She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 21: So What If We Divorce?
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Chapter 21: So What If We Divorce?

Chapter 21: So What If We Divorce?

Benson had no idea about any of this. Every time he asked Cheyenne how she was doing latelyshe replied with "I'm doing pretty well."

He had heard rumors but every time Cheyenne firmly told him that those were just media hype andKelvin treated her well.

'It turned out that she divorced and left with nothing. Was this what she meant by doing pretty well?My beloved Cheyenne who I care for tenderly suffered so much within the Foley family. How dareKelvin treat my love that way!'

Every word Danielle had spoken felt like a sharp knife stabbing Benson's heart.

Never before had he felt so powerless, and he hated himself for being blind and unable to seeCheyenne's distress.

The people around them gasped in shock. 100 million dollars!

Cheyenne lightly curled her lips, showing no sign of anger at Danielle's words. Her delicate face stillwore a faint smile.

"So what if I'm divorced? The fact is that even after divorce, I can still live my life freely asCheyenne." She reached out and took Benson's arm, preparing to leave.

But Danielle wasn't going to let her go so easily. She deliberately stuck out her foot in front of them.

"Cheyenne, you have no shame. It's the first time I've heard someone justify cheating like it'snothing."

Benson was blind and didn't see the foot in front of him. He stumbled forward and almost hit hisface on a nearby chair. But Cheyenne quickly reached out and grabbed his arm just in time toprevent him from falling.

"Are you okay, Benson?"

"I'm fine." Two drops of sweat dripped down Benson's forehead as he felt guilty for causingCheyenne embarrassment with his clumsiness.

He clenched his ebony cane tightly until his knuckles turned white.

"Ha-ha, is this your adulterer? He's really useless. He's such a big man but can't even walkproperly!"

When Danielle felt a burst of excitement from her small actions succeeding, she never expectedCheyenne to suddenly go crazy and rush towards her.

She raised her hand while standing on tiptoe at the same time.

A hard slap landed on Danielle's delicate face. Cheyenne slapped so hard that her tender palmsturned red.

Although Cheyenne was half a head shorter than Danielle, she exuded an air of invincibility anddignity that made it impossible for people to ignore her.

"If you dare say he's useless again, believe it or not, I'll break your teeth and let you swallow themone by one!"

The woman's voice was unusually soft and sweet, but the content she spoke made everyonepresent shudder.

No one doubted she would do what she said, because at this moment Cheyenne was like anenraged lioness, showing off her sharp claws to defend her own cubs.

The sudden slap caught Danielle off guard, leaving her stunned. She couldn't believe it and staredwide-eyed, reaching up to touch her cheek.


It really hurts.

Her face quickly became swollen and red. Without looking in the mirror, Danielle could imagine howugly and disheveled she must look now.

'And all of this is because of Cheyenne, this bitch!'

Three years ago, she was just stubborn and spoke sharply; three years later, she became evenmore domineering and looked down on others!

As the young lady of the Parry family, Danielle was born with a silver spoon and had never beenpublicly humiliated. She was so pissed off.

Danielle's gaze turned dark and she stared at Cheyenne, her lips curling slightly. "You dare to hitme? You're truly looking for trouble, Cheyenne. You used to be the Foley family's mistress, and Iwouldn't dare touch you back then! Now, what are you? You dare to hit me!"

As she spoke, she lunged at Cheyenne, reaching out to slap her face without hesitation.novelbin

The newly done manicure was sharp and slender, with a layer of bright red nail polish on top, dottedwith tiny diamonds.

As her fingernails were about to touch Cheyenne, a sinister smile flashed through her mind, wishingto destroy that beautiful face.

"Cheyenne, be careful."

Benson has sensitive hearing. When he heard the whistling wind sound in his ears, he immediatelyreached out and protected Cheyenne in front of him.


Several scratches marred his fair and slender hand, they were deep red color, forming a long trailfrom the base of his middle finger all the way to his palm. Blood droplets seeped from the wounds.

Cheyenne held his hand, her eyes suddenly turned red, and a crystal clear teardrop hung on hereyelashes.

It was about to fall down.

Benson's hands were invaluable!

"It's not my fault. How was I supposed to know that this damn blind man suddenly jumped out." Hereyes were blinking and she pulled her hand back guiltily.

Cheyenne exuded killing intent all over her body and her bloodshot eyes were surprisingly cold.

She took a step forward and grabbed Danielle's wrist, pulling it forcefully towards herself. With acold voice, she said, "Do you know what grave mistake you have made? His hand is not somethingthat someone like you can afford to injure!"

Danielle refused to accept it, thinking he was just a blind man as lowly as Cheyenne.

"That's his own choice to stand in front of you, what does it have to do with me!"

"You think it has nothing to do with you? Even if I chop off both your hands, they wouldn't compareto a single finger of Benson's!"

Hearing Cheyenne degrade herself like that, Danielle's face turned pale and then green. "Is that so?He's a blind man after all. To put it simply, you just want my money, don't you? Well then, is tenthousand enough?"

A wicked smile played across Danielle's face as she arrogantly pulled out a stack of bills from herlimited edition Dior bag.

It landed in Cheyenne's arms.

"Enough, right?"

'It's just a scratch, apply some merbromin and it'll be fine. And yet I gave them ten thousand. It's agood deal for Cheyenne, isn't it?' Danielle thought.

Just when everyone around thought Danielle would be forgiven, Cheyenne sneered.

"Do you think ten thousand dollars is enough?"

"So what else do you want? I'll just add another ten thousand! I understand that you just gotdivorced and are broke."

The onlookers unanimously felt that Cheyenne was insatiable; Danielle increased the amends from10, 000 to 20, 000! What else did Cheyenne want?

After a moment of silence, Cheyenne's stunning fair face showed a mischievous expression.

Her two beautiful and slender fingers held a bank card and placed it in front of Danielle.

"Well, Miss Parry. Since you believe money can equate to forgiveness, let's go with that. I'll offer amillion to buy your hand! How about we chop it off right now?"

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