Shush & Marry Me

Chapter 003 See You at the Wedding!
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Chapter 003 See You at the Wedding!

Although Bryan didn’t mention ‘his’ name, listening to ‘his’ news that was broadcasted by the radioanchor, and listening about it from the people around her felt completely different. She couldn’t avoid itanymore and had to face this fact, even though it was the reason for her to come all the way back.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, Bryan lowered his voice, and coaxed her carefully, “Come home, Vic.He’s the one that should be gone, not you. it’s just a break-up and you won’t die because of it. Youhave gone wandering around without any prospect for a year. You’ve gone through all hardships allalone. Girl, I’ve told you six years ago. He’s nothing and he isn’t worthy of you at all!”

Her head was buzzing and she couldn’t hear what Bryan was talking about. She only remembered thatit had been six years. Victoria has liked Frank for six years since she was eighteen.

But now Frank is going to marry her cousin, Ashley. Not only that, but this marriage had also beenblessed by the whole family. Ashley and he are meant to be. It seemed that the six years of her andFrank was just a joke of her wishful thinking.

With Victoria’s fiery temper, how could she be calm and be completely indifferent?

It’s impossible.

It was impossible after she wandered around for a year. Even after she wanders around for ten years, itwill also still be impossible. It’s impossible in her lifetime.

She pressed her lips then interrupted Bryan’s chattering, “I will attend his wedding. I won’t avoid itanymore.”

“Really?” Bryan raised his voice out of excitement over there, “Are you going to make a scene at thewedding, Vic? Do you need a partner? I am available anytime and whatever you want to do, I’llaccompany you.”

Victoria didn’t answer him, and only asked, “Do you know when they’ll register their marriage? Are theyholding the wedding first or registering their marriage first?”

Bryan coughed, “I’m not clear about that as well. I’ve never asked about it. You know, I’m actually notinterested in that scum Frank. I’ll follow up and let you know again, Vic.”

“Okay” Victoria wasn’t courteous toward him. As childhood friends that grew up together, she had neverbeen courteous with Bryan and always accepted his advice and suggestion.

After hanging up the phone, there was no commotion from Bryan anymore and the whole roomsuddenly became quiet. Victoria held her phone for a long time and was in a daze.

It was also on a midsummer night. She once leaned against Frank’s back while looking at the starrysky. She held his neck and thought, “Frank, I’m about to graduate soon. Let’s register our marriage atthe Qixi Festival next year. I think that day is particularly beautiful. It’s much more romantic than 2.14.”

Frank held her up with his hands behind his back while calmly walking step by step and replied gently,“Okay, it’s up to you. Let’s register our marriage by Qixi Festival next year, then.”

“Frankie, you’re really kind.” She hugged him tighter. She snuggled her head around his neck, kissedhis face, and said happily, “I think, I’m a genius. Although Frankie is perfect, this Vicky can easilydeceive him to make me his wife. This feeling is even better than hitting a jackpot.”

Frank smiled and looked back at her. His eyes were full of stars and her, “I’m not that good.”

But in the end, after several months, he broke up with her. He’s breaking up with her thoroughly andclearly. He said that he only thought about his future after he graduated and still felt that they’re notsuitable. There’s no need to continue to waste their time on each other. They also couldn’t avoid thecurse of breaking up after graduation.

After that, the thing became worse. Victoria didn’t have a chance to breathe and she was kicked out ofher life because of her love and career, and she left Jincheng in confusion.

Actually, she didn’t need Bryan to confirm, she could do it by herself.

As she held the tears in her eyes, she dialed a number that she knew very well. The phone rang threetimes before the line got connected.

But none of them were speaking on the phone, nor did one of them hung up. That person was waitingfor her to speak first. He must’ve known that it was her.

Victoria’s vision suddenly became blurry. She resisted her sob and spoke as calmly as possible,“Senior, you’re about to get married. Why didn’t you send me an invitation? I’m currently out of townand I found out from my classmate. Your ex-girlfriend is still a friend and there’s no need to be so stiff.”

She spoke with a lively tone as if she had got out of that sad memory long ago. She could even criticizeand blame his manner for not remembering an old friend.

The man on the phone finally spoke, “Vicky, if you want an invitation, I’ll ask your sixth sister to preparea copy tomorrow. Grandpa said, it’s no need to waste the invitation for our family. Auntie has knownabout it.”

As she heard that person’s usual gentle voice, calling her with the nickname that they used before,calling his grandfather ‘grandpa’, calling her mother ‘auntie’, and saying that both of them are family,the smile on Victoria’s face slowly disappeared. She began to tremble completely. She didn’t speak fora long time with her face full of tears.

The man that she loves, is about to marry her cousin. He could easily and naturally tell her about thewedding that had nothing to do with her. They are family, but he is not hers. He doesn’t belong toVictoria.

“Frank” She called him, there’s no more relaxed and strong smile of hers. She threw away her prideand morality. She let herself fall in front of him, as she begged him over the phone, “Don’t marry her.Tell me, what did I do wrong? I can change it. I’ll change everything that you dislike. Don’t break up withme. Don’t throw me away.”

Frank is Victoria’s dream. He’s someone that she wanted to marry when she first learned about love.Compared to her fear of losing him, her pride and morality didn’t seem to be important anymore. Sheeven spoke carelessly to the point where she spoke viciously, “What’s good about her? She’s not aspretty as me. She can’t even walk. Frank, she’s crippled. What’s so good about her?”

Yes, she’s vicious. She didn’t hesitate to use bad words to nitpick her sister that she grew up with.

“it’s enough.” Frank called out with his low voice and interrupted her, “She’s your sister and she’ll be mywife. Use your words carefully.”

From affection to separation to spitting bad words, how could she be carefree about the break-up?Frank, who had never spoken harshly to her, called her out strictly and angrily because of her new wife.

“I understand.” After a long time, Victoria chuckled and wiped her tears away. There were no moredespair and pleading in her tone and even sounded a bit scornful and furious, “That’s right. I’munsophisticated since I was young. Ever since I knew you, I’ve been hiding my true face. I don’t exceptthat sixth brother-in-law would find out so soon. Well, congratulations. See you at the wedding.”

She sneered and hung up the phone without waiting for Frank to say another word.

“Knock, knock”

After saying cruel words, with an empty heart, Victoria couldn’t think of any countermeasure. There wasa knocking sound on the door and ended after three times.novelbin

Victoria remembered that she walked in when she’s on the phone. The door wasn’t locked. She didn’tknow if the landlady came here at this time, so she wiped her face again, and stood up as she plannedto open the door.

Before she could reach the door, the wooden door was slammed with a kick. The man that only woreunderpants was shoved in vigorously and struck Victoria who was caught off guard in an instant, thenpushed her against the wall.

Victoria’s face was forced to stick up to the man's neck and a mocking voice came from the man’sback, “You dare to save someone that our boss planned to kidnap. The landlady said that you’re quitecapable. You’re a nurse, right? Brothers, come inside and have fun.”

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