his everysingle gesture. She finally came to the end of her journey and Leonardo let her hand go, leaned downto kiss his daughter's forehead before handing her hands to Zaden.

“Yours to love, Alpha Zaden...” he said and when Zaden took her hand, he stepped to the side withglistening eyes. Zaden was sure he felt a tremble from her fingers. He reached her knuckles with histhumb and caressed them gently and she bit her lower lips before letting a heart-stealing smile. Orionbit his lips hard, exerting self-control as he turned his head away from them.

Makeala rushed to Selena and took her bouquet away, so that she is free to take both of her man'shands. Zaden sighed out slowly

“You...are...breathtaking...” she flushed as goosebumps erupt from her tailbone to her neck.

“Are you ready?” the ministry asked low and they nodded. With that, he proceeded with the formalitiesand they said their vows and accepted each other as husband and wife. A drop of tear rolled down thecorner of her eye after she said ‘I do’. Zaden tilted his head and brushed off the teardrop with histhumb. He then held her chin as gingerly as possible. With a gentle smile, he leaned forward andplaced a brief kiss on her lips, sending the crowd to awe. Selena chuckled at the end of the kiss, Zadenfollowed. Leonardo, Aaron, Mother Ruth and Grandpa Kai are all wiping their tears with a tissue and

sniffling their running noses. Orion reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet box as didMakeala. Makeala opened the box first revealing a simple gold ring. Selena slides it on his ring fingerand when he looked up, the intensity in his eyes shook her to core. Orion then opened Zaden's box.Selena's smile faded as her eye widened a little. A square, radiant cut diamond, at least 22 carats, witha pair of amethyst on either side and smaller diamonds at the sides of the purple Amethyst, in analmost invisible gold ring base.

“Do you like it?” Zaden whispered to Selena and she rolled her eye. What a stupid question at theirwedding aisle. What will he do if she says she doesn't like it? Run to the city and buy another one?Wait, he might.

“I love it...” he took the ring with a deep inhale and exhales before sliding it on her finger. He looked at itone more time.

“Perfect for my Queen” and she chuckled. He held her hand and pulled it forward, another hand snakedto her lower back, embracing her to him in a swift. He freed his grip on her hand and entangled her hairfrom the nape of her neck, before smashing his lips to her, inhaling deeply as if this is the first time theirkissing. He has been itching to kiss her ever since she showed up down the aisle. Thousands ofbutterflies invade their inner spirit, weakening them for each other. She couldn't ask for a more perfectwedding, in her context that is. The crowd wooed even louder for them. Right at the end of the kiss,when Selena slowly opened her eye, she-wolfs around the place opened the lantern lined up all aroundthe venue and outbursts fireflies, like millions of them. Selena saw those lanterns out of the corner ofher eye and thought those are lit by candles. Her mouth is slightly ajar as she gasped and her eyewidens. The whole crowd gasped and murmured. A magical outburst of stars on earth, making theevent seem surreal. When the fireflies had flown away, she looked down at Zaden. He shook his headand nudged at Orion. Orion smiled gently

“My wedding gift to our little Bambi...” Selena hugged him by his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.At least she loves him this much which was comforting enough for him.

“Thank you...” Selena said

“And a load of ice cream waiting in the house” he whispered to her ears, making Selena grin evenwider.

That night, Zaden and Selena spent the most wonderful time in bed-soft, gentle and loving. She iscompletely worn out and laid tucked in his bed, in his room, under his black silk duvet pulled just rightabove her chest, still exposing her cleavage to him. Zaden laid next to her on his side, the duvet covertill just below his navel. An elbow had him hoisted up, hovering at Selena's side and the hand at theend of that elbow, fiddling with her hair. His other hand free, squeezing her hand, placing a kiss onthem every now and then. His eyes gazed deep into Selena's, who God knows how long. Selenachuckles

“What are you looking at?” she asked low between her fragile state

“Nothing... you know how beautiful you were today, Mrs. Black?” he said and Selena chuckled evenmore

“I do Mr. Black, I saw it in your eyes...” Zaden chuckled and leaned for another kiss.

The following night, Zaden and Selena ran to Lake Khalifa again, for their marking. It is supposed to bein front of the whole pack but Zaden refused to. He doesn't want to be distracted by anything, he wantsto have every drop of her for himself. She was wearing a simple peach, knee-length, strapped dresswith a little gold ribbon at her waist. Zaden was wearing a grey v-neck T-shirt and blue jeans.

