She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 368: Strained Relationship Between Abbie And Jane
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Chapter 368: Strained Relationship Between Abbie And Jane

Chapter 368: Strained Relationship between Abbie and Jane

After he left, the hospital room returned to its quiet state.

Abbie lay on the bed, unable to sleep as she stared at the bright white ceiling.

Turning her head, she glanced out the window, her gaze empty and distant, as if shrouded in a layerof white mist.

She had no parents, and even her only reliance, Kelvin, had abandoned her.

She would truly be alone from now on. As for her uncle's family, Abbie gave a cold laugh. She hadno hope for them.

In the afternoon, she heard footsteps outside the hospital room door. She thought it might finally beKelvin arriving, and a ripple of excitement stirred in her otherwise silent heart. She eagerly got up toopen the door.

At the entrance, what caught her eye instead was the face of a woman - Jane.

She was dressed in a high-end Chanel-inspired suit, a white collar blazer with double-row goldbuttons that accentuated her slim waist.

She wore a matching pencil skirt that reached her knees, and her feet were adorned with apricot-colored pointed high-heeled shoes, stepping with confidence.

Her face showcased fashionable and eye-catching makeup, exuding a determined and domineeringaura.

She smiled at Abbie, "Abbie, why do you look so disappointed? Is my arrival unwelcome?"

Abbie slightly furrowed her delicate eyebrows and graciously invited her in to sit. She then noticedthe bouquet that Jane had brought - a bouquet of white chrysanthemums?

Nonchalantly, Jane found a vase and placed the bundle of white chrysanthemums in it, casuallyadjusting them. She turned back to Abbie and gave her a gentle smile. "You like chrysanthemums,so I decided to get them while passing by. I wasn't sure which color to choose, but since you usuallylike white, I picked white."

The expression on Abbie's face became sinister, and her voice turned cold and sarcastic. "Hmm, soyou're just hoping that I die soon, aren't you?"

Hearing this, Jane had an innocent look on her face as she squinted her eyes. "Why do youinterpret my thoughtful intentions with malice, Abbie? White chrysanthemums are a symbol of theroyal family, and in some countries, they are used for wedding decorations."

"Hmph, maybe only you know that! I'm sure you hate me, Jane. I understand you far more than youthink. So, tell me, what are you here for today?"

Abbie cut straight to the point, and Jane was no longer interested in pretending. Her expressionturned icy in an instant, and she calmly replied, her voice devoid of emotion.novelbin

"The Parry family and the Berry family have called off the engagement." Teagan announced hewould be engaged to Nora Lawrence from the Lawerence family.

The reason was simple: the Berry family had lost their shares, and Cody had lost his network ofsupport, thus no longer benefiting the Parry family.

Jane paused for a moment and directed her blame at the expressionless woman lying in thehospital bed. "It's all because of you, Abbie. Did you come back for revenge?"

Abbie responded with a faint smile. "This was always supposed to be mine. There is no question ofseeking revenge."

As her words fell, a piercing laughter echoed through the hospital room. Jane's voice carried acurse-like tone and rang in her ears, word for word. "It doesn't matter now. Seeing you in this statebrings me peace of mind."

"Abbie, you're even more pitiful than I am. At least Teagan and I were in it for mutual interests. Ididn't have to chose him as my life partner."

"I knew you and Kelvin wouldn't last. How could someone as selfish and malicious as you deservehappiness?"

"Father said that from now on, the Berry family has no connection to you. The years ahead willleave you all alone, and that's gratifying!"

It felt as if she could truly see the near future. Herself, old and frail, gasping for breath, lying in acoffin, with no one around to pray for her - a desolate scene.

Abbie became frantic as her cousin's mocking laughter made her feel unsettled and afraid, almostlike a prophecy.

Grabbing the vase from the table in anger, she threw it at Jane. "Get out! What does a jilted whorelike you have to show off?"

At least her own reputation remained untainted, while Jane had been with multiple men.

Thinking this, Abbie felt a slight sense of relief.

As the vase hit the ground, a crisp sound followed, and the white fragments scattered apart.

Water spilled across the floor.

The bouquet of freshly inserted white chrysanthemums fell to the ground, its delicate petalsgathering a layer of dust.

Jane gazed at Abbie's angry face, her eyes burning, and let out a cold snort before leaving, armscrossed in an arrogant stance. "Hmph, Abbie, this is the real you. Your façade of elegance andgentleness will eventually crumble, and I look forward to that day."

"Get lost!"

Abbie drove her away, while anger continued to intertwine and burn within her.

It was just the first day.

On the very first day that Kelvin had abandoned her, someone dared to come and bully her!

With an ache in her chest, Abbie took two steps back, barefoot, and accidentally stepped on ashard of the broken vase, causing an even sharper pain to shoot through her foot.

Lowering her head, she saw the fresh red blood spreading from the sole of her foot, contrastingagainst her pale, almost bluish skin, a heart-wrenching sight.

She reached out to press the emergency button on the bedside, but as she crouched by the edge ofthe bed, her fingers couldn't reach the button. It was beyond her grasp.

Earlier, Jane mocked her, but she didn't cry.

Her foot was bleeding, but she didn't cry.

At the moment when she couldn't reach the emergency button, her emotions suddenly collapsed,thinking to herself: maybe this is what helplessness feels like.

She squatted down, holding her knees, sobbing loudly, her sharp nails piercing her palmsunnoticed.

And she missed Kelvin again.

Suddenly, a tall figure walked in through the door. Vincent looked at the messy hospital room, herentire foot stained red with blood, and hurriedly came forward to embrace Abbie. "Miss Berry, areyou okay?"

Abbie suddenly found herself in a warm embrace, as if she had grasped the last straw of salvation.She looked at Vincent with teary eyes.

"Master Vincent, help me, help me... I want revenge!"

The determination and fury in her eyes made Vincent inadvertently curl his lips. He gently reachedout and stroked Abbie's long hair.

His actions were filled with an indescribable tenderness. "Alright, I will help you. But... we need totake things slowly. You have to listen to me."

Abbie's eyes still held tears, and she looked at him in a daze. The man's smile remained warm, yetshe had a lingering feeling that something was amiss.

Before she could react, Vincent scooped her up and carried her towards the door.

"Let's first take a look at your foot injury. You've lost so much blood, it's really pitiful."

Snapping out of her trance, she hesitantly reached out and grabbed his arm, softly saying, "Thankyou."

Vincent brought her to the nurse's station and instructed a young nurse to disinfect and dress herwound.

The shard had cut quite deeply, and she feared that she would be unable to walk for several days.

Suddenly, there was a shortage of disinfectant. The young nurse asked them to wait while she wentto the storeroom to get more.

As the nurse left, a faint conversation could be heard from the adjacent room.

Abbie caught two words from it and shivered all over.

Her panicked gaze turned towards Vincent.

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