She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 382: Can You Be More Reliable
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Chapter 382: Can You Be More Reliable

Chapter 382: Can You Be More Reliable

Kelvin felt aggrieved. If he were really shameless, he could have taken advantage of her when shewas asleep last night. But he didn't. He had endured until this morning, just when he had finallycalmed down, and then Cheyenne rubbed her foot against it like that...

He was a normal man!

She knew how much he restrained himself when it came to such matters.

She had aroused his desires herself, so why was she blaming him?

"Cheyenne, be reasonable. Even if I were to take you, it wouldn't be at a time or place like this..."

Hmph! What did he mean by that? If it were a different place and time, did he have other intentions?

At his words, her face inexplicably turned red. Fortunately, it was dark in the room, so he couldn'tsee her face.

Cheyenne quickly pulled her legs back and immediately heard a muffled groan from the man, raspyand sexy.

Her mind went blank, buzzing in her ears, and her ears involuntarily turned red.

"Kelvin, you..."

"Hmm? Don't worry, my whole body is in pain now. I won't do anything to you."

There was still a bullet embedded in his shoulder.

He took the bullet for her, otherwise it would be her who would be in pain now.

It had been a whole night, and his wound had been left untreated. It was probably infected by now...Cheyenne tentatively reached out and touched his forehead.

It was burning hot.

Her fingers were icy cold, and when they touched him, it was like a cool breeze on a hot summerday, refreshing to the heart.

"You have a fever."

Just as Cheyenne was about to pull her hand back, her pale wrist was suddenly held by a scorchinghot big hand.novelbin

Kelvin unconsciously pressed her hand against his face and said, "Don't... don't go, Cheyenne..."

Hearing those words come out of his mouth, Cheyenne was slightly stunned for a second. She triedto struggle, but found that he was holding her hand too tightly for her to break free, so she just wentalong with him.

She really didn't know if he was pretending or if he was really delirious from the fever!

He must be delirious, otherwise why would he hold her hand and gently call her "Cheyenne"?

Time passed slowly, Cheyenne had just woken up and wasn't sleepy at all, but beside her, Kelvinstarted to fall into a deep sleep.

Suddenly, there was a slight weight on her shoulder.

It turned out that Kelvin's head had somehow ended up resting on her shoulder.

Cheyenne hesitated and reached out with her other hand, intending to push him away. Butsomehow, she let out a sigh and lowered her hand.

Forget it, considering he's currently ill.

Unconsciously, Cheyenne fell into a deep sleep again. When she woke up, the room was stillimmersed in darkness, and she had a strange feeling as if time had stretched on endlessly.

The person beside her was trembling, his body burning hot, but he whispered softly, "Cheyenne, I'mcold. Can you hug me?"

He suddenly hugged her waist, pulling her back into his embrace. His fiery kisses landed on herearlobe, and even his breath felt scorching like the summer wind.

"Kelvin, wake up, don't sleep..."

"Cold... Cheyenne... Cheyenne is in my dream. So warm."

"Kelvin? Can you hear me?"


Oh no, if this continues, even if they manage to go out, he may become a simpleton due to the highfever.

Imagine Akloit's prestigious billionaire Kelvin, the decisive dictator, becoming a simpleton. Thatwould truly be doing the world a favor.

While she entertained such thoughts, Cheyenne was quickly thinking of a solution in her mind.

She reached towards her waist and felt around. Kelvin noticed her movements and subconsciouslytightened his arms.

He inadvertently tightened his grip, causing her waist to ache.

"Asshole, be gentle!"

She was a human being, made of flesh and blood, not a numb log of wood. What was he doing,trying to bundle firewood?

Cheyenne lightly tapped Kelvin's hand back, but he remained unaffected.

Helpless, she had to give up.

Her slender fingers moved from the edge of her waist to the hidden pocket on her skirt. Inside was aconcealed design to hold silver needles.

She had lost a few in her haste earlier, and she didn't know if any were left now.

She reached in and felt around.

Fortunately, one was still there.

It happened to be the thickest round needle, usually used for dispelling moisture and regulating themeridians. If she wanted to perform bloodletting treatment for Kelvin, she would have to pierce theneedle in...

Cheyenne's lips twitched. "Blame yourself, Kelvin. Your luck is terrible, and this is the only type ofneedle left, with no other choice."

"It might be a bit painful, but you don't need to be too scared. It'll be like slaughtering a pig, a knifeto the throat. I'll aim carefully to achieve a direct hit."

"To be honest, I'm tired too. With this round needle, I have to use twice as much strength... Damn it,I'm hungry and tired, and now I have to exert myself to treat you."

Actually, she didn't care whether he lived or died... but she couldn't bring herself to watch Kelvin diehere like this.

She thought she hated him, but it turned out she didn't hate him as much as she thought.

Cheyenne, in the darkness, reached out and gently unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time.

It was worth mentioning that when they used to do it in the dark, Kelvin would also ask her to helphim undress, but it didn't feel as embarrassing as it does now.

Calm and composed, Cheyenne gradually pulled open his shirt to his arms.

With her exceptional acupuncture skills and familiarity with the human body, her small and tenderhands acted as a measuring tool on his chest.

About five finger-widths below the sternum.

She found it!

Just as she was about to hold the silver needle and prepare to start, she was afraid that he mightstruggle and interfere with her procedure. So she used her other hand to press down on his otherside of the chest.

It was really hot, but her hand was ice-cold.

Cheyenne's whimsical thought flashed for a second, but she immediately narrowed her eyes in thedark and exerted force, piercing the silver needle down forcefully.


Feeling the threat of death like a fish on the chopping board, he trembled slightly, his chest rising,and the head buried in her shoulder accidentally hit her little head.


"Kelvin, don't move."

She couldn't see anything.

The man, affected by the pain, regained consciousness and spoke in a weak, teasing voice with asmile.

"Ooh, I know you hate me, but I didn't expect you to take action in this situation. Cheyenne... You'rereally ruthless!"

Several seconds passed without hearing her voice, he suddenly felt something was wrong...

"Cheyenne, why aren't you speaking?"

"Kelvin, I have some bad news for you, don't blame me."

"Tell me."

He distinctly heard her take a sharp breath.

"The needle... broke, it broke inside, but the good news is that you're bleeding."

Kelvin was rendered speechless.

Miss Lawrence, can you be a little more reliable?

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