Sinful Love

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“He claimed you as his!!! Do you even know what that means?” Makeala was circling Selena, who isnow sitting solemn in a single couch, in her room

“Yes I do, Makeala. It means I’m just a mere property that they can declare who owns me and whodoesn’t. For your information, I am not a property!!!” Makeala jerked her head back in surprise at herpoint of view. Selena sighed

“Makeala, I am really tired. I feel like my head is about to split open. I need to rest for a while, if I amgoing to Lake Khalifa today” Makeala nodded and walked out of the room.

Selena thought a lot. The image of Zaden claiming her as his, only made her even more agitated. Shedoesn’t want to go to the lake, or shift into a form where she is not in control off. Soon she fell asleep.

Hours later, a knock on the door woke her up. She opened the door and Zaden was there, clearlypissed off.

“You were supposed to come down at 11pm, baby girl. Its 11.45pm. I have been waiting for you” hekept his glare intense the whole time he talked. A clear blue line ran up his neck, his neck lookedstrained accompanied by a cold face.

“I’m not coming” Selena said with almost the same intensity and pushed the door to close. A thudstopped the door, Zaden had his palm on the door, stopping it in its way. He then pushed it open,pacing step by step into the room. His anger radiated through his whole body till Selena felt intimidated,she took a step back every time he took a step forward.

“Why?” his question came out with a low growl

“I don’t want to” Selena said, subconsciously coming out low.

“You don’t want what? You don’t want to shift to a wolf? You don’t want to be a werewolf? You don’twant to go with me? You don’t want to be anywhere near me? You don’t want what?” Selena thudagainst the wall, she had reached the end of her room.

“Or you don’t want to defend yourself when one day, Ozrain Samrat comes to stand in front of me andsnatch you away, because belief me when I say, he will. Are you telling me that you are killing theOzrain Samrat within you and letting Elisa Mitkoi, to live? A weak, fragile human, who was unable todefend herself, her daughter and the unborn child in her womb…”

“SHUT UP!!!” in a snap, her wolf took charge, standing in a semi wolf form, her eye glaring with anger.Zaden let his wolf take control as well. Selena grabbed his neck

“How dare you talk in such a away about her?” the whole room turned chilly. Her wolf is extremelydefensive over Elisa Mitkoi.

“Who do you refer to as weak? The person who is not equipped with the ability to fight back or theperson who used her disability to kill her? Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘pick someone your ownsize’? One of you a pathetic werewolf decides to pick on her. Now tell me Alpha Zaden, whom will youpick to fight, Ozrain Samrat or Elisa Mitkoi?” she growled in anger, her grip didn’t budge and caused aslight strain to Zaden. Her anger is so great that she is willing to hurt her mate. Her growl vibratedthrough the wall, waking up the whole floor. Zaden could have knock her off in a second but as shesaid, he is not going to fight the weak ones, even if it means he getting killed. Instead, he tilted his headdown against her restraining grip. His golden eye glowed, looking straight into her eye. She flinched asif she just realized where her hand had been and let go of his neck as if she had been electrocuted.Her eyebrows frown, regretting what she had done. She paced back, Zaden softened as a gutclenching pain surged him at her retrieval.

“Baby…” he stretched his hand grabbing her waist

“Baby… look at me…” he said softly, in a whisper.

“…” she grabbed her head and slides down to the floor, slipping off Zaden’s hands. She ishearing a wailing cry for help, just like she did with the python but she is in no position to help. She is inher own conflict. She curled up on the floor, grabbing her hair into a fist, letting out a painful scream.Zaden kneeled next to her, worried as hell for her. He pulled her up and hugged her, while rubbing herback to calm her down. His touch helped a lot to clear her mind. These animals had done nothingwrong. Now, they need her, she must go. She shifted in a second, in Zaden’s arms, forming a wolf thatis bigger than Zaden itself. Zaden pulled himself back, looking at her in amusement.

‘Pack of Mountain Manuka, get into your houses, NOW!!!”

Zaden mind-linked his whole village, alerting all the leader’s pack, including Orion as they rusheddownstairs. They stopped abruptly when they saw a magnificent silver wolf squeezing through Selena’sroom door, followed by Zaden.

“She shifted inside?” Orion asked in confusion

“Who is that?” Makeala asked

“Who do you think?” Orion

“Selena?” they all chorused and Orion nodded

Selena paced step by step forward, her shoulder blade moved in sync with her steps and a snarl in herlips. Her eye are pitch black as usual but her eyeball are all red. She didn’t actually give out any orderbut she exerted a dominant aura that made everyone in her path bow in respect, not submissive. Anangry Samrat’s wolf with Alpha Zaden backing her up, deadly combination. She stepped down thestairs, reaching the ground floor and stepped out of the house. The silver wolf rolled her neck and

concentrated, trying to narrow down the location of the wailing cry. Then she snapped her head eastand started running. All the leader’s pack shifted and ran behind her.

