Sinful Love

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“Wake up, sleepy head…” Zaden blinked his eye to open. It was way brighter than normal. He lookedaround to see Selena sitting at his feet.

“What time is it?” he asked in a husky low voice.

“About half past 12pm. Why?” Zaden snapped up to sit.

“How come no one woke me up?”

“Who would want to mess up with a sleeping alpha?”

Makeala already send an email to Selena of the translated letter and Selena got it printed out. GrandpaKai, Zaden, Orion and Selena sat down as Grandpa Kai started to read the printout.

I am in pain, in great pain. I can feel my baby dying, his soul slipping off my grip every second. Hisheart beat slowing down to almost none. It has been days, my baby is suffering for days. An innocentsoul who never committed any sin, have not even harmed an insect yet he is suffering a painful death.Why?

What sin did I do to deserve such a heartless punishment? I loved a werewolf, is love a sin? If so, Godis the one to be punished for giving me the ability to love a beast. God, including your Moon Goddessare the one to blame, not me or my baby.

Mark my words, you will pay. You will pay for the slow death my baby and I suffering now. You willregret the minute you left me to die, tied up here, on this tree. I will reincarnate, somewhere in thecorner of the world and I will come to find you

I will hunt you down, every single one of you. I will rise again from the peak of mountains, with my ownarmy of loyal followers, raging with red eye. When I do, you are no longer the king of beast. Mark my

words, your kingdom is no more yours. You will be spell bound and beg for death under my feet. Undermy feet….

All eyes were on Selena. She was the only werewolf born after 5 generation and she remained hiddenfor 24 years, even after her first shift. She is the one who came to Mountain Manuka with the intentionto hike it. Ozrain Samrat, a whole army of Samrat and their rogues have been hunting for her. Ozrain isknown to travel around the world to find his bloodline when she was just 10 hours away but she stillhaven’t found a trace of her. The writer was angry with god, and Selena doesn’t believe in god too.

“What?” Selena asked in confusion

“Don’t you see? This manuscript is referring to you. You are the rebirth of Elisa Mitkoi!!!” Orionexclaimed. Selena stood up from her seat

“What makes you think Elisa Mitkoi is the one who wrote the manuscript? “ they were all dumbfound.

“Then who do you suggest wrote this?” Zaden questioned

“Someone who took Grandma Carol’s bedtime story a bit too serious. All I know is that my mom wasobsessed with my moon mark. Even she could have written it, who knows.” She made sense and theydidn’t have a counter statement to hers.

“Let’s assume the manuscript is original and written by Elisa Mitkoi. Look at me!!! Do I look like I cantake down an army of werewolves? Have I ever consciously shifted to wolf? For god sake, are youguys 100% sure that I am a werewolf? Have you seen my wolf? Think Zaden” Selena snapped.

“I have seen your eye changing color” Zaden said low

“Excuse me” Selena jerked her head back a little with a frown

“ You were angry with Orion yesterday and steaming in your room, do you remember me coming tocoax you? You looked at me, your eye was pitch black with silver rim” Zaden said. Somewhere in hisheart, he knew she will find a way to counter this and he hesitated.

“ It was a dark room Zaden” Zaden pushed his chair back vigorously and walked out of the room. Hisanger was rising every minute he is here, trying to proof her that she is a werewolf. Orion ran followinghim and grabbed his arms but he ripped it away. He stormed out of the house.

Back at the room, everyone walked away from Selena. She kept staring blankly at the manuscript. Theoriginal wood slab is quite hard to replicate but again, how did a dying woman managed to carve out aletter on tree bark? Her heart beat slowly started increasing but she didn’t notice it as her thinking isfocused on the manuscript.

‘Mom did a DNA test from an unknown sample that matched to me. Could the sample be from themanuscript?’

Blood started rushing up to her head causing slight dizziness. She blinked for a second long as shetries to snap out of her dizziness.

‘ If the sample is from manuscript, it matched me. Which means I am related to the writer. But again,what if Daisy wrote the manuscript, being her daughter, of course my DNA matches with hers.’

