Sinful Love

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A naughty grin bloomed on her lips as her tongue traced her upper teeth.

“You are asking me how to turn her into a Samrat, how to activate her powers…and I don’t think afinger is worth that information, alpha Zaden” she rubbed her nose to his before climbing up the bank,walking a bit further and laid flat on the grass, legs bend and slightly apart for him to see. A suddendarkness took over him at her inviting view. He stormed out of the water and walked to her, kneelingdown to eat her delicacy. His tongue lapped her, swirling around her delicacy while her restrainedscream and moan pushed him a little further into no self-control. He became the inner animal he is, ahungry wolf.

She bit her lips hard till it bled and squeezed shut her eye, enduring the sensation that he is giving her.He is making her happy despite the torture she is going through. An addictive pleasure. He stoodkneeling, gazing at her face and his eyes were begging for her permission as his manhood is fullyready. She gave a gentle nod and with that, he grabbed his erection, guiding it to her delicacy. Hepushed little by little, not trying to rush at all but the little push still made her yelp. She is a virgin,thankfully her human doesn’t have to endure the pain of losing it. As a wolf, she can recover fast but asa human, she can’t, since they are not co-existing at this moment. Finally, he entered his full lengthslowly into her, groaning in a pleasure mix pain

“Fuck, you are too tight…”Zaden said through his panting breath while Selena screamed. Drops ofblood flowed out as he withdraw a little and thrust again and again

“Zaden…” she screamed in intention to stop him but she didn’t actually say ‘STOP’ now, did she? Anooze of wetness turned the whole pain into pleasure, making her arch her back to endure the pleasure.She came undone like a waterfall and he did a few seconds later. He withdraw completely and laid nextto her, both panting for breath

“Was that worth it?” he asked

“Definitely… Give me a minute, will you?” she kept panting for a few more minutes before she cuddledup to his chest and resumed

“Let me out…bring me here and let me out every day for the next 15days so that no energy gets bottledup. On eclipse, when there is no moon, you make her shift” she heard a low laugh from above her head

“You are brilliant, naughty girl” he raised her head up by holding her chin and gave her a kiss

“And only you should bring me here. I don’t want anyone else with us…” he nodded and gave heranother kiss

“Now…can I shift? I promise not to run around, just within this bank.” He nodded and they both shiftedto their wolf. When nature made match, black and silver, it is magical. The black wolf paced slowlybehind the silver, securing the surrounding to protect her while the silver played around carelessly,turning back once in a while to lick his muzzle or forehead. They had another session of intimacy intheir wolf form before finally turning back to semi-humans at the break of dawn, all dressed up.

“I will miss you. It’s going to be hard, keeping my hands off you…” he giggled, holding her hand to hischest

“You have to… if you don’t, the little Bambi is going to find out” Selena

“Ooo I am scared…” he mocked

“You should be…the Selena you are seeing is not what she was 5 years ago. She doesn’t understandfear, smart and cunning. That’s why her brother calls her little fox. Until the night her mother had anaccident. It broke her down, leaving behind a scar. And when she saw claw marks on the back tire ofthe car, she developed phobic to wild animals” Zaden eye widened.

“Claw marks?”

“Yes, on the back tire and car rear body” Selena answered casually and yawn, before she plopped onthe ground. Within minutes she fall asleep. With spiking confusion, he laid next to her, pulling her intohis embrace. She snuggled to his neck before he too fell deep into sleep.

The birds were chirping and with a gentle touch, the sun was warming them up. Selena blinked toawake, on Zaden’s chest. Her eyes are swollen due to little sleep she had. She shook Zaden by histummy

“Zaden, wake up…” he stirred to wake, so Selena sat up stretching her hand up when Zaden’s strongarms encircled her wrist, pulling her down. She yelped as he snuggled his nose into the crook of herneck

“5 minutes please…” Selena remained silent for the next almost 5 minutes and woke him up again.Instead of waking up, he thrust his hand into the black shirt she was wearing, his black shirt. Selenagasped as sparks spread through her.novelbin

“Zaden…” a tremble in her voice as she tried to wake him up again. He slide his palm to her back andpulled her closer to him, she is on her side with Zaden’s face in the middle of her chest, her shouldersshrunk trying to endure the ticklish sensation he his giving her. He had stopped moving, probablysnoozed back to sleep

“Zaden…” She shook him abit harder. He blinked open his eye to see her scared grey eye

“Morning baby girl…”he said with a smothering smile and husky voice. Wait, grey eye??? He snappedhis eye open and let go of her. Her shirt rode up to reveal her panties and she covered it back. Zadenran his hands across his neck before clearing his throat

“Get changed, we have to leave” she nodded and walked behind a tree. She made sure no one issurrounding her before taking off her dress. She realize she wasn’t wearing any bra, she blinked a fewtimes thinking when did she took off her bra. She looked around with her chest covered in her arm.

