Sinful Love

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Selena woke up past lunchtime and Zaden wasn't there next to her. She staggered out of bed andwalked out, rubbing her eyes to the living room. Maximus was there, with Zaden. They stopped theirintense discussion once they saw Selena. She walked straight to them with a smile. There were sometake-out boxes on the coffee table and her tummy growled involuntarily at the sight of food. Zadenguided her to sit on the couch before grabbing a box of fried rice, stuck a spoon into it, and gave it toSelena. She took it with a smile, before offering lunch to Maximus and he refused politely. She dug intoher box and soon got through it as she was really hungry.

“So, what's next in your plan?” Maximus asked Selena. His red, curly hair set a hue of sun-kissed glowon his olive skin. His hazel eye is not waiting with expectation for Selena.

“What?” Selena panned her head to Zaden, who has now leaned back on the couch, arms stretchedwide on the headrest.

“He is referring to your plan for the pack. Not what is your plan for dinner...” his sarcasm earned an eyeroll from Selena

“Why am I planning anything for the pack? Aren't we suppose to go back to Manuka today?” shedirected the question to Zaden but Maximus came forward to answer

“Oh no, honey. You are the alpha of this pack” Maximus said with a smile and Selena zapped up tostand. Such an issue never came across her mind.

“WHAT???” that came out louder than she intended. Her eye widened and her jaw is probablysomewhere next to her feet. Zaden and Maximus didn't flinch as they expected such a reaction fromher. They stood up casually.

“You are the new Samrat's alpha, Selena...Queen Selena that is” Zaden hugged her waist, pulling hercloser to him in a thud from behind.

“No no no...I am not an alpha material. Maximus, you can take over the pack, right?” she asked, tryingdesperately to outrun the situation

“Yes, but I refuse to” he crossed his arms over his chest

“Why not? See, being alpha comes with its own perk. Let me explain to you” that is Selena,brainwashing Maximus to take over the alpha position

“Na ah, nothing doing. You are the alpha” Maximus replied with a chuckle

“But I have the right to refuse to. Besides, from what I recall, you are fused packed. Meaning you haveother alphas in the island, correct?” she seemed proud of herself for coming up with that line. Orion,Makeala, Sitka, and Xavier walked into the house and straight to Selena.novelbin

“Number 1, you can't refuse the alpha title because you have just inherited that the moment Ozraindied. It is not a choice, like for me, it is who you are, born alpha. Number 2, you are right we have 11alphas on the island but you can't simply pick one to be your replacement. Then the others will rise tochallenge each other, compete, die and the one who survives will be the next alpha. In other words, 10families will lose their heads and 1 will become alpha in your place. Is that what you want?” Maximushas done speaking and Selena stood there dumbfound, eyes still wide as her mouth too.

“What happens to you then? You would leave me alone here, after all that drama in there?” she askedZaden

“I won't leave you, baby girl. But I will have to go and convince my pack to come here. That's all I havethought out for now. The rest depends...” He said

“This should be interesting,” Xavier said as they all plopped on the couch. Selena slapped her thighswith her palm before she turned to look at Zaden. Zaden shrugged his shoulders, innocently. She thenturned away from him, annoyed, and started pacing around. Her blood pressure is rising, one hand

clutches her waist and another up to her lips, biting nails. She took quite a long time, mumbling stuffunder her breath every now and then. If she stays, Zaden would probably try to shift the whole packhere. Which is better for them since they have access to technology and quality education here. Butthen, their effort to build a civilization back in the mountain will be washed away. With no alpha there,the poachers and rogues will roam freely in the mountains, practically molesting the natural beauty andwealth of that place. What should she do? Which way is the best? Civilization or nature? She rackedher brain in every single possible point of view.

Her black chiffon blouse is sitting right above her crotch and 2 buttons from her top are undone. A longblack leather strap with turquoise locket and dangling feather ending at her mid-chest and visiblethrough the chiffon material. Another latest addition, a short gold chain with a heart hiatus locket,inherited from Ozrain visible from the opened button. A rose-gold bulky lady's wristwatch lingeringaround her chin since her index finger is busy feeding nails to her teeth. Her unruly black hair withsilver stripe swept to one side. Her skin has started to glow from the sun or pregnancy hormone, he isnot sure, radiating sophisticated badass girl vibe but the reality known by her close ones is that she isharmless and innocent as a butterfly can be. Not to mention those enchanting eyes. Her scent hasdefinitely heightened, sending erotic waves to Zaden, calling him to her embrace. Her curves areprominent, indulging Zaden in his dirty imaginations. She simply looks delicious even in a plain shirtand jeans. Zaden took this opportunity to eye fuck her, from top to bottom. A flush of heat surged fromhis neck, as he bit his lips and his eyes darkened with lust. A bump on his rib made him return toreality. It was Sitka, sitting next to him.

