She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 316: How To Reject Cheyenne
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Chapter 316: How To Reject Cheyenne

Chapter 316: How to Reject Cheyenne

The magnificent hall was adorned with expensive and exquisite antiques and artworks. In the centerof the wall, there hung a round oil painting. At first glance, the intense and burning flames depictedin the painting showed images of pain, suffering, and a hundred forms of cruelty and torture. Thehellfire, bathed in the hazy lighting, felt like it was right in front of you, sending chills down yourspine.

This painting, titled "HELL," was the centerpiece of the Vintage Club, created by the world-renowned artist Gracie. Legend had it that after completing this painting, Gracie ceased to paint. Itbecame her last work, and there had been no news of her for the last five years.

Some said that after finishing "HELL," Gracie took her own life by ingesting poison. Others believedthat she revealed the secrets of the underworld and had her soul taken by the King of Hell, turningher into a regular human incapable of creating good art.

Gracie was a mysterious and talented woman, a legendary figure. Her early works featured brightand lively natural landscapes, somewhat resembling the Impressionist style of Monet. However, herlater style underwent a radical transformation, portraying a dark, bloody, lonely, and helpless worldthat felt like a completely different reality. This sharp and exaggerated surreal style won herrecognition from many.

Gracie's reputation skyrocketed, even internationally, thanks to "HELL," and the painting was soldfor a staggering one billion US dollars. The fact that the Vintage Club could afford this paintingindicated their enormous wealth.novelbin

Speaking of the Vintage Club, Cheyenne's eyes had a hint of curiosity. She had once investigatedthe people behind this hotel, but her research was halted midway. The listed legal representative

appeared to be an ordinary blue-collar worker, which was simply impossible. The real owner of theVintage Club was so powerful that even she couldn't identify them.

As Dominic led Jerry into the club, Jerry appeared like a country bumpkin who had never seen theworld before. He clutched his backpack to his chest and glanced around, adjusting his glasses onhis nose. He looked like someone who had never experienced the world.

"Cheyenne, he's here," Dominic announced.

"Great, bring him in," Cheyenne replied.

With a melodious voice, the woman who had been standing with her back to them turned around.

Cheyenne was dressed in a light pink chiffon dress with lotus patterns embroidered on the chest.Her seaweed-like wavy hair hung down behind her, secured by a pearl tassel hairpin. Her delicatelittle face, lightly adorned with makeup, was utterly enchanting. Her eyes were clear and sweet, herlips a vibrant peachy shade. When she spoke, she revealed her pearl-like white teeth, speaking witha captivating fragrance.

"Let's go into the private room first," Cheyenne said.

Cheyenne spoke and took the lead into the private room, her silver-white shiny high heels clickingon the floor.

The room was elegantly decorated. On the table sat a beautifully carved incense burner, from whichrose fragrant bluish smoke. The thick aroma of rosewood bead filled the room, and the table wasadorned with Japanese dishes like sashimi, sushi, and raw mackerel noodles.

As Jerry sat down, he couldn't help but salivate as his eyes locked on the sushi and the seafoodmackerel noodles in front of him.

"Eat up, don't be shy," Cheyenne said, pushing the sushi toward him. She smiled warmly, and herbright, shining eyes made her look quite charming.

As Jerry extended his hand to grab the food, he suddenly stopped in mid-air, casting a cautiousgaze at Cheyenne. He squinted his slightly swollen eyes.

"Why don't you tell me what you want first? I won't dare to eat otherwise."

There's a saying that goes, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." What if he eats first, and thenCheyenne assigns him a difficult task?

Upon hearing this, Cheyenne rested her chin on her hand, looking at him playfully.

"Why are you so guarded, little bear? Just eat; I don't have any tasks for you today. I'm just treatingyou to a meal to express my gratitude."


Jerry still found it a bit hard to believe and took a cautious bite of the sushi.

The taste was good.

"Don't rush; pair it with a mouthful of seafood noodles."

Huh? Why was she suddenly being so nice to him?

Jerry skeptically picked up his cutlery and stirred the noodles. Weren't they supposed to be seafoodnoodles? Why were there green chives buried at the bottom of the bowl?

Cheyenne looked at him with a sly smile, her expression reminiscent of a cunning little fox.

"Eating some green vegetables is good for you. Look at how pale and thin you've become fromstaying up late. You're lacking vitamins!"

All right, she's a medical student, she definitely knows more than he does.

After eating a few bites, Cheyenne handed him a cup of tea.

"Don't eat too quickly. Have some tea."

"Thank you."

After taking a sip, Jerry found the tea a bit peculiar. He smacked his lips and lifted the lid to take alook. Red wolfberries were floating on the green tea?

"Health preservation should start from a young age. By the time you reach forty, I promise you'll behealthier than your peers. Especially for night owls like you, be cautious of sudden death.Wolfberries have a warming effect," Cheyenne explained gently.

Jerry nodded in agreement. Yes, sudden death! Whenever he saw news about young peoplesuddenly dying, his little, lonely, yet resilient heart would always skip a beat. He definitely didn'twant to die suddenly.

After drinking the tea, he felt a warm sensation throughout his body. Indeed, the benefits of healthpreservation. This wolfberry tea was not bad; he should drink more of it in the future.

A waiter came in, carrying a stone pot with grilled pork belly, lamb loin, oysters, and more.

Upon entering the room, the waiter gave Jerry a discreet look. When he noticed the dark circlesunder Jerry's eyes and his thin face, he smiled discreetly, thinking, "Tsk tsk, at such a young age,he's already in such poor health!"

Jerry, feeling slightly offended by the waiter's stares, made it clear, "No, you can just serve the food.What are you looking at me for? She's the one treating today. Don't come to me for the bill."

The waiter, a young man, nodded and politely responded, "Sir, don't worry. The lady has alreadypaid for these dishes."

Inwardly, the waiter thought, "A young man, despite his age, is shouting at a lady to pay the bill.He's shameless. Miss Lawrence seemed quite pretty. Even if she's supporting her boyfriendfinancially, she should find a healthy one."

Jerry couldn't believe what he was hearing. Cheyenne had sent him instant noodles, treated him todinner, and dressed up so nicely to meet him. Could it be... she's interested in him?

What should he do? How should he refuse Cheyenne's confession?

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