She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 197: Beating Jane’S Face
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Chapter 197: Beating Jane'S Face

Chapter 197: Beating Jane's Face

"Cheyenne, let go of my cousin!"

Abbie picked up a clothes hanger from behind and attacked.

Just as she lifted the weapon in her hand, Cheyenne's gaze weakened her legs.

Impressive gaze.

Although her eyes appeared indifferent, Abbie could sense a warning in them, as if it were a knife.

"Don't mess with me, you may not know that I am a ninth-degree black belt in Taekwondo."

Jane looked at the chaotic scene, tears welling up in her eyes as she hugged herself tightly. Sheturned around with all her might and bit Cheyenne's hand hard.

Fortunately, the latter reacted quickly and avoided it. Her big hand forcefully grabbed Abbie's chinand forced Abbie to lift her head to meet her gaze.

Her eyes filled with disdain.

"Cheyenne, you're dead meat! My fiance will be here soon. I advise you to let me go now, or else..."

"What else then?"

Lifting her foot, she kicked Jane's thigh with force.

It looked like just a gentle kick, but only Jane knew that she felt like her leg was about to break.

It hurt so much.

It felt like there are a thousand or ten thousand ants constantly gnawing, which was extremelyunbearable.

What did this bitch do to her?

Abbie saw Jane's disheveled appearance and quickly stepped forward to stop Cheyenne. Tearswelled up in her eyes as she cried pitifully.

"I know you're angry about me and Kelvin, but Jane didn't mean to do it. Please forgive her."

"Shut up, I don't want to know about you and Kelvin's business, that's your own freedom. I havenothing to do with him anymore. Now that Jane has insulted my mother, I will never let her off thehook."

"Those who cross me have only one fate, either pay up, or die! Make your choice!" Cheyennedeclared, and with that, she used her foot with brutal force. Jane, a pampered heiress, had no wayto withstand the full strength of Cheyenne's kick.

She immediately screamed in pain and shouted, "Cheyenne, you bitch! Do you believe I'll call thepolice to arrest you?"

She pulled out two needles from her waist and was about to stab them towards Jane's face. Thefear in Jane's eyes was evident as she stammered, "S-s-stop, what do you want? My boyfriend isTeagan, the CEO of the Parry Group. You'll be in big trouble when he arrives."

The Parry Group? Danielle Parry's family business?

Cheyenne thought little of it and parted her red lips. "The CEO of the Parry Group, you mean theman at the door?"

At the door?

Abbie looked back in confusion and saw a young man in a well-tailored black suit, handsome andtalented.

He was chatting and laughing with the slender-legged model next to him, their posture intimate. Thewoman's hand was even holding Teagan's hand, clearly his new conquest.

Jane had forgotten about Cheyenne at this point and looked tearfully at Teagan.

The anger of betrayal and deception surged up, just one spark away from exploding.

"Who is she?"

"Who is this lady?"

Two voices spoke out simultaneously. Jane and the young model locked eyes, seeing hatred andresentment in each other's gaze.

Teagan's face changed as he nervously pushed away the young model beside him. He stammeredout an explanation, "Um... Jane, this is one of my company's clients. Yes... a client. I'm hereaccompanying her."

"To buy lingerie with your client? Mr. Parry has quite an extensive business!" Cheyenne smirked atTeagan before looking over at Jane with extreme mockery as she pulled away her feet.

She declared sympathetically, "Alright then, I won't beat you up today since you look so pitiful. Menlike fresh things anyway; besides someone like you who looks so old-fashioned wouldn't be my typeeither." She added insult to injury.

Her voice was full of schadenfreude and sarcasm. It was like a sharp blade piercing through Jane'sheart causing blood to flow freely from it.

With hatred inwardly, Jane said, "Cheyenne, don't get too cocky."

She glared fiercely at Cheyenne before getting up from the ground to walk towards Teagannovelbin

As he watched footprints on Jane's dress, he reached to dust them away but Jane slapped himacross the face and angrily said, "Don't touch me. "Don't touch me. Go and entertain your client,"she said before turning around and leaving the lingerie store.

Abbie followed after her, saying, "Jane, wait for me."

Meanwhile, that model looked confusedly towards Teagan while speaking coquettishly, "Mr. Parryam I making Miss Berry unhappy?"

The Berry family was the second largest shareholder of the Foley Group, and Teagan needed theirhelp to establish himself in high society. It was just not worth offending Jane over a woman.

He elegantly withdrew his hand and coldly declared, "Yes. Go back now and don't contact me for awhile."

The young model had many more things she wanted to say but was left standing theredumbfounded.

She had finally managed to hook up with Mr. Parry, but what was this all about? She was reallyunlucky today; it must be because she didn't check her horoscope before leaving home.

They rode in silence on the way back. Abbie gritted her teeth; she had planned to teach Cheyennea lesson with Jane's help, but she never expected something like this would happen. She feltembarrassed.

Abbie remembered their sarcastic banter earlier. She suddenly tightened her grip on Cheyenne'shand under her long sleeves and thought to herself, "Don't let me catch you doing anything wrong

again or else you'll face the music."

After those annoying people left, the lingerie store gradually returned to normalcy.

"Ms. Buckley, I'm sorry for fighting in your shop," Cheyenne showed some sense of propriety as shewent over to apologize with the shop owner.

Saniya admired Cheyenne; not only did she say it was okay, but also gave her a VIP discount cardwhich required spending at least five million dollars before receiving it! She was truly generous!

Kate finally came out of the fitting room after trying on clothes for a while. She noticed thatsomething wasn't quite right, so she asked Cheyenne: "What happened?"

Why does everyone look so serious?

Cheyenne clapped her hands together and answered nonchalantly, "Nothing serious; I just saw twocockroaches on my way here so I stepped on them."

"Cockroaches are disgusting creatures - I hate them!" Kate commented.

In the end, they helped Kate pick out white lace lingerie set as well as another sailor outfit thatCheyenne handed over. Thanks to Cheyenne's discount card, she saved nearly half the usual price.

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