Sinful Love

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Zaden and Orion looked down besides them. The sparkle in the air tend to get attracted to Selena,adhering to her silver fur, creating a magical mixture of gold and silver. A vortex swirled within Selena,apowerful aura radiating from it. She tried to hold herself but as if no option is given, she got sucked intoit, losing herself as Elisa Mitkoi surfaced. Zaden and Orion stepped back from her when they felt she isno more wobbly. Her head is still hung down but her feet seemed to have steadied itself. The silver wolfis now having a sheen of gold on her fur. A sneer carved her lips as her fang retreated further out. Herhead slowly tilted up revealing the completely black eye, no white ball is visible. Pitch black as theeclipse night, hiding more secrets than one could ever have thought. Selena is seeing the everythingfrom Elisa's point of view,somewhere from the back of her mind. Maximus, who has shifted to humanform and now wearing a pair of sweatpants, ran to Zaden and handed over some clothing. They shiftedand put on some sweatpants as well. Selena refused to shift back, confusing the others. Epsilon hasalso shifted back to his human form and naked, which didn't budge Selena, even an inch. She slowlypaced round and round him, in a circle, around the dried tree while Maximus is now tying Epsilon to thedried tree.

‘ You remember this spot?’ a sweet but deep voice came into their mind-link and Epsilon let out achuckle in between his suffering.

“Yes” he said out loud. His eyes than snapped at Ozrain, a smirk between his bleeding mouthappeared

“This is where we tied up Elisa” he said in an devilish, low tone. Ozrain felt a choke in his throat. Blooddrained out of his head. The spot wasn't that far from his territory, yet he was incapable of saving her,looking for her miles away, till the forest hut. He stumbled back a few steps when Zaden caught hisarms.

‘How did you know about me?’ Elisa's sweet voice came again

“We followed Ozrain one night, to your secret forest hut” he said, breathing heavy. He has difficultyholding up, his eye hooded.

‘Why do you need to kill me? Why do you need to kill my innocent child?’ Selena, again.

“Because...I loved Aira... my only love. I will do anything to keep her happy, just like Zaden would doanything to keep you happy. The birth of your child means Aira won't have a child with Ozrain, sinceSamrat's always gifted with one child. She wanted that so badly, hence I gave her that. Is it fair for herto yearn for a child from her mate? What have she done to deserve this? With you gone, she may fulfillher wish but my calculation went wrong. I didn't know you had another baby.” Epsilon spat out bloodfrom his mouth to the ground next to him.

“If only I have known, I would-“ Epsilon's words cut off when a heavy paw landed on his face. Her angersuddenly flared,thinking of how dare he to still threaten her child. After the hit, the silver wolf slashedhis face with her claws, leaving a few streaks of blood. Yet, she still isn't satisfied. The burning pain inher chest demands more. She slashed again and again and again, at any spot she can reach. Hischest, shoulder and thighs are now bleeding. She let out a painful howl, standing in front of him. Beforeshe could execute her next attack,without any notice, a rock flew from far, hitting his head. The silverwolf looked behind and a woman was standing there with fierce eye and streaming tears. Elisa wantedto kill him by herself, but this seems like a better idea. She paced back to Zaden, circles a particularspot, before laying down with her head up, between Zaden and Orion.

‘Take the log, over there and give it to the girl’ Selena's mind-link made Ozrain search around for a log.He found one nearby the tree itself. He walked to it, picked it up and retreated a few steps before someinner urge stopped him. He shouldn't let him go just like that,not after what he did to his love. Ozrainturned back to Epsilon, with a log in his hand. He raised the log and threw his hand with full force,resulting in the log landing on Epsilon's head. He screamed out loud with a groan. Ozrain repeated hishits on his shoulder and face, faster and faster than before. After a few while, he stopped.

“You don't deserve to die that easily” he said to him and walked to that particular girl from crowd. Shetook the log and moved to Epsilon, hitting him with the best she could. Although he was in so muchpain,he still pulled together a little strength to humiliate the girl.

“Oh come on!!! Is that the best you got? No wonder why I got bored with you. You have no grit” Epsilonspat out his words, raging the girl even more that her following hits were even fierce then before.Another woman strode over the first, with almost the same rage, snatched the log out of her hand.

