She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 232: Mr. Foley Is In A Bad Mood Today
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Chapter 232: Mr. Foley Is In A Bad Mood Today

Chapter 232: Mr. Foley is in a Bad Mood Today

Kelvin's figure was perfectly hidden in the darkness, his sharp and deep-set eyes staring at the darknight outside, with a chilling air about him.

As the night grew darker, he stood there until the first ray of sunlight broke through the clouds andscattered down from the sky like a huge curtain being torn open, gradually expanding. The lightbecame brighter and brighter.

The morning light fell on his tall and sturdy body. His whole body seemed to be covered with a softgolden glow. His short hair was blowing in the breeze. Occasionally, two strands of hair playfullydanced in mid-air.

Chris had been waiting downstairs for almost half an hour. It was almost eight o'clock now but Mr.Foley still hadn't come down yet.

He reached out to touch breakfast he had bought along on his way here. The coffee was warm; if hedidn't drink it soon it might get cold later which would affect its taste.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to give Mr. Foley a call.

"Sorry... the number you have dialed is currently switched off," came back an automated message.

Why was it switched off?

He looked up at the lights upstairs that were still on; Mr. Foley should be home then.

This had never happened before, so Chris decided to go up himself and see if something hadhappened to Mr. Foley.

Just as he raised his hand to knock on door, the tightly closed wooden door opened suddenly.

A handsome face appeared right in front of Chris, but he felt that Mr. Foley's mood seemedparticularly bad today.

Chris' guess got confirmed during their meeting later. One employee mistakenly placed wrongLOGO header for contract pages, causing Mr. Foley to scold him severely.

The atmosphere inside the conference room became extremely oppressive. Everyone lowered theirheads carefully, held onto their documents, afraid that Kelvin would vent his anger on them.

Suddenly, a thick blue file fell from mid-air describing perfect parabolic trajectory before landingaccurately into trash can near the door catching everyone's attention..

Cody's face turned red with anger, and his eyes flickered with sparks of fury. The muscles in hisface twitched, and he clenched his lips tightly, too angry to speak.

At the head of the table sat a man dressed in a black three-piece suit, paired with a white shirtbuttoned up to the top. He had an icy-cold demeanor that made him look both intimidating andimpressive.

His gaze swept around the conference room before settling on Cody. Without any mercy orhesitation, he launched into an attack.

"I don't know how Mr. Berry managed to get this position. Your proposal is simply garbage - no wait- even garbage can be sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable categories. This proposal iscompletely non-recyclable."

In terms of seniority, Cody was older than Kelvin.

The Foley Group was founded by members of both the Foley family and Berry family along withseveral other original shareholders. After Foster, Cody's brother passed away, his shares weretransferred to Cody as a result.

Although he only held 10% of shares in total, thanks to Foster's connections, Cody managed tobecome department manager at the company.

Furthermore, due to Abbie's complicated relationship with Kelvin, Cody's status among manyshareholders had been rising steadily over time.

For so many years, he had always seen himself as Kelvin's elder. Though he obeyed all ordersgiven by Kelvin, deep down inside he felt dissatisfied towards Kelvin's iron-fisted management style.

Today being publicly humiliated like this caused Cody's temper flare up instantly; slamming downhis pen onto the table, he rolled up his sleeves and pointed accusingly at Kelvin while cursingloudly.

"You think you're some kind of god or something? If it weren't for our Berry family, there wouldn'teven be the Foley Group today!"

"Back when I was doing market research, you were probably still wearing diapers!"

"Now that the Foley Group has risen up, you start burning bridges? Well, let me tell you something.I'm not going to take your bullying anymore! I quit as Marketing Department Manager immediately!"

This sudden display of defiance from Cody made things even more tense inside the conferenceroom; several small leaders who followed him began trembling nervously. If Cody resigned, whatwould they do?

Some wanted to say something comforting but decided against it. It was better to just keep quiet fornow instead...

Kelvin stood up and walked to Cody.

Cody thought his words had frightened Kelvin and that Kelvin was trying to apologize to smooththings over.

With this in mind, Cody couldn't help but straighten his chest and take on the demeanor of an elder.He pushed up his brown glasses on his nose while avoiding Kelvin's sharp gaze.

"Kelvin, what do you want?"

Before he could finish speaking, a cool hand suddenly gripped him tightly.

There was a crisp sound as bones rubbed together at the joints which startled everyone. The nextmoment, Cody screamed in pain. The screams echoed throughout the conference room whichsilenced everyone present.

Then they heard the man's voice say lightly, "The thing I hate most is when people point theirfingers at me while talking."

His gaze fixed on Cody who felt overwhelmed by it all; even breathing became difficult for him as hestruggled to speak again,

"... Kelvin... you're something else!"

"I am naturally so," replied Kelvin coldly. "If you don't agree, then feel free to leave."

He let go of Cody's hand before turning back to sit in his seat, saying, "The meeting continues!"

Mr. Foley didn't even bother looking at Cody; it made people both afraid and intimidated by him.Cody left immediately after being humiliated, with his eyes as sinister as those of a snake hiding ingrass and waiting for its prey.

As soon as the meeting ended, employees began leaving one after another from the conferenceroom.

Kelvin sat there fidgeting and pulling off his tie while unbuttoning two buttons on his white shirt.novelbin

He took a deep breath before leaning back.

Chris gathered all materials used during the meeting carefully while watching Mr. Foley closely.

Suddenly Kelvin asked, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

A low magnetic voice caught Chris off guard, making him pause momentarily before quickly takingout a pack from inside his suit pocket. "Yes."

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