Before she could step out of the tree, to peep for her bra, her bra showed up in front of her, hangingfrom the fingers of Zaden. Selena took it off with a blush and a gentle smile an, wore it, aware thatZaden is standing right behind her with the tree in between them. She didn’t know why, but she feltcomfortable in being naked with him at this much close approximate when an owl far on a treebothered her so much.

They walked back home after done dressing. Zaden had his hands thrusted into his pocket, shouldersslightly shrugged and a blush of pink crept from his neck till his cheek. He avoided looking at Selena atfirst

“Are you ok?” she asked with concerned and he nodded, realizing how silly he had been, acting like aschool boy after he took her virginity. She felt sore between her legs, but then again, her whole body issore

“What happened yesterday?” she asked him

“Hmm…your wolf showed up but I bribed her to be a good girl”. Zaden said casually

“She can be bribed? How?” Selena asked in confusion

“I told you, you and your wolf are two extreme end of poles…” after a pause, Zaden asked

“She told me that your mother’s accident might have been caused by a wild animal?” Selena’s facechanged drastically, she walked fast past him, avoiding eye contact

“Selena wait…”

“Zaden I’m tired. Can we not talk about this please” her face was on the opposite side, observingmountains and the sun rising from under the mountains. Zaden understood he had hit her weak spotbut she said she is tired and that might be extremely true. They had sex 3 times yesterday night itself

and a few more other activities. Like it or not, it’s her body they were using. He bent down, lift her up inhis arms and started walking as if she weighs nothing. She was unusually quiet, no question, no doubtsand no sarcasm. They almost reached home when Selena stirred in his arms

“Zaden, aren’t you tired? Put me down” her eye were focused forward and she can see Grandpa Kai.

“You cunning little fox!!! You used me to carry you 15 kilometers to home and suddenly, you areconcerned for me? It’s because of Grandpa Kai, isn’t it?” he said with a raised eyebrow.

“You missed your resistance training and I didn’t want to weaken you. Now, put me down this instant.”She glared at him. Feeling irritated, he let go of her, dropping her by butt on to the ground and she yelpin pain, rubbing her butt.

“Make sure you take a thorough bath or else there will be dozens of questions to be answered” hestraightened his shirt and walked away. She carries strong Alpha Zaden’s smell, if someone elsenoticed, they will be in trouble.

“Zaden, you Rocky monkey!!!” she shouted from his back and he waved his hand bye. Grandpa Kaistopped him

“What hap…” he stopped his own question. Zaden smells different, strongly mingled with a floral scentthat he can't put his finger on.

“Oh my…I see what happen…” Zaden avoided Grandpa Kai’s face, trying his best to hide his blush.

“Meet me at communal room in 20 minutes. I know how to make her shift” he walked swiftly past him.He made sure he didn’t bump into anyone and went to his room, took a hot shower. He doesn’tremember when, but Selena managed to leave a bite mark on his chest. Its fading but will take tillafternoon to disappear completely. Selena was lucky that no one crossed her path, she also went to

her bathroom. When she opened her dress, she saw bruises and scratch marks on her body. Sheassumed it is from sleeping on ground and took a long, hot scorching shower. She also received herfirst alpha’s order through mind-link and went to the communal room. She is still feeling sore andextremely tired

“I know how to make her shift. I talked to her wolf” everyone was focused on Zaden, especially Orionwho is supposed to be in charge of her shifting.

“Her wolf’s energy gets bottled up in her body for 30 days and amplified 5 times when it hits themoonlight. Her body is too tiny to handle it, so she has panic attack. So, if we let her wolf to come outevery day, there won’t be any energy build up. Then, I teach or show her how to shift on lunar eclipse.No moon light, no energy gets amplified. If we get them to co-exist, connect with each other, we mighthit the target and she could continue shifting on her wish” Zaden finished and placed his butt on atable.

“You are going to teach her? I thought that’s supposed to be under my care” Orion exclaimed

“That was her wolf’s demand or else she is not going to show up” Zaden said and Orion slummed tocouch in frustration.

“So, I need you guys to stay away from Lake Khalifa for the next 15days. Got it?” they all nodded andthe meeting dispersed.

Selena’s wolf said that her mother’s car had claw marks on them, it has been disturbing him a lot. Hetook a piece of paper and jotted down all the facts they know about her in a map form, starting from theGrandma Coral and till today

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