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Chapter 300: Pig Farming

Chapter 300: Pig Farming

Regarding the fact that his professor was Cheyenne's grandfather, Reece only found out later.

After staying in the pig farming major for a year, Reece learned the entire process from breeding tofattening to postnatal care within two months.

During the next two years, there were no new students in this major, and he remained the only andlast student in the program. The school even seemed to have forgotten both the major and Reece.

By the time he reached his sophomore year, Reece couldn't bear the foolish sounds of the pigsanymore. He decided to participate in a talent show run by a TV program. When the host asked himwhat his family did for a living, Reece promptly answered, "Pig farming."

At first, everyone thought he was joking, but when he posted a photo from his home in the Grayfamily's pigsty, they finally realized that he was serious. He was not kidding.

Reece was really into pig farming!

However, even when it came to pig farming, having good looks made a world of difference. Whileplaying the guitar for the pigs, Reece's fans would just scream in delight, thinking he was incrediblyhandsome.

"He's so cute!"

"He's so compassionate!"

"The pigs in Reece's family are much better looking and healthier than others!"

At first, other artists mocked Reece's lack of talent and suggested he should give up theentertainment industry and go back to farming pigs, since at least those pigs appreciated his talent.

However, this ridicule was quickly slapped down by Reece's father, Lamont Gray. During that time,there was a food crisis in Agerone, with many people suffering from hunger. The two countriesestablished a joint aid association, and the Chulae government decided to donate 100, 000 pigs tovarious Ageronean countries.

It was Lamont who donated these 100, 000 pigs.

Calculating at current market prices, this donation cost him approximately two hundred million.

So, when Reece talked about pig farming, he wasn't referring to small-scale or personal ones.novelbin

Those who investigated Reece's family background found out that Lamont, Reece's father, was thechairman of a company listed among the top 500 companies in Chulae.

The primary industries of Lamont's company were in animal feed, pig farming, and food, making it aleading company in the Chulae agriculture industry.

The company's market value was around 50 billion, and it had consistently been a steady performerin the share market.

What was even more surprising was that Reece, as the heir of 50 billion worth of assets, simplypursuing his musical dreams and experiencing life in the entertainment industry.

As for acting, it was just a way for a second-generation rich kid to explore life.

If the production company offended Reece to save a measly five million, it would be a real brainlessmove.


The Zamora Villa was located in the south of Akloit, which was considered the old city area withhistorical Western-style buildings that were starting to show signs of aging. The balconies along thestreets were adorned with flowers, giving the area a historical and charming atmosphere. It wassummer, a season when flowers were in full bloom.

The contrast between the southern and northern parts of the city was striking. In the north, therewere skyscrapers, neon signs, and a fast-paced lifestyle, while the south had the charm of a smalltown frozen in time. You could often see small groups of children carrying backpacks playing on thestreets. Silver-haired elderly couples walked hand in hand with walking canes, strolling in the warmbreeze. It was a peaceful and idyllic scene.

Reece couldn't remember how long it had been since he'd last visited this place, but as he looked atthe familiar surroundings, it felt like he had traveled back in time. He, Kate, and Cheyenne had beenclose friends since elementary school, all the way through high school.

When he was a child, Reece used to be a bit chubby. His family was never short of meat, evenduring tough times. In contrast, Cheyenne was quite thin. He would sneak some sausages andsnacks from his own home and then do a self-service barbecue at Kate's place.

Reece remembered the time he secretly went to the Zamora Villa to visit Kate when they were ineighth grade. They watched a romantic film called "Love Story". It was a coming-of-age moment forthese inexperienced teenagers. When they saw the protagonists in the movie passionately doingthat in the classroom, Reece did the boldest thing he had ever done.

He held Kate beside him, eager to imitate the male protagonist in the movie, and kissed her.

Just then, Eddie, who should have returned in the evening, came home earlier. There was a lightdrizzle outside, and the library had closed early, so he bought Kate's favorite Portuguese egg tarts

on his way home. Who would have known that he would witness this "eye-catching" scene when heopened the door? In an instant, he felt as if his good cabbage had been stolen by a pig. At that time,Reece was about 1. 65 meters tall and weighed 150 pounds, a bona fide chubby boy.

To Eddie, Reece was a genuine "pig"! Kate quickly came to her senses and gave Reece aresounding slap, scolding him indignantly, "How dare you? I'm your 'elder sister'!"

The term "elder sister" was just because she had flattered Cheyenne a bit earlier than Reece, whichearned her the reputation of being Reece's "elder sister". If you really went by age, these two girlswould have to obediently call him "brother."

For Reece, this was the first time he had seen Eddie, who was gentle, delivering a fierce punch. .

That's awesome. Eddie actually knows how to fight. The not-so-awesome part was that the personbeing beaten up was him.

The next day, Kate, the big-mouthed girl, shared this embarrassing incident with Cheyenne, whichresulted in Reece's being teased by Cheyenne the next day he went to school with a badly bruisedface.

"Serves you right!"

For Reece, this incident felt like a minor episode from his youth. Afterward, Kate acted as if nothinghad happened, but Reece was plagued with inner turmoil for a long time due to giving away his firstkiss in such a manner.

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