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Chapter 255: Rumors And Gossip

Chapter 255: Rumors and Gossip

It was just past 8 AM in the classroom. Everyone was chatting in groups of two or three, watchingas a slender and delicate figure slowly walked in from the doorway. The mocking smiles on theirfaces grew even stronger.

"How does she have the nerve to come to class?"

"Who knows, maybe her skin is just that thick!"

"If it were me, I would transfer schools so I wouldn't embarrass myself..."

The rumors continued to circulate around Kate as she clenched her fists tightly under her long-sleeved shirt. She glared back fiercely with reddened eyes.

"If you have something to say, say it to my face!"

Finally, some of them shut up.

Kate had a vague memory of the skinny monkey-like man from last night - he was a senior in thecomputer science department next door.

Suddenly there was a loud bang as someone kicked open the door to their classroom. Everyoneinside jumped at once.

Kate stood at the doorway with fierce eyes scanning for that man's figure from last night. Sureenough, he wore a red plaid shirt and quickly looked away when he saw her before lowering hishead.

"What are you doing here?" The teacher who was lecturing scolded her angrily.

But Kate ignored him and marched straight towards Timothy while grabbing his collar with her smallhand and dragging him out forcefully.

"You! Come with me!"

Timothy thought she had called the police and immediately begged for forgiveness. "Kate, pleaseforgive me! I know what happened last night was wrong. Hit me if you want."

Last night's incident? Kate couldn't help but think about all those rumors circulating around theschool today...

Everyone's gaze towards Kate and Timothy became more meaningful than ever before - althoughKate may be old-fashioned sometimes; there was no denying that she had an attractive figure whichmade this disgusting skinny guy like Timothy seem like such an opportunist!

He shouldn't have mentioned anything about last night because now it only fueled more angerwithin Kate. "You bastard! How dare you ask for my forgiveness!"

Before he could finish speaking, she lifted up one foot wearing pointed high heels and kicked himhard on his shin bone!

"Ah!" Timothy screeched...

Everyone watched as Timothy lay on ground begging for mercy while remaining silent themselves -they never expected sweet-tempered gentle-looking Kate would be so ruthless when fighting backagainst bullies!

One should never underestimate any woman, as even those who appear gentle on the surfacehave the potential to turn into fierce tigresses in a split second.

"What are you arguing about? Can't you solve your trivial matters privately and not affect theteaching order?"

On stage, teacher Hannah Irwin is wearing a black professional suit skirt, walking with high heelsand arms crossed.

Her beautiful face was full of sarcasm as she looked at Kate. "I never would have guessed that youwere the type of person who lacks self-control. As a female student, how can you be so recklesswith your behavior?"

"I got drunk that night and I don't even know what happened exactly. He damaged my reputation forno reason. Is it wrong for me to confront him?"

As Kate spoke, a hint of panic flashed in Hannah's eyes. "What nonsense are you talking about?My students would never do something like that."

"Hmph, fine. Let's meet in court then. We need to get to the bottom of this."

As soon as Timothy heard the word "court", his face changed and he immediately explained, "Kate,please calm down. Last night was really not what you think. I just hugged you and then got beatenup by someone. I really didn't do anything..."

He was just the scapegoat.

Last night, he couldn't approach Kate and was almost killed by that man.

When he went out, he got beaten up again.

Wasn't it him last night?

Kate and Hannah stood in place, both looking confused.

"Not you? Then what about this note..."

She pulled out a note from her pocket, with grand and imposing handwriting on it.

Timothy gasped in pain and took the note, looking at it with a twisted expression before shouting,"This isn't my handwriting! My writing is here. Look!"

Kate looked at the signature on Timothy's document, which was not ugly but far less impressivethan the one on the note.

Wasn't that him last night?

Who was that again?

"Madam, you have really misunderstood me. Hiss, it hurts so much..." His face is now bruised andswollen, and even speaking causes him pain.

Kate folded the note and walked over to his side, softening her voice and smiling slightly as shesaid, "I see."

"Yeah, yeah. I swear that I really only hugged you once. Look at what you've done to me by hittingme like this. Do you know how much the medical expenses for this will be?"

Timothy covered his face, and a glint of greed shone in his eyes.

"How many pieces do you want?"

Kate, with her rosy lips tightly bitten, looked at him with misty, almond-shaped eyes and asked in asoft voice.

This unintentional move sparked another idea in Timothy's mind. He swallowed hard and said, "If itwere anyone else, I wouldn't give up so easily. But for Kate, well... let's make it five hundrednovelbin


"Five hundred? You better catch it!" Kate replied, her almond-shaped eyes narrowing with amischievous glint. She didn't hesitate and delivered a resounding slap to his cheek.

Timothy was left in disbelief, looking at her with a somewhat plaintive tone, "Why did you hit meagain?"

"Didn't you say it was five hundred? We've only got one so far, there are still four hundred andninety-nine to go. Don't rush it," she said, her smile incredibly sweet as she playfully threatened toslap him again.

"Don't... don't hit me anymore. I don't want it anymore. The medical expenses... were all a joke.Missy, please let me go."

In his panic, Timothy crawled over to Hannah's feet and grabbed onto her ankle with his hand. "Ms.Irwin," he pleaded desperately while trying to catch his breath between words, "please help meexplain it all to Kate; last night ... umm."

Before he could finish speaking though, Hannah covered up his mouth with her hand.

She gave Kate a cold look before saying softly, "Since it wasn't him after all, you shouldn't be tooharsh on him either. Look at what has happened now. Let's get some people here quickly and takeTimothy away for medical attention."

Just because it wasn't him means everything is okay now? The thought of being hugged by such andisgusting person made Kate feel extremely uncomfortable inside.

Seeing that Kate still had the intention of pursuing the matter further, Hannah became impatient aswell. She softened up a bit before saying, "Kate, you should go back home for some rest these fewdays. Come back next Monday for class. That's settled then."

After finishing speaking, Hannah helped Timothy up, and hurriedly left with both of them. Otheronlookers gradually dispersed as well. Kate was left standing there silently, wondering who thatperson from last night really was.

She could only vaguely remember that he had whispered something into her ear, but couldn't quitemake out what exactly he had said.

A stranger took her virginity, which really frustrated her.

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