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Chapter 276: Watermelon Seeds

Chapter 276: Watermelon Seeds

In the following three years, Eddie received Mr. Owen's recommendation and pursued a doctoraldegree in clinical medicine at a prestigious foreign medical school.

Upon returning to the country last year, he immediately assumed the position of Chief Surgeon atHopedale Hospital. At just twenty-five years old, Eddie had outpaced others his age, making himstand out significantly.

Many admired Kate for having such an accomplished older brother, but they also looked down onher for not living up to his standards.

When she first saw her brother, Kate couldn't hold back her tears. She choked up silently. She tooka couple of steps back, feeling panicked. Her mind was filled with turmoil. What should she do now?Her brother had learned about this dreadful situation.

"Come here!" Eddie's voice was gentle. With his handsome and scholarly appearance, hecaptivated countless female students outside the office. They thought he was so handsome andgentle. However, Kate was scared and raised her eyes to look at her brother. Her eyes were teary,and she was afraid of this side of Eddie.

She remembered this only happening once before. Back then, their parents had just passed away.She was so young that she felt bothered by her brother's attempts to discipline her.

Therefore, she packed her things to run away from home and ended up meeting a suspicious driver,who knocked her unconscious and left her in a dark and gloomy basement. The kidnappers werepart of a criminal organization that sold children and women to remote locations.

The Zamoro family had good genetics, and Eddie was already 1. 8 meters tall at the age of fifteen,while eleven-year-old Kate was about 1. 55 meters tall, which made her seem like a child. Thekidnappers decided to target her because of her youthful appearance.

She was terrified, cold, and hungry, lying on a straw mattress that was crawling with cockroachesand centipedes. She regretted leaving home. The kidnappers mentioned that they would send herto a foreign customer the next day, and if she were taken away, she would be far from home andwouldn't see her brother again.

The young girl couldn't sleep, cry, or dare to move, tied up on that cold bed. She looked outside thewindow and prayed that it wouldn't become daylight. She hoped for darkness, the first time she hadever wished for a night.

But darkness would always pass, and light would eventually arrive.

She was bundled up in a bag and thrown onto a ship. When Kate was in her most despairingmoment, she suddenly saw the face of a little girl who had appeared in front of her.

The little girl looked to be around seven or eight years old, with two shiny pigtails. She was dressedstrangely, wearing clothing that looked old and didn't match her age. It seemed to be both old-fashioned and gaudy.

She had a pile of money, some fruits, and a large, shiny diamond ring with her. The little girl handedKate the money, some fruit, and offered her an apple.

Having no idea what a diamond ring was, she thought it looked pretty but impractical. Without asecond thought, she threw the diamond ring out of the small window with a loud splash. The ring,worth millions, sank into the deep blue sea.

Afterward, she pocketed the money with a serious demeanor, grabbed an apple, and roughly wipedit on her clothes. She took a big bite, savoring the fruit while speaking in a childish, endearing voice.

"Sis, why were you tied up here?"


"I understand. You came up to steal things just like me, and you got caught, right? Your luck is justreally bad. I've stolen several times and never got caught," the seven or eight-year-old girl said witha proud and confident expression, as if she had great faith in her thieving skills.

"No, I didn't steal. I was tied up by someone, and I want to go back home." Kate began to cry; shewas starving. Even though she was watching the little girl eat the apple, she had an urge to snatch itfrom her. Fortunately, she managed to suppress the thought.

The little girl understood. She pulled out a knife from her waist, helped Kate untie the ropes, andeven shared her fruit with her.

Kate remembered devouring the fruit, even eating the core. The little girl watched her in shock andsaid something ridiculous about seeds sprouting in her stomach and growing into an apple tree.

Kate realized that she had swallowed the apple seeds and, along with the little girl, believed in thispreposterous theory. Kate panicked and asked the little girl how they could prevent it fromhappening.

The little girl responded that she had eaten watermelon seeds before, and nothing had happened toher. This comforted Kate, who felt relieved.

But then they were discovered by the two kidnappers, who were thrilled to find Cheyenne, thinkingthey were getting a two-for-one deal. Cheyenne was already a crafty troublemaker, and she

deceived the kidnappers, pretending the ship's captain had arrived and stole their bags. She usedher drugs to knock them out.

Later, Kate learned that the small girl was the same age as her, and they were both students atAkloit Elementary School, albeit in different classes.

Kate had been missing for two days and one night, and her brother Eddie hadn't slept during thattime as he searched for her. He even visited their parents' graves and knelt there for a long time.

Upon receiving the call from the police, he rushed to the scene. Kate remembered that her brothercarried her back home while she was emotionally distraught. Afterward, he adopted a "punishment"mode, ignoring her.

Now, her brother's current appearance was identical to his demeanor back then. His sparkling eyesappeared gentle. Kate took a step forward and walked to her brother, her legs heavy as lead. Shelowered her head and, with a tearful voice, called out, "Brother."

Eddie replied, with a tone just as firm and protective as back then, "I'm here. No one can harm you."novelbin

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