‘Territory pack, disperse, NOW!!!”

Another mind-link sent out. She ran along the mountain foot already crossed 5 mountains and headingto the sixth, which is the boundary between 2 villages

‘Young Village residence and territory pack, disperse, NOW!!!”

On the 7th mountain, Selena started to run up the mountain. Maneuvering through the trees as if she isfamiliar with this forest, moving a tad faster than the rest. Approaching the tip of the mountain, shestarted sniffing around and let a snarl. Zaden smelled it also, rogues. Selena jumped off ground, thudher paws against a large tree, twisted her body towards another tree and thud her paws again, movingin a swift zig zag, till she reached the top of the tree and shut down, as if she is hiding. The other wolfsare not good at climbing trees, not this fast anyway.


Zaden ordered so that it will be easier for them to hide too. The whole pack is naked now, and theyhide behind large trees. The surrounding vicinity became silent. Only cricket chirping can be heard. Allof a sudden, a low grunt of what sounded like gorilla came from nowhere. The pack looked around butthey can see nothing.

‘Nobody move’.

A deep husky voice invaded their mind-link, it was Selena. They stayed in the position for an hour orso, before twigs started snapping and out came 2 rogues from behind the bushes with a human,

poachers. They came standing right below Selena and looked at ground, crouched down. Theyseemed to be happynovelbin

“Well well well…look who is here, an uninvited guest” one of the rogues said as he tilted his head up,looking straight at Selena. The human followed his head and pointed his gun as soon as he sawSelena. The pack leaders agitated but another stern order from Selena put them back in their place.The hunter fired a shot. From far, they can see that it was silver bullet, made to kill werewolf. Selenaremained calm standing on all four legs above the tree. Just when the bullet was about to hit her, shejumped to the next tree and zigzagged down to the ground, stretching her paws hitting the hunterdirectly on his face. He dropped his gun but the rogue, with a cocky look, took another gun and pointedat Selena. She remained calm. The rogue waited for her to make a move but she didn’t budge. Finally,he lost his patients. The pack heard a shot but Selena still didn’t move. Tension was rising as all ofthem started breathing heavy. Maybe she got shot. Another shot was heard. A few seconds later, theyheard her commend


They shifted into wolf form and jumped out only to see Selena dragging one of the rogue by his ankle,his head hitting every tree and rocks on the way. Selena’s eye filled with rage and snarl on the mouthbiting the ankle. She headed straight to Orion and dropped the rogue in front of him. She nodded toOrion and turned back to get another rogue. Orion looked close at the rogue, his hand was holding thegun and his chest was bleeding, which means he shot himself. Selena dropped another rogue atOrion’s feet and went back for the hunter, dropped him to Orion’s feet as well. She then went back tothe spot where she climbed up tree previously and jumped downwards to the ground. All the otherwolfs except for Orion came running to her. There is a huge pit dug down there, a trap enough to fit anelephant but today, a mountain gorilla fell into it, with her baby. She was wailing to save her baby.Selena stood chinned up in front of the gorilla and the gorilla bowed to her. She then grabbed the babygorilla and jumped out of the pit, placed the baby down and jumped back in for the mommy. The

mommy was a bit heavy for her that she couldn’t jump out. Zaden jumped in. He laid down for Selenato climb up him with the gorilla. She did and the others helped from above to pull out the mommy.Zaden looked at Selena and she bowed thankful to Zaden. He snuggled his head against her neck,inhaling her wonderful smell, cooing soothingly. They then jumped out of the pit. Selena didn’t pay anyattention to Orion thereafter, hence the rest of the pack followed her, walking pass Orion.

Images of his mate bleeding from silver bullet in her heart, flashes again and again in front of Orion’seye. His blood started boiling, his eyes turned red. Zaden and the pack heard a painful scream frombehind them. They paused for a second but then resumed their walk, heading to the brick house.

Orion had ripped each and every joint of the 2 rogues and a human hunter. He is now covered withblood, looking like a Satan rose from hell, yet a sense of peace surged within him. He could feel thewind blowing against him better, he could smell the air around him better and he could run a tad faster,as he felt lighter then ever. They might not be the same person who killed his mate, he never sawthem. At this moment, he is grateful that he never saw the poacher who killed his mate or else, his ragewould have been focused only on that one but now, every rogue and poachers feeds his anger.

The walk home was awkward for the leader’s pack since they couldn’t take their eye off Selena. Orioncame thudding behind them, covered in blood and they all scrunched away from him. Selena lookedbehind at Orion, she then switched course and headed to a river nearby and jumped in. All 5 joined inand the night went by just like that. They reached home and climbed upstairs in their room beforeshifting to human again. They all slept at 4am in the morning and woke up late the next day, missingtheir morning resistance training.

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