“Can you be a bit modest? Some of us are unmated!!!” he said low and Zaden straightened himself.

After so long, Makeala stood up and went to the kitchen, making coffee for all of them and prune juicefor Selena. She thought she might want something easy to swallow under such pressuredcircumstances, hence skipped the fruit form. She came back with a tray and placed it on the coffeetable, took the glass of juice and hand it to Selena.

“Here, prune juice. I added a lot of honey to it, to make it better tasting.” Makeala said and Selenastiffened, straightening her hands next to her thighs. Zaden stiffened too since he was there whenOzrain drank up her last poisoned prune juice. He hasn't really got any time to share with the packdetails about what happened the night before. All they know is that Ozrain drank a poisoned juiceintended for Selena, they didn't know it was prune juice and if they had known, Makeala probablywouldn't have made one today. Selena took the glass and stared at it. The image of Ozrain's lastlaughter flashed in her mind. Subconsciously, a tear rolled down her cheeks. Zaden stood up andwalked slowly to Selena. He stretched his hand to grab the glass but Selena quickly drank it, notstopping anywhere in the mid. Her eyes squeezed shut, trying to tolerate the taste. She stared at theempty glass when she was done.

“Who the hell associated prune and pregnancy? Let the fucker rot in hell” she said and a sad smilecurved on her lips. More and more tears flowed down. Zaden closed the gap between them, grabbedher head with one hand, and pulled her into his embrace, resting her head in his chest. His other handis wrapped around her shoulder. She practically disappeared in his embrace while her hands fisted onZaden's shirt near his ribs. Orion stood up and followed by others. He walked to stand behind Selenaas he rubbed his palm on her back. Makeala looked at Zaden, quizzical. Zaden sighed out

“Ozrain drank a glass of poisoned PRUNE juice, that was made for Selena because she can't stand thetaste” Zaden explained and Makeala gasped in realization and bit her lips.

“Sweety, I'm sorry. I didn't know” she rubbed Selena's arm. Selena retracted herself from Zaden, wipingher tears dry.

“It's fine, you didn't know...” she swallowed her saliva

“I have lost 2 of my loved ones because they tried to take my place...My spot seems to be fatal...” shelooked sharp at Maximus

“Assemble all the alphas in the island in an hour. I need to talk to them” a wide grin carved Maximus'sface as he nodded in relief. He walked away, out of the cabin. Somewhere in the depth of his heart, heknew she is going to be a great alpha, considering how she insisted on staying in the cabin when shehas a luxurious mansion just a few meters away and her love for Ozrain.

Back in the cabin, Zaden tilted her head up with his hand still on the back of her head. He laid a gentlekiss on her lips. His eye is filled with concern.

“Are you ok, baby girl...” he asked and she smiled gently at him

“Why wouldn't I? I have you, don't I?” she winked with both her eyes. The lust that had subsided justnow is back, raging storms within him. He paused for a moment, before smashing his lips with hers. Abreathy moan escaped his mouth. All the others next to them stirred uncomfortably, especially Orion,embarrassed by the public display of love. Selena tried to push away but he pushed her deeper into hislips. He doesn't care who is looking and who is not at this point, he is failing to control himself. Hewalked forward, not letting go of her lips, forcing her to steps back in sync with him. They ended upwalking straight into the room, turning left at the door. Just before closing the door, Zaden peeped out

“Makeala, no eavesdropping” he warned her and closed the door.

Behind the cabin doors, things heated up pretty quickly. The public display of love has now become aprivate assault as he proceeds to roughly bite her lips and neck. His fingers are busy undoing her jeansbutton.

“Zaden...stop...” she had to grab hold of his biceps to steady herself from his attack.

“Oh no baby, you don't have that privilege today” that is a sure sign he is not stopping. His breathing isdeep and quick. He spanned her around and both of her palms landed on the wall with a thud. Orion'seyes outside the room snapped up. This is just a bit too much for him to handle. The girl that he loved

and still has feelings for is having sex with another man who is nothing less than him, in the room rightnext to him. He sprang up from the couch and walked out of the cabin.