The room around her began constricting as a sudden chill creeped up her fingers. That’s when sherealized she is having another panic attack. She ran to her bathroom, took a bottle of pills from thecabinet and refilled a cup nearby. Orion grabbed her hand with pills

“What are you doing?” Orion asked

“Let me go…” her voice was way lower and doesn’t sound like her, her breath trembles as well as herhands. He let her go and she quickly swallowed those pills with some water

“Is that sleeping pills?” Grandpa Kai questioned and Selena nodded her head that is leaned back tobathroom wall, swallowing gulps of air trying to cope with her body. Orion grabbed her hand anddragged her out of the bathroom, the room and then outside of the house. Leonardo and Aaron whowas discussing about Zaden storming out is now shocked by Orion’s action pulling half-awake Selenaout of the house. They ran behind them and managed to stop in front of Orion.

“Let her go, she is sick” Aaron bursted out. Selena could barely keep her eye open as her head rolledup and down uncontrollably. She sweat profusely as she breathed out loud. Leonardo snatched her outof Orion’s hand and hugged her to his chest where she finally got a place to rest her head.

“Leonardo please. Let me explain. She is not having a panic attack” Zaden came out of the woodsrushing towards Orion. Orion looked behind him

“Zaden. She is having one more of the panic attack “ Orion hugged his waist explaining to Zaden as ifhe is having a panic attack. Zaden looked up at the sky

“It’s full moon. She is having attack on full moon. She has been shifting every full moon” Zaden rushedtowards her

“Leonardo please, let her go. She will be standing here, right in front of you, I assure you that” he saidtrying to change Leonardo’s mind. By now Selena had blacked out. Before Leonardo could sayanything, they heard a low growl from Selena, hidden in Leonardo’s chest. It was pretty dark out herethat Leonardo started looking around for the source of growl. Then he noticed Zaden’s eye focused onSelena. He looked down as he heard another stronger growl from her. He lifted her head up to facehim, her face was white as snow. At first, Leonardo thought she is pale until a glimpse of shine caughthis eye. She is has a sheen of silver on her skin. Her eyes were still closed. Her hair slowly started

changing from root, black to very light silver. Leonardo eye widened and he froze with Selena’s chin inhis palm. Zaden had to act, he grabbed Selena arm and carried her to a clear space. He placed herdown and stepped back. Orion took his phone out as he recorded what was going to happen. Selena’sdead like body is now moving slightly as she bend to fetal position and then suddenly arched her backas her hand got thrown to side. A series of bone snapping sound came along. Orion started grabbinghis head and passed the phone to Aaron who is now freaking out. Orion’s wolf screaming to bereleased. Zaden was much more in control but his breath hiked as he watched Selena. Selena startedto grow a layer of silver fur. Her short nails has turned into claws. Her spine twisted and elongated. Herface elongated to snout and within the next minute she had turned into a complete wolf. Orion hasstarted turning but Zaden withhold himself from shifting. He needs his human to face her wolf, just incase she became intimidated by other wolfs around her. Selena’s wolf is much much more bigger thanwhat Zaden has expected, almost as big as his wolf or even slightly bigger than his. Zaden carefulsteps towards now fully turned Selena. The wolf was still unconscious. He bend forward to have abetter look at her. Simply divine would be the correct description. A complete silver wolf wearing herleather necklace from waterfall. The fur coat was super soft and shiny as it reflects the moon shine. Alump of black fur formed a moon mark even on her wolf form, right below her ears, just like her humanform.

Zaden placed his palm on the silver wolfs face to only cover 1/3 of it. The wolf suddenly huffed out abreath and shook its head. She stood up with 4 legs and staled a bit to left and right before came to asteady stand. The wolf who is now panting, opened its eye and focused on Zaden, who is nowawestruck. A pitch-black eye with silver rim, staring back at him emotionless. A beast by nature that isas beautiful as the moon itself, yet ironically, for someone who is so blessed by the Moon Goddess,she doesn’t believe in God. Zaden shifted under her stare, a pitch black wolf with golden eye, soonaccompanied by a golden brown and dark brown wolf. Her eyes swept from right to left, landing onOrion’s golden brown wolf, to Zaden’s pitch black wolf and Grandpa Kai’s dark brown wolf. They allwaited with anticipation of what she would do next. Naturally, a sense of protectiveness surged through

3 of them towards her. One, because she stood there as a Samrat who can be their alpha and wolf’sbasic genetic make-up is to obey and protect their alpha. Two, she is an innocent Bambi, hidden withina Samrat that needs their protection until she learns to defends herself. Three, they fell a certainattachment or could be exaggerated as ‘fell in love’ with her beauty.novelbin

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