“Who does shopping for you?” he asked and Selena bite her lips


“Well, she knows what suits you...” Selena smiled and pulled him down by his neck and they had ashort clip of passionate kissing. Zaden broke away with panting breath

“Are you ready?” he asked and she swallowed her saliva, before shaking her head with timid eye

“You scared?” she nodded frantically like a small girl

Zaden looked around, licking his lip and thinking for a second. The moon shining high in the dark sky

“Ok, maybe not now” he said

“Really?” Selena asked in disbelief and he nodded before kissing her neck down to her chest and toher breast. Before they realize what is going on, they were naked on the riverbank. Zaden wasexploring her in and out, playing in multiple areas at the same time, pushing her high into pleasure, thelevel she had never reached in the past month. His tongue swirled around her nipple while his otherhand caressed her knub, making her arch her back. She was dripping wet when Zaden couldn't take itanymore and he shuffled in front of her and thrust slowly into her, earning a lip-biting moan from her.Zaden continued slowly leaning forward, burying his nose in her neck, inhaling his favorite scent in thewhole world. Each thrust initiates a set of sparks between them, a perfect mixture of pain and pleasure,just like how it was at their first time. Selena's breath hiked and her leg muscle trembling, as a swirl oftornado built up at the bottom of her stomach.

“Don't, hold it...” Zaden said and she has no idea how to hold it in. In an attempt, she clenched her buttmuscles and it stopped the outburst but increased her suffering as her vaginal muscles narrowed also.Zaden let out a loud groan

“Arghhh...fuck...” he placed both his hands next to her head, pushing himself to hover on top of her. Hiseyes gazing straight into hers as his movement increased in speed. There was something other thanpleasure in it, wary? Care? Tenderness? A frown as his mouth opened a bit, restraining his animal

instinct. He pushed his hands off ground, his thumb running over her knub. A newfound pleasure madeevery single muscle in her body tremble and clench. She squirmed even forcefully and she fisted thedirt next to her

“ZADEN...” she let out a screaming moan.

“Yes baby...scream my name...” and she let out a few more screams before biting the back of her handwith squeeze shut her eye. Zaden grabbed her hand and threw it away before entering two of hisfingers into her mouth. She sucked hard on his fingers, trying her best to hold her orgasm. Zaden threwhis head back with a hiss as his breathing is failing to support him. A few seconds before he was close,he fell front, to her neck

“Cum for me, Alpha Selena” he knows the magic word and she let herself free, releasing a fountain oforgasm onto Zaden. At the same time, she was about to cum, Zaden extended his fang and let thempierce through her neck, right at the curves where his leather chain is resting now. She screamed at thetop of her voice. It felt like 10 orgasms stirring within her at once, a bliss of magic engulfing her. A brightlight blinded their vision. The flash blipped away and there stood the man in her dreams, her dreamcrush, so to speak. White shirt and blue jeans in the midst of a rose garden. He casually turned aroundwith a slight smile on his lips. Bronzy chocolate eye, black hair and trimmed facial hair. It was Zaden,stretching his arms to take hers. Selena, bewitched, took his hand. Her soul latching onto his soul atthat very second, swirling beatitude around her, as if she is in her own personal paradise. The pain wasalso there but greatly masked by her glee. She bites on his fingers unintentionally and he endured it, sothat she won't feel the pain in her neck. His heart raised 100 times faster at the touch of her soul. Hefelt the same as Selena only he has to maintain his foot on earth while she let go, freeing her soul. Heheld a few more seconds, just to make sure he had completed the marking and released her neck. Herbreathing calmed down immediately. Zaden kissed her marking wound before lapping it, sealing thepierced skin. Selena let go of his finger in her mouth and Zaden dropped next to her. His whole body istrembling and sweating profusely. His breath is storming as he laid there closing his eye. Selena

managed to gather herself after much effort and she looked at Zaden. He looks like he just had a heartattack. Selena is not familiar with werewolf rituals but when she turned to look at him, an instinct struckher. His exposed neck is attracting her like a magnet. Her fangs came out without any effort from her.She couldn't fight it, her lips felt dry. Giving up fighting, she leaned to her side. Her breast touching hischest, one of her hands over his shoulder and she kissed below his earlobes. She tilted her headslightly, letting her fang pierce through his skin.

“SELENA NO!!!” Zaden screamed and groaned. He wasn't ready for another round of overwhelmingpleasure but she has already penetrated him. His body trembled, he struggled to get a grip. He wasafraid he would accidentally push her or hit her. He grabbed his own hair. Selena let go of him andmimicked his action earlier, licking the wound and blow gently on the wound. She observed inamusement at how fast the wound closed itself. She looked up, Zaden eye gold and he is sweating likecrazy. She wiped his sweat with her hands. He grabbed her hand and slowly opened his eye to look atSelena. He observed her face for a minute.

“Damn... Selena, that was...” he could formulate words as his breathing stopped him. Selena places afinger over his lips.

“Shu...I know how it was, I was there too, remember...” she is also panting and sweating. Zadenchuckled and looked down at her neck. 2 red dots, that would soon turn black on her flawless skin. Hetouched that mark and a sudden zap felt on her spine. She closed her eyes savoring the feeling. Zadenchuckled at her. They laid there with Selena on his chest till late at night.

“I thought you said not today?” her fingers circled his arms.

“No...I said MAYBE not today... it's not my fault you miss interpreted.” He looked down at her and shescowled at him.

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