Zaden lowered her jeans, revealing a black laced panty. He kneeled down in a hurry. Sliding his fingersin the waistband, he lowered down the panties before gently biting her butt cheeks. Selena hissed athis action. He came up again, biting her shoulder and she threw her head behind, on to his shoulder

“I know you are upset, let me remedy that...” a finger slide down her but into her body from those softlips between her legs. She let out a yelp, squirming as he moved his finger in and out.

“I need you, baby... I need you badly...” he whispered to her ears, his warm breath heating her neck.She moaned deliciously. His manhood sprang up in an instant

“Oh shit...Selena...” he groaned at the sensation. He spun her back to front, cupping her neck with onehand while his thumb is tilted her head up. He gave a very rough kiss to her, pulling her lips betweenhis teeth. He accidentally breaks her skin, making it bleed a little. She snapped her head to the side,covering her mouth with the back of her hand, letting out a hiss. Zaden bit his lips and his nose flaredas if he is restraining his anger. He slipped his finger into her body, once again from the front. She letout another yelp. Her hands trembling as she fumbled to grab hold of Zaden's shoulder. She is wet as ifan internal switch flicked on at Zaden's touch. He moved his hand faster than before, making her gaspand exhale rapidly. She doesn't want to scream, considering the pack member outside the door. She bither lips hard, ignoring the pain at her lip's corner, inflicted by Zaden just a few seconds ago. After asequence of deep thrusting, Zaden leaned closer to her ears

“Cum for me...Alpha Selena...” his throat is dry, resulting in a gravelly low voice. An alpha fuckinganother alpha. The thought made her rise to the edge and she screamed his name. A burst of herfemininity dripped down his hand.

“Good girl...” Zaden whispered again before kissing her violently again. He stepped his feet on top ofher panties and jeans, which have gathered at her feet, carried her in bridal style, swiftly removing thepants from her feet.

He walked to the bed and Selena had her hand wrapped around his neck. She is anxious as if this isthe first time being with him. It is definitely not their first, but this is the first time she is seeing him thisrough, this much dominating. He gently placed her on the bed edge, not forgetting that she is pregnant.She laid on the bed with her feet hanging down the edge.

“Shirts off” he demanded while he himself swiftly removed his black V-neck t-shirt and threw themaway. Selena slowly opened her button one by one, finishing just in time for Zaden to have removed hisbelt and undo his jeans to the ground. She is laid on the bed with a back spaghetti strap. Zaden benddown to place a hand next to her head and another grabbing her thighs, he is going to thrust into her.Something bad snapped within her. She pushed him away by his shoulder. Zaden stood straight inconfusion. She had just pushed herself to sit, stretching her body most sensually before rolling herneck. Bingo!!!

Zaden smirked. She opened her eyes and looked up. Her eyes are black. Oh, how he misses this formof her. He raised his hand to grab her head but she pushed it away. Eager to taste his erect manhoodstruck her out of nowhere. She leaned forward, taking him into her mouth, little by little, deeper anddeeper by second.

“Argh...Selena...” he groaned with a heavy breath. She moved faster, slurping his full length in and out.A deep moan escaped his lips. He slides his hands into her hair, grabbing a fist as she moved fasterand faster.

“Baby... stop...” he sensed his climax and wanted her to stop but no, she is not stopping

“Baby...please stop...” she pulled out but it was too late that he released on her face. His thick, whiteseed dripped from her cheeks, down to her throat. Zaden breathing is frantic as he watched Selenataking off her spaghetti strap camisole to wipe off her face and throat. She is wearing a black lace brato match her panties. She then pulled his hand as she flattened on the bed. Zaden struggled to avoidcrushing on top of her and finally was able to hover on top of her. She stretched her hand down, gentlystroking his manliness, making it roar in fierce within a few seconds. Zaden smiled at her, not lovingly,more like the ‘you are dead’ sort of smile. He thrust her without mercy, making her scream and moanuncontrollably. By this time, the whole house decides to take a walk, anywhere but this cabin. Selenafisted the sheet when he had turned her around, to thrust from the back. It took so long for him to comeundone, that Selena had came thrice and her voice has turned into low and gravelly, unrecognizableeven by her. He was finally done and laid next to her, not touching. Their breathing is ragged. Sheclosed her eyes and dropped her head to the side. Her skin flushed pink. He admired her naked body,every inch of it. He then laid a kiss on her forehead and she smiled between her heavybreathing.

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