She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 215: Without Giving A Baby
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Chapter 215: Without Giving A Baby

Chapter 215: Without Giving a Baby

Kelvin was awakened by the noisy sounds coming from downstairs. As he opened his eyes, thelight from the floor-to-ceiling window shone on him. He could still faintly smell Cheyenne's elegantfragrance in his nose.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had slept well. Whenever he smelledCheyenne's scent before falling asleep, he would sleep soundly until morning.


The man immediately sat up and turned to look at where she had been lying next to him. The pillowwas indented, and her hair remained on the snow-white pillowcase.

His large hand covered it, still feeling her warmth. She must have just left.

Kelvin couldn't help but scowl with anger visible on his face.

The note beside the coin on the bedside table caught Kelvin's attention, and his gaze followed it ashe picked it up to read what was written on it: "I paid for my services; your skills are only worth onedollar!"novelbin

In his mind appeared a picture of that exquisite and beautiful face of hers when she stood in front ofhim paying for their encounter - so arrogant and disdainful!

Kelvin clenched the coin before throwing it away with a grim expression like a demon crawling outof hell - terrifying.

He muttered an obscenity under his breath.

'She better not let me catch her again or else she'll experience what it feels like not being able toleave bed for three days!'

As noises came from downstairs again, Kelvin quickly got dressed in a bathrobe before headingdown to see what was happening.

The lobby was crowded with people; doctors and nurses wearing white coats surrounded an oldman in the middle while Emelia cried so much that her eyes were swollen with tears rolling downuncontrollably. The atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressing as Kelvin furrowed hiseyebrows, walked over there and asked, "What happened?"

Seeing Kelvin made Emelia cry even harder as she answered intermittently between sobs, "It's allbecause of that bitch Cheyenne! She made Grandpa pass out."


At the mention of this name, Kelvin thought it was impossible. Grandpa treated her so well whileCheyenne also respected Grandpa very much too... However, this idea began shaking inside himsoon enough after realizing that she might have known Grandpa drugged her.

At that moment, the unconscious old Mr. Foley slowly opened his eyes and pointed at Kelvin. Thelatter immediately stepped forward and held onto his arm while supporting him to sit up with hisother hand.

This position finally made old Mr. Foley more comfortable. He took a deep breath and sighed, "Ithas nothing to do with Cheyenne. I've known my poor conditions for a long time."

He had been dragging it out just so he could see Kelvin get married and have children before hepassed away.

Who knew this brat hadn't even given him any after three years?

Five years ago, old Mr. Edwards had told him that if his old injury recurred, he would have to takecare of himself to relieve the symptoms.

Unless he was given more expert medical treatment, he would never fully recover.

That's why three years ago, he forced Kelvin to get married because his illness could relapse at anytime; whether or not he woke up was another matter.

"Grandpa, you're still talking about that bitch Cheyenne now? If she didn't make you angry, howcould you faint?" Emelia stomped her foot in anger and pouted her lips as if she were about to cry.

Jonathan was the first one who wasn't happy when he heard Emelia talked bad about Cheyenne.He rolled his eyes immediately.

"A young girl like you only knows how to slander others behind their backs!"

Hearing that made Emelia turn around with round almond-shaped eyes glaring at Jonathan.

"Don't forget your identity! You're invited here for my grandpa's treatment! What kind of thing areyou? How dare you curse me?"

Old Mr. Foley had just woken up but got pissed off again by his granddaughter's words. He coveredhis chest with one hand, breathing heavily while glaring at Emilia.

"Emilia, apologize!"

"Grandpa, why should I?"

As the heiress of the Foley family, why should she apologize to an employee?

Kelvin furrowed his eyebrows tightly, showing dissatisfaction mixed with coldness between them,"Emilia, apologize!"

"Kelvin, why do I need to apologize? What did I do wrong? Why does an outsider have any rightcommenting on the Foley Family's affairs and scolding me too! No way am I apologizing."

At this moment, Vincent rushed over.

Seeing everyone targeting against his sister, he felt uneasy and walked towards them.

He patted Emelia's head, his voice tinged with helplessness. "Emelia, Dr. Owen is an old friend ofyour grandfather's and also the brother of the head of the Onistead Owen family. He has beenemployed as a personal doctor by several presidents before."

The power structure in Onistead is complex and can be divided into "one palace, one pavilion, twoguilds, four halls and eight factions."

The one palace refers to the Harrison family, most of whom are involved in politics. Abel Harrison,the current president of Onistead, is also the head of this family.

The one pavilion refers to Catkin Pavilion which has a long history and mainly deals in buying andcollecting antiques. It is run by the Lucas family who are a secretive aristocratic clan with far-reaching influence.

Although members of the Lucas family rarely appear publicly, their influence permeates everyaspect of society.

The two guilds refer to two major families that maintain law and order in Onistead: The Lara familyand the Weaver family. Omari is an illegitimate son from the Lara family; he was cast out but laterestablished himself as an independent force.

The Weaver family was perhaps the most enigmatic among these factions; each leader had beenfemale since its inception. Considered a third-rate power among eight factions, it rose rapidly and

became a rival equl to the Lara family after President Abel Harrison married Jessica Weaver twenty-five years ago.

The four halls refer respectively to Almond Hall (controlled by the Owen family), Wind Hall(controlled by the Edwards family), Moon Hall (controlled by the Zamoro family), and Sparrow Hall(controlled by the Lawrence family).

Kyson Owen, Jonathan Owen's older brother and the head of Almond Hall, kept a low profile thoughhis medical skills were renowned throughout Onistead; Also, he doted on his younger siblings verymuch.

Unfortunately, Sparrow Hall suffered severe damage thirty years ago which left it struggling forsurvival. Despite being part of Four Halls, its strength had been inferior to any of Eight Factions.

The Todd family was top among Eight Factions, and its strength rivaled even Four Halls'.

Old Mr. Foley felt much better now. He looked gratefully at Jonathan, saying, "Mr. Owen is my goodfriend. He saved my life when we were young. Emilia, you must show respect."

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