Sinful Love

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“Are you ready?” Zaden asked with excitement. It is not 12 midnight yet, they are going to shift by theirown. She nodded with much hesitation.

“Ok, take off your clothes...” Zaden said and Selena's eye darted around the place, making sure no oneor any owl staring at her. Little did she know, there is already a werewolf camouflaged in between treebranches observing their moves. She bit her lips, eyes gazed into Zaden's. Her finger fiddled with hershirt button, undoing one by one. At the third button, her cleavage showed through and Zaden's eyeturned from calm to intense. Selena couldn't look into them anymore as shy and timid spread throughher tingling cheeks. She looked down as she continued unbuttoning. Epsilon can see her hand movingin front of her but only a part of her is visible to him. A line of her left side is visible, the rest hiddenbehind Zaden. Finally, her button all done and Zaden slipped his hand to her shoulders, grazing hershoulder as he pushed the white shirt off to the ground. A white laced bra peeped through and Zaden ishaving hard time controlling himself. He leaned down for a kiss, his fingers in her hair as he moaned ontop of his groan. He let go and she resumed to unbutton her jeans, sliding them down, revealing awhite lace panties to both Zaden and Epsilon. Epsilons eye looked down at Selena, like a hungry wolfat its prey, grabbing a tree branch tight. Next, she took off her bra and panties, standing naked andsmiling at Zaden. His eyes trailed from her top to bottom, admiring each and every curve along theway. She covered her chest and crotch with her hands

“Stop looking like that...” she exclaimed

“Its not like I haven't seen them. I have even tasted them. They taste like honey...” he licked his lips,making her blush

“Zaden, stop” she whimpered. Zaden pulled her in for a kiss, clashing teeth, sucking her tongueferociously. He placed his palm at her tail bone and pushed her into him, rubbing his now erectmanhood against her

“Well well well...what do we have here?” Selena mocked him with a smirk and he chuckled.

“Come on, shift...into my beautiful silver wolf, shimmering even in dark...” with his words, he drew apicture of Selena's wolf into her mind. The minute she pictured it, her body started reacting, makingnecessary changes to accommodate the wolf within her. Epsilon's eye widened from desire toamusement. Her wolf is a splitting image of Ozrain, his former alpha. Zaden had removed his dressand is now naked in front of Selena. She moved away from him, circling a particular spot where thewaves wash to shore, hitting her leg and returning to their unknown destination. She lowered herselfdown, crossing her front leg on the white sand. Zaden shifted into his wolf form and came to sit next toher. The heavy wind causing their fur to ripple. Zaden is quite joyous as she can shift now, like anyother werewolf, on her wish. She might have shame of being naked for a little while, but that is fine tohim. He wouldn't want anyone looking at his naked mate, too. They spent the next few hours rolling inthe sand, playing Inky Pinky, chasing each other around under Epsilon's watchful eyes. Even Zaden'swolf like to snuggle and lick her stomach.

Zaden shifted back into wolf, dressed up, before grabbing Selena clothes. When he turned around, shehad already shifted back, sitting on the sand with her knees bend to cover her front. Zaden laid next toher with a gentle smile, on his sides but she was grinning wide like a child in candy store. His hands onher shoulders and her knees in front of his face

“What?” he brushed off sands from her hair with a chuckle

“I'm a werewolf...” she said

“Ah...finally, no ‘what ifs’ and scientific explanations...” now he is brushing off sand from her shoulders.She nodded enthusiastically

“It means we can mark each other, isn't it?” she whispered

“Maybe we can wait until this is all over, just one more day...” Zaden is now caressing her cheeks

“Why?...You don't want to mark me?” she asked. Doubts started to emerge. Maybe he would nevermark her.

“Oh baby girl, believe me. I am dying here for that...but...” Zaden

“But what...” Selena tone reflects her worry. Zaden doesn't want to say it out loud, it is too painful. If hedies tomorrow, it will be even harder for her to survive if they are marked. It will be like ripping her soulapart. He doesn't want to do that to her, knowingly. He had already seen Orion going through thatagony. He sighed out

“Just one more day baby...I want it to be in front of our pack. Don't you want your dad and Aaron to bethere too when we seal each other's bond?” Selena silenced for a moment. She does want her fatherand brother to be there for, technically, her marriage. She sighed out in defeat, reaching at her clothsbut Zaden pulled it even further away

“Just 5 more minutes...” he narrowed his eye in a plead and she smiled back at him, leaning forward tokiss him.

After getting dressed, they walked back to cabin. Zaden has his hands around Selena's shoulder asthey talked.

“Do you have any idea for the baby's name?” Zaden asked Selena, right when they were crossingEpsilon. He was way to focused on Selena.

“Yup...Hazel...” she said

“That's a girl's name!!! What happen to your baby boy?” Zaden asked with a slight exclaim

“Hmm...This is our only child since I am a Samrat, so I have decided to give you a girl...” she said,twirling with a lock of her hair

“You don't decide that, Selena. What if it's a boy, genius?” he asked with a chucklenovelbin

“Then you get to name him...” their voice faded away in Epsilon's ears. She is pregnant and this isnews for them, for Aira and Epsilon.

The cabin came to visible, just a few more minutes till they are back home. Zaden pulled Selena by hershoulder from right to left when he saw a putty hole in front of her. She gazed at him with a smirk. Didhe really kill 38 rogues? Let's test it out.

“Ouch!!!” she started jumping on one leg, pretending to be hurt.

“What happen?” without sparing a second, he bent down in front of her, grabbing her feet in his hands,inspecting it by caressing his thumb through her feet. Selena bit her lips with a smile.

“Nothing...Let's go” Selena slipped her feet from his hand and stood straight, earning a glare fromZaden

“What do you mean, let's go? What is wrong with your feet?” Selena cruised past him, hopping with herfeet. Zaden just realized he got pranked by that little thing. He stood up and jogged to her beforegrabbing her knee and carrying her bridal style

“You know what, no Inky Pinky for you today” he said sternly

“Oh, come on... nobody saw the great Alpha Zaden Black from Mountain Manuka kneeling in front ofme,grabbing my foot!!!” they came to the front of cabin by now

“Oh God Zaden!!!Be careful with her” the same, nagging Makeala. Zaden rolled his eye at her and thenproceed carrying Selena to their room for a round of soft, seductive, begging, sweaty Inky Pinky. At theend, Zaden fall on Selena's chest. Droplets of sweat on his back and he is still panting heavy

“It won't hurt the baby, right?” Zaden asked Selena.

“How should I know that. I thought you are the expert here” Selena eye widened and Zaden looked upat her with agitation

“How am I supposed to know? Are you suggesting I have impregnated many girls before?” Selenapouted and shook her head no, stirring another ray of chemical reaction within Zaden. He pulled her byneck, down to his lips, kissing her intensely as he explored her mouth, bit by bit as if this is their firsttime their kissing.

“After the baby is born, I will teach you more in depth about sex, ok? And make sure you cooperate”Selena frowned

“What else is there to learn?” she asked and with that the discussion continued, bedazzling the girl whowas virgin 15 days ago.

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