She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 395: Stop Investigation
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Chapter 395: Stop Investigation

Chapter 395: Stop Investigation

Cheyenne didn't want to discuss the past anymore, so she diverted the conversation with acigarette in her mouth and her hands crossed. "You asked me why I went to TWILIGHT, right?"

"Very simple, because someone wants to kill me. The person behind that car accident is associatedwith TWILIGHT," she said, and to Kelvin's surprise, she even laughed. There was a hint ofunexpected expression in her radiant smile. "I never thought I was worth so much, five hundredmillion! These guys really went all out."

As soon as she finished speaking, Kelvin couldn't contain his anger and shouted, "Enough!" Hissudden outburst bewildered Cheyenne.

She exhaled the smoke, flicked the ash, and watched as they fell into the ashtray one by one. Shelooked up at him, her eyes filled with confusion.

Kelvin clenched his fists, the veins protruding on the back of his hands, resembling thickearthworms. He glared at her and scolded in a cold voice, "I can't stand your terrifying calmnessand your pretending that you don't care! Cheyenne, can't you take this seriously?"

Her life was in danger now! Someone who could spend five hundred million to kill her was definitelynot an ordinary person. In other words, her life could end at any moment. But what about her? Shewas still laughing and joking, as if discussing the life and death of others.

He had witnessed firsthand how she escaped from the clutches of death in the previous caraccident. After she came back, he was restless for several days.

Cheyenne tilted her eyes at him, slowly crushed the half-smoked cigarette in her hand, and pressedit into the ashtray.

A wisp of smoke lingered in the air, changing its shape with the wind. Amidst his restlessness, sheremained terrifyingly calm and lightly chuckled, "You already hated me from the start, didn't you?Regardless of whether I'm like this or not, right?"

"Besides, I am the one being hunted. I'm not anxious at all. Why are you so excited?"

Was she mocking him for being meddlesome?

Kelvin also realized that he had been somewhat excessive. Cheyenne's indifference towards lifeand death caused a pang of pain in his heart.

He slowly sat back down, his thin lips tightly pressed into a straight line. Struggling and darknessintertwined in his eyes, trapping him in an invisible net.

TWILIGHT wouldn't act rashly, and there was no reason for Cheyenne, who had been stable for somany years, to offend them.

Cheyenne appeared to have encountered mysterious people since she started treating Iker'sillness.

Kelvin investigated the Todd family and even personally visited them.

Their situation was far more complicated. It was not a coincidence to be bitten by a snake for noreason. If Kelvin's expectations were correct, Cheyenne must have offended Master Davon, as shestood in the way of Davon's quest for dominance over the Todd family.

Kelvin took a deep breath and quickly contemplated a plan. He sternly instructed her, "Cheyenne,give up on treating Master Iker's illness." This way, she could distance herself from the Todd family.He would arrange for her to leave the country, where those people couldn't find her. Once the stormpassed, they could all forget about it.

"I won't give up on treating Master Iker's illness," she replied firmly.

Kelvin's face reflected disbelief. "Are you brainless or do you lack money? Even if you want money,it will be worthless if you are killed!"

"Cheyenne, could it be that you've fallen for Iker?" His last sentence betrayed Kelvin's uneasiness.

It was the answer he least wanted to hear. If she had only cured Iker for money, he could provide itfor her. Cheyenne currently owned 18% of the Foley Group, which was worth billions. She didn'tneed to work anymore and could enjoy a carefree life for the rest of her days.

"This has nothing to do with you, Mr. Foley. I refuse to answer that question. Now it's my turn to askyou, why were you at TWILIGHT and Soar Casino?" Cheyenne's refusal to answer angered Kelvin.If it wasn't for money, could it be that she truly fell in love with the crippled Iker?

Despite his frustration, Kelvin still told her the whole story. "Do you remember three years ago whenmy company's security system was nearly destroyed due to a leaked key by an insider?"

Cheyenne certainly remembered because she was the one who helped him through that crisis. "So,Mr. Foley, what do you mean?"

Kelvin turned to look at Cheyenne and replied in a low voice, "I've been investigating for a long time,and I finally found out that the person behind it all is someone surnamed Fraser. I found out that hehad been to Soar Casino before, and eventually traced him to TWILIGHT."

The truth that Kelvin didn't tell Cheyenne was that Abbie obtained Misty Forest from this mannamed Fraser. Besides causing the death of their child, what else did Abbie do? That was whatKelvin wanted to find out. So, he spent a large sum of money to bribe the staff at the Soar Casinoand was invited as a "valued guest" with respect.

His visit to TWILIGHT this time was his attempt to investigate the truth using his own power, in aneffort to distance himself from relying on "Mr. King." When he mentioned his appointment with "Mr.King" in the private room, it was a test for the waiter. But unexpectedly, it baited Aidan.

Cheyenne listened to his explanation and description, her astonishment mirrored on her face. Inthat moment, their thoughts completely overlapped. Calmly taking a deep breath, Kelvin heldCheyenne's delicate hand as he advised her once again, looking deep into her eyes.

"So, the truth is right in front of you. Will you continue to investigate, Cheyenne?"

She pursed her lips, lifted her head, and suddenly let go of Kelvin's hand, giving him an icy look.

"You don't want me to investigate TWILIGHT because of your precious Abbie, right? Kelvin, withjust a few words, you expect me to give up. Who do you think you are?"

"Do you know that three years ago, Benson lost his eyes for saving my life? He was supposed tostand on a shining stage, but instead, he fell into darkness."

"I won't let Abbie and TWILIGHT go!"novelbin

"I'm not easily intimidated. So what if it's TWILIGHT?"

After speaking, she picked up her phone and prepared to walk out barefoot. Seeing hermisunderstanding him again, Kelvin hurriedly stood up and blocked her path.

"Cheyenne, calm down and listen to me. I'm not defending Abbie. I just don't want you to get intodanger without sufficient evidence."

Yes, he knew that he was saying all this too late now. The child was already gone, and Benson hadlost his eyes. It made sense that Cheyenne blamed him.

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