She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 363: Between The Cold Of The Dead And Snowflakes
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Chapter 363: Between The Cold Of The Dead And Snowflakes

Chapter 363: Between the Cold of the Dead and Snowflakes

The woman seemed to sense the scrutinizing gaze at the door, and she raised her knife, suddenlyturning her head to look.

Her breathtakingly fair face was splattered with crimson droplets, and she grinned, revealing teethwhiter than snowflakes.

Her voice was delicate and lingering, much like the melody of 'The Thirteenth Eye' she had playedthat morning.

'Kelvin, you're back. Come, take a look at my new creation.'

With that, her blood-stained hands lifted her skirt on one side, while the other held a blood-stainedblade, and she walked towards him, her slender feet stepping on the ground covered in spilled paintand gruesome bloodstains.

The little boy was drenched in cold sweat, and his small hand instinctively gripped the door frameas he attempted to flee, but his feet felt as heavy as mercury.

Was she going to kill him, just like she had killed that person?

In his haste to turn around, he accidentally bumped into the wall and blacked out.

Kelvin woke up once again, abruptly awakened by the cold. He slowly opened his eyes to a blindingwhiteness; the snow had lessened since yesterday.

It floated down.

Suddenly, an icy hand covered his cheek. The woman was dressed in a long white pearl chiffondress, her raven hair cascading down her back, blending with the silvery world around her.

She looked as stunning as a sacred goddess emerging from the ice and snow, captivating anyonewho beheld her.

'Mom... Mommy, did you...'

He didn't dare utter the words 'kill someone,' but the woman's gaze, shimmering and mysterious,made him feel a chill down his spine. She seemed even gentler than usual.

'Kelvin, can you do Mommy a favor?'


As he looked at the woman's tender yet eerie smile, Kelvin couldn't help but shiver, but he wasalready out of time to refuse.

The woman approached with a basin of blood, her hands immersed in the crimson pool, the vividred contrasting with the emerald green jade bracelet on her wrist, creating a striking contrast.

Then, she smeared her own blood bit by bit onto the little boy's delicate face, his naked body, andhis back. The air seemed to be filled with the nauseating smell of blood, and this was the first timeKelvin had ever cried in his memory. He struggled to get off the bed.

With a startled movement, he noticed a round object rolling down onto the snowy ground - a skulldyed deep blue, its teeth stained red. Those empty eye sockets stared right at him.

'Mommy, no! Please... don't do this, I'm so scared.'


Seeming irritated by his lack of cooperation, the woman raised her hand and delivered a sharp slap,the crisp sound echoing in the room.

His face bore a sudden, blood-red palm print, and the woman's sharp nails dug into his skin as shespoke with an icy tone, 'You don't even want me to become the greatest artist in the whole world, doyou?'

'No, Mommy... It's not like that. I'm so cold. Please let me put on some clothes,' Kelvin stuttered,shivering as he struggled to sit up.

But he was quickly forced back onto the dining table by the woman. Her exquisitely beautiful faceturned cold and sinister, and she produced two organ-like pieces that resembled intestines fromsomewhere... She used them to bind the boy's hands and wrapped them around his neck.

As he lay there on the snowy-white tablecloth like a sacrificial lamb, the woman arranged black callalilies around him.

Muttering to herself, she chanted, 'Hell! When the hell suddenly changes, and the ghosts howl in thenight, how could there be no child?'

'Yes, legend has it that mother and child zombies feast on hearts, and I've finally found it!'

After her sudden realization, she laughed manically and ran into the mansion.

Soon, she returned with the lifeless corpse, a woman who appeared to be around thirty, with a palecomplexion. Her two empty eyes stared fixedly ahead, tears of terror streaming down her face. Shewas dressed in a red floral silk dress that Gracie had hastily retrieved from the wardrobe,showcasing her slender figure.

She placed the corpse in a chair by the table and picked up Kelvin, stuffing him into the coldembrace of the lifeless woman.

'Mommy! No, please... Help! Help! I don't want her, Mommy!'

'She's so scary, I hate you! Gracie, you're not worthy...'

'Rachel, Grandpa... Save me, save me... Boohoo...'

Even if he was precocious, he was still just a seven-year-old, in his first year of elementary school.Faced with the dead, it was natural for him to be terrified and burst into tears.

But the people in the mansion seemed as if they hadn't heard his cries.

The woman, in particular, paid no heed.

She chuckled and touched Kelvin's little face, finding him too noisy. She grabbed some fresh organsfrom the plate and shoved them into his mouth.

The crimson blood 'drip-dropped' onto the snow beneath his feet, staining the pristine white withpink.

The young boy was in tears, the foul taste in his mouth making him nauseous. The cold on his bodycouldn't compare to the despair in his heart.

The woman, on the other hand, sat seriously in the yard, not far from him, fully committed to hergrand mission.

One of the scenes from her acclaimed work, 'HELL,' was completed on this chilly winter day.

Old Mr. Foley couldn't hold back his tears and his eyes turned red. He choked up and wiped awayhis tears with his sleeve.

'Kelvin's mother was already suffering from a severe mental illness at the time. She abandoned herchild in the yard just to pursue her art. It was a bitterly cold day, with temperatures well below

freezing. When I found him, he couldn't even speak, just trembling uncontrollably.'

'Later, I rushed him to the hospital. The doctors said that if I had been two minutes later, the childwouldn't have made it. Even now, every winter, Kelvin's legs ache.'

Cheyenne unconsciously clenched her fists, her face filled with astonishment. So, Kelvin's motherwas the great author of 'HELL' - Gracie. She had admired Gracie before, never imagining that shecould be so deranged as to use her own child as a prop.

It was hard to imagine that Kelvin, at the tender age of seven, had been caught between the chillingembrace of the dead and the falling snowflakes, likely scarred by that experience.

She had always thought that Kelvin's leg pain during the winter was due to work-related fatigue,frequent business trips, or some other minor ailment. Little did she know that it was a result offrostbite from that traumatic incident.

Old Mr. Foley saw the anger brewing in her eyes and continued, sensing an opportunity,novelbin

'Since that day, Kelvin has been living with me. He vowed never to pick up a paintbrush again, but Inever thought that after all these years, I would see him pick it up once more.'

'To be honest, he has quite a talent. He was already drawing at the age of three. Gracie, thatwoman, even thought about grooming him into a painter. I didn't see any profit in that, and he is theeldest grandson of the Foley family, so naturally, he had to be in business.'

Kelvin's talent was indeed impressive, as Cheyenne had already gathered from his oil painting.

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