Sinful Love

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Selena is in a room that is well furnished, with big windows behind safety bars. A few wolf are placed ather door as guards. A golden cage for the angel. Streams of thoughts have been churning her brain,despite her calm appearance. Her face hasn't shown any emotion in the past hours. Sitting on a chairnext to the window, her eyes have been fixed on the crescent moon outside, high up in the black sky.She or basically her wolf has been intimate with Zaden for the past 10 days. If it is true that she ispregnant, how could he have known it so early? Plus, she just had been hospitalized after a majorinjury. Is it possible for an early pregnancy to survive such an impact? Its medically impossible. It musthave been a lie to deceive Ozrain in hope that he would let her go, she thought. A gentle knock echoedfrom the door and Selena looked up. Ozrain slowly walked in with a calm face

“Hi...I see you have sent out your dinner?” he asked with the same gravelly voice but in a gentlemanner. Selena dropped back her head on to her pulled up knees. Ozrain sighed out as he sat downon the bed next to her.

“I have been looking for you for 200 years...” he whispered

“I want my Zaden” Selena said. She had given up fighting, whatever that is coming out is her plainthoughts and that was the first word she said to Ozrain

“Look, I am not going to loose you...” Ozrain's sentence got cut offnovelbin

“I want my Zaden”

“I know he is your mate...”

“I want my Zaden”

“Would you please let me explain?” he exclaimed but she didn't even flinch. No fear to death comeswith it's own perk.

“I want my Zaden” she repeated. Ozrain temper was raising. He doesn't want to burst in front of hisnew found relationship. He strode out of there, as fast as possible. Draven was waiting outside for him

“What did she say?” he asked

“Nothing important. We will be leaving from here the day after tomorrow. I have to arrange somethingbefore bringing her out” Ozrain said calmly and Draven nodded.

Back at the red brick house, Zaden has been pacing back and forth the communal room, lips pinched,clutching his hip as he sweat profusely. His heart beat hasn't subsided. For the first time, he isextremely conflicted, that he doesn't know what is his next step.

“What happen?” he asked, still pacing around to Xavier.

“I arrived at the elderly village after 2 days. I meet Alpha Draven and Mother Ruth before meeting theelderlies. As expected, it took time for us to translate the printed out manuscript. It took another dayand it was not mentioned who killed Elisa or even a hint in the manuscript, just as Selena suspected. Iwas ready to wrap up and get out of there when Grandma Rose stopped me and asked why we havethis single piece translated so many times. I slipped a word, just one bloody fucking word and it got usinto this mess. I said we needed to find the killer of this lady and we need to double confirm whether itwas Ozrain Samrat or not. That's it, it got chaotic” Xavier took them back to time

“Who is the writer of this letter Xavier?” Grandma Rose asked.

“What connection does it have with Ozrain Samrat” Grandpa Ceisure added. Xavier stood there withagitation. He just realized he made a huge mistake.

“Talk, son” a deep husky voice came from behind. Xavier looked behind and Draven was there, asimilar image of Zaden and similar mannerism, with his hands in his pocket. Xavier gulped air andrefused to talk

“Fine, have it your way” with that Draven linked his pack and they dragged Xavier by his arms, out ofthe house into an open field behind. Wooden handrails where planted in a circle, it's a sparing ground.Draven trusty pack pushed him into the ground as he walked behind them with a smirk. Soon, at leastdozen of his fighters showed up at the ground, each attacking Xavier at their will. Xavier was not asweek as they thought. He put up an impressive fight but when more fighters showed up, he shifted tohis wolf form, a dark blue, almost black with green eyes. He snarled at them and waited for their attack.They also shifted to wolves. Xavier tackled a wolf that pounced on him, biting the wolf's leg and anotherat its rib. His paw slashed through countless wolf's faces, leaving deep cut. He also had been cut andbitten,drowning his strength every minute. Eventually after 15minutes of struggling, Xavier gave up andremained laid on the ground, drowsy and gasping for breath as all the other wolves had stopped andmade a clear path for Draven to walk.

“Now, talk” Draven said. The pain on Xavier's body was unbearable. The fighter wolves were clearlynot trying to kill him. They were focused on injuring him, making him suffer in pain. Draven walked tostand right next to him, stretched his feet and turned him from his back. He then placed his foot on histhroat, putting light pressure but it was enough to make Xavier cough. Draven slowly increased a littlebit more pressure, clogging Xavier's wind pipe, his eye widened at the lack of oxygen

“Just a few more minutes, it will be over” The whole time, he kept repeating to himself. But Draven andhis fighters aren't going to allow that happen so easily. Finally Xavier gave up and shifted back to hishuman form. Draven removed his feet

“Talk” he bend slightly and said calmly. Xavier spoke through his coughs

“Selena...we have his daughter...the manuscript is written by...Elisa Mitkoi...we suspect that...Ozrainmight have killed her” Xavier sat up, gasping for air

“Selena wanted me to cross check” Xavier said

“Is your alpha stupid? Why didn't he call Ozrain and hand over his daughter? It would be great benefitfor our whole pack. We would be able to get the hell out of this place!!!” he exclaimed

“We didn't let him too” Xavier said low

“Selena is a pack member. Orion loves her. We can't just hand her over to a killer” Xavier said, hispalms were flat on the ground as it propped his body up. After a long pause

“Lock him up and close his mind-link” Draven said as he walked away. The fighter helped him up

“No hard feelings, we obey our alpha just as much as you do” one of those hunky fighter said to Xavier.He then guided Xavier to a underground room. Xavier washed up, put on new clothes and went tosleep. After a few hours, his wounds had recovered 50%. That night, Draven took the elderlies on apalanquin as they climbed the highest mountain peak. With the help of elderlies, they prayed to MoonGoddess so that their mind-link would reach Ozrain Samrat, The King of werewolves, where ever he isin this world. It worked, he got the information and moved towards Mountain Manuka. It took anotherday till he finally came. Draven took Xavier and his fighter to the first village, in intension to wait forOzrain there. They arrived at the same time that not much information was shared.

“Welcome Ozrain Samrat, we believe we have found your daughter, putting an end to your search”Draven said politely

“My daughter died in front of my eye, Draven” he said coldly and Draven got confused

“No sir, she is your daughter. She even have Elisa Mitkoi's letter.” Now that caught his attention. Xaviermanaged to slip away from the group and ran to communal room. Ozrain didn't waste much time as hemotioned Draven to show the way and they came to Selena, taking her away.

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