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Chapter 361: Heavy Snow

Chapter 361: Heavy Snow

Rachel, Kelvin's nanny, had forgotten to tell him that he only needed two dimes for the bus fare.Since this was his first time taking public transportation, he threw the ten dollar bill into the fare box,and attracted the attention of everyone on the bus.

He proceeded to a seat near the back, gazing out of the window at the snowy world outside. Hebreathed on the window to clear the condensation and watched the snow-covered landscape.

The journey was silent. Kelvin had completed his test quickly during school, as the first-gradequestions were easy for him. However, due to the heavy snow outside, the teacher didn't want himto leave the school early by himself. Instead, he was asked to wait inside the classroom until hisparents could pick him up.

Kelvin rested his head on the desk and dozed off for a while. Outside, the snowflakes fell gently,and the world was unusually quiet. The only sound he could hear was the soft scratching of pencilson paper.

After about half an hour, the other students finished their tests, and the teacher organized them toline up and open their colorful umbrellas, creating a vibrant contrast against the white snow. Red,green, purple, pink umbrellas with various designs like SpongeBob, Ultraman, mermaids, andCinderella could be seen all around.

However, Kelvin didn't have an umbrella. His hair was quickly dyed white by the snow, and from adistance, he looked like a young boy with white hair. Some classmates even laughed at him.

One chubby boy turned to him and asked in a childish voice, 'Kelvin, didn't your mommy prepare anumbrella for you?'

This boy was Deacon, and he was quite annoying, often teasing other classmates. Despite beingonly seven years old, Kelvin had a mature personality beyond his age and chose to ignore him.

'Of course, she did. I just forgot it,' Kelvin replied casually.

The chubby boy, not believing him, proudly showed off his umbrella. 'Look, I have a Winnie thePooh umbrella from Disneyland! My dad took me to Disneyland, and it was so much fun!'

There were only two Disneyland parks in the country, one of which was located in Akloit.

The newly built Disneyland in Akloit had opened just in October, and its expensive ticket prices hadleft many locals feeling envious and unable to afford the visit. As a result, there weren't manypeople who had the opportunity to go there.novelbin

Kelvin's words quickly sparked discussions among the other children, who began to boast about thefun places their parents had taken them. Roller coasters, Ferris wheels, magic shows, visits to SeaWorld to see dolphins. These were experiences Kelvin could hardly imagine, let alone have everenjoyed himself.

After taking turns boasting about their adventures, the children realized that Kelvin hadn't shared hisown story yet. A cute little girl, missing two front teeth and speaking with a lisp, took the initiative toask him, 'Kelvin, did you go somewhere fun with your mom and dad? Tell us, we want to hear!Deacon claims he went horseback riding in Briyra, but I don't believe it. He's so timid, how could hedare to ride a horse?'

Even these first-grade kids already knew about 'saving face' in front of little girls. Deacon retorteddefensively, 'I'm not timid at all! Who cried in fear of a caterpillar the other day? Crybaby!'

As they bickered and laughed, Kelvin hung his head, his long eyelashes concealing the sadness inhis eyes.

No, he hadn't. Not even once.

'Alright, everyone, line up! The gates are opening,' their young and pretty teacher walked over,noticed Kelvin standing alone in the snow, and quickly shielded him from the falling snow with herown umbrella. 'Kelvin, why are you standing in the snow? If you don't have an umbrella, you canstay with your classmates for now. You'll catch a cold like this.'

The polite little boy thanked his teacher and then stood silently away from his classmates. He wasn'tclose to them usually, and he didn't want to listen to their childish boasting of happiness.

The teacher let out a sigh but said nothing, gently wiping away the snowflakes from Kelvin's headwith her scarf.

The school gates opened, and parents who had been waiting outside eagerly extended their armsto welcome their children, smiles on their faces. The children, who had been chattering and makingnoise just moments ago, ran joyfully into their parents' embrace.

Kelvin saw Deacon's father, a tall man dressed in a black uniform. He had mentioned before that hisfather was a soldier. The strong man raised his son high and hugged him tightly, displaying acombination of toughness and tenderness.

The girl who had asked him earlier ran to her mother, cuddling in her embrace and playfullydemanding barbecue for dinner.

Kelvin's eyes observed the myriad of emotions and scenes, and it seemed like everyone washappy.

Kelvin shoved his hands into the pockets of his school uniform, trying to keep warm. His little headretreated into his collar to escape the cold. The female teacher stood beside him, smiling gently as

she bid farewell to the parents of her students, reminding them to supervise their children incompleting their year-end assignments.

As the people in the school gradually diminished, the crowds at the school gate disappeared withouta trace. After the lively scenes, silence settled in even deeper. The sky grew darker, tinged withcrimson from the city's neon lights. Kelvin felt colder by the minute, and his legs started to grow stiffand numb.

He bit his lip tightly, and his eyes stared fixedly at the road in front of the school gate. Occasionally,he would lift his gaze when a car passed by.

Not this one.

Not this one either...

The teacher had been keeping him company since 4 o'clock, and now it was almost 6 o'clock. Theschool was deserted, with only the occasional colleagues greeting her.

She sighed and touched Kelvin's small face, realizing that he felt as cold as an ice hole. When shelowered her gaze, she was shocked to find that the boy was wearing only a thin white shirtunderneath his school uniform, with no sweater or jacket.

What kind of careless parent would make such a mistake?

She quickly removed her own scarf and wrapped it around the shivering boy. He felt a little warmthand managed to thank her.

'Kelvin, my dear, at this hour, maybe your mommy got too busy and forgot. Would you like to callsomeone at home to come pick you up?' she suggested.

Grandpa was still overseas.

As for his father... Kelvin couldn't remember a single time his father had smiled at him, let alonecome to pick him up from school.

His mommy had promised to come and get him, though.

With a stubborn shake of his head, he cast a cold glance at the teacher. 'Miss Wiggins, I'll wait alittle longer.'

Until 6 o'clock.

If she still hadn't come by then...

But she had promised she would, hadn't she?

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