“Oh you!!! I remember you. You are the one with sweet ass, aren't you? Oh, my boys loved you somuch” Epsilon keeps talking as if he is purposely provoking these girls, but why?

The next girl hit him repeatedly on his head, making him scream in pain, just like she did in hisdungeon. Images from past flashed in front of Selena's eye. Young Epsilon, 16 years old back then,hitting her pregnant belly with a log, again and again as she begged for mercy from him.

“Too bad you are pregnant or I would have had some fun with you before killing you” the young Epsilonlaughed at her with a few more werewolves around him. The face of Amethyst that she had left with herparents flashed in front of her, how the child was screaming in her grandparent's arms when she leftthe house, heavy heartedly, looking back for one last time at her beloved daughter.

Another older woman is now standing with a heap of rocks and the previous 2 girls parted away. Rocksafter rocks flew to hit Epsilon, as his scream soothed Elisa a tad bit more with the every passingminute.

“Do you have to go? We can send you away, just like Amethyst” Elisa's parents with tearful face, tryingtheir best to change her decision

“No papa, I have been seeing many werewolves lurking around my hut lately. I cannot run away fromthem, especially with Ozrain not returning home. I'm afraid you and brother John will also be hurt if theyfind me here.” Elisa's face terrified.

A heavy rock hit Epsilon's cheek and a splatter of blood immediately sprang out.

“No, son...please, hold on...Your papa will come. He has to come to save us” Elisa said to her pregnantbelly, sensing her baby's life slipping away. Lesser and lesser movement felt on her belly and the littlemovement she felt was week.

Another rock landed on Epsilon's manhood, making him scream evermore louder than before.

Elisa's baby had completely stopped moving and she started bleeding from her vagina. The bloodsmell attracted animals from surrounding. Rats and ants nibbling on her skin, leaving her to scream inpain every minute of the day.

The villagers of all age and both gender is gathered in front of Epsilon, hitting him with rock, slippers,wood, metal or anything then can find. His hip is now covered with thing they threw and he is losingconsciousness.

Elisa can feel her live slipping away. Her eyes is blurry and she is too week to breath. A vague image ofEpsilon walking towards her, made her open her eye a little but with strain.novelbin

“She is still alive?!?! How is that even possible?” One of the rogues asked

“Maybe she is waiting for Ozrain. He won't come, sweety. Here, maybe you can write a letter to him onyour free time” Epsilon threw a thin wooden slab at her. A set of laughter erupted before they left heragain. Enduring rats bite finally paid off when it bites free the rope tied behind her. She is free butcannot move an inch. Her own blood is now poisonous, killing her with burning pain in her veins. Shegrabbed the wooden slab that Epsilon threw at her before and found a large thorn to write down herlast message to him. A rage, unexplainable level of anger strikes her.

The same anger is boiling in her now, after 200 years of waiting. She stood up in lightning fast, launchherself to Epsilon and grabbed his neck with her mouth, crushing every bone slowly between her jawas his eyes widened, gasped caught his tongue and legs kicked violently against the ground. All thevillagers moved back and enjoyed the show.

A few more days went by when Epsilon came back to visit Elisa. She is now just a hideous lookingcorpse but little did they know, she still at the edge of death. He had just found out about Amethyst andhe urgently needs to find her

“Carry her body” he said as his crude rogues carried Elisa over their shoulder to the seashore. Pitchblack eclipse night, perfect for hiding their crime. They climbed up a cliff and threw her into the sea. Herbody and heartbeat slowly sunk deeper and deeper. A small snake like body wrapped around her,engulfing her little by little.

She felt a mingled mass in between her jaw, she pulled it out, ripping apart Epsilon's head with nomercy at all. She dropped it on the ground, gazed at it as serenity filled her soul. A peace that she hasbeen searching for decades. Everything around her is muffled, she could only hear her own heartbeat,accompanied with another tiny beat in her ears. She is hearing a baby's heartbeat within her.

‘You are safe...’ she said to the baby. She had never felt such as relief, at peace as she slowly slippedinto the darkening view. She was able to save the baby in her womb this time. She is not week. Whenthe scale is even,she defeated Epsilon.

Selena had passed out, alerting Zaden and the pack. They ran to her in panic

“Selena!!!” Zaden gently slapped her cheeks. Her heartbeat is still good. They carried her and Ozrainmade them bring her to the mansion, her rightful place.

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