She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 322: Smoke A Cigarette And Watch A Show
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Chapter 322: Smoke A Cigarette And Watch A Show

Chapter 322: Smoke a Cigarette and Watch a Show

She initially considered turning off the video but then changed her mind, becoming increasinglyinterested in what she was watching. Unfortunately, the surveillance footage only had video, noaudio, so Cheyenne couldn't gauge how seductive Nora's voice might be at this moment.

After watching for a few minutes, Cheyenne grew bored. Teagan was quite inventive, but he wasclearly lacking stamina. He had taken a break after just over ten minutes. According to his profile,he kept multiple extramarital relationships while dating Jane, which likely explained his fatigue from"working day and night."

Cheyenne pulled out a small silver USB drive and plugged it into the computer's port, copying thisvideo segment for herself. The copying process would take a little time.

She was feeling a bit tired.

Her slender hand reached into her coat pocket, retrieved a cigarette, and held it between twoelegant fingers. She lit it using a vintage perfume bottle-shaped lighter, igniting a blue flame thatlooked especially eerie in the dim surveillance room. The reflection danced in her bright, enigmaticeyes, seemingly bottomless.

The scene shifted to the Berry Villa.

Jane had worked late until 8 PM, and after having dinner, she meticulously pampered herself withskincare and makeup. She put on a silky and sexy low-cut nightgown and had just lain down on thebig bed, thinking of calling Teagan.

As she took out her phone, a multimedia message notification popped up.

It was a picture.

In the picture, a man was passionately embracing a young woman, and their embrace seemedintimate.

Even from the side view, she could recognize him - the man in the picture was none other than herfiance, Teagan.novelbin

It hadn't been long since their chance encounter at the lingerie store with Abbie, where Teagan hadpromised not to see other women.

Jane's heart sank. She had been cheated on again.

Jane promptly sat up in bed, her gaze fixed on the picture on her phone.

A taunting message followed: "the Vintage Club, Room 201, dare to come?"

Jane swiftly threw the covers aside, grabbed her black overcoat from the wardrobe, and left theroom. She was determined to confront Teagan.

In the living room downstairs, Mrs. Berry was watching a flower arrangement tutorial on TV whilepracticing floral arrangements herself. The table was cluttered with trimmed flower leaves and someunused fresh flowers.

Mrs. Berry's peripheral vision caught a hurried figure rushing down the stairs. She raised aneyebrow in slight surprise and inquired, "At this hour, where are you off to?"

Jane, with her eyes reddened and a face filled with anger, responded coldly, "There's a work issueat the company, and I need to go back and handle it."

Hearing this, Mrs. Berry frowned, and she used her scissors to snip off a large portion of the rosestem with too many leaves. The thorns on it almost hurt her hand.

"Your company always seems to have something going on - either late hours or some urgent matter.Go on then, but come back soon. I'll have the maid warm up some milk for you."

"Okay," Jane replied. She hadn't told her mother the truth; she didn't want to let her mother knowabout Teagan's affairs. Her mother was never very understanding about such things and wouldlikely say something like "Few men are faithful; just look at your dad."

When Cody was young, he had gone through a reckless phase of promiscuity, and it had happenedwhen Mrs. Berry had just given birth to Jane, a girl, which disappointed him.

The doctor had also announced that it would be difficult for Jane's mother to conceive again.

Ever since her elder brother passed away, Cody had taken control of the shares he left behind,becoming a successful man in high society. He was young, wealthy, and prosperous, but like manyrich men, he had begun frequenting nightclubs and acquiring multiple apartments. He even keptseveral young mistresses.

Among these women, some were as young as fifteen or sixteen, barely high school students. Mrs.Berry was unaware of Cody's twisted inclinations and tastes in women, but at least he had notfathered any illegitimate children.

As he grew older, Cody gradually reined in his behavior, and he eventually severed all ties withthese women.

Mrs. Berry's philosophy on love was simple: as long as a man remembered to come home, nothingelse mattered.

Jane, on the other hand, was entirely different. She had grown up in a wealthy household, was theonly daughter, and had developed a demanding and unyielding personality. She was competitiveand intolerant of even the slightest indiscretion.

She had even gone as far as using her authority to blacklist the young model she'd encounteredwhile shopping with Teagan the last time, ensuring that the model's career was permanentlydamaged.

Teagan was well aware of Jane's actions, but he had no intention of confronting her about it. Thisman had his own ambitions and goals, and he prioritized his own interests. He loved power and waswilling to compromise for it.

Jane was confident that Teagan wouldn't get angry with her for interfering with his affairs.

Nearly twenty minutes later, Jane stormed into the Vintage Club's second floor with a powerful aura.Her appearance drew the attention of many employees.

In the room, it was the third time of intense intimacy for Teagan and a young woman. Teagan laybeside the woman, his body drenched in sweat, and his glistening chest muscles reflected in thedim light.

A dainty, rosy hand began to trace up his forearm to his shoulder. The woman's flushed face held alook of desire.

"Teagan, dear."

Her voice was soft and husky, and the huskiness had its own unique allure. Just thinking about itmade Teagan's heart race.

"Ah," he lazily responded, keeping his eyes closed.

Nora, who had earlier pretended to be pure, claimed she wanted to sever ties and saying that theyshouldn't be together.

But today she asked him to sleep with herself.

He had no reason to say no.

Besides, he had a desire for her. Though she was a bit affected, she knew how to show weakness.

Compared to Jane, who was dominating and overwhelming to the point where he could barely catchhis breath, Nora's tenderness and reliance made him feel needed, which was a welcomed change.

Knowing that she seemed somewhat unsatisfied, Teagan was content, but he had one crucialmatter to attend to.

He got up, retrieved his shirt that was lying at the foot of the bed, and began buttoning it up onebutton at a time. His voice remained gentle as he said, "I have to get back; this is all for today. Let'splan for next time."

Nora was disappointed, but Teagan's words implied he would see her again. She felt relieved.

However, just at that moment, the tightly closed door was abruptly pushed open. A dark figurestormed into the room and accidentally stepped on Jerry, who was on the floor. The intruder, withoututtering a word, went straight to Nora and delivered two resounding slaps.

"You little wretch, how dare you seduce my fiance!"

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