She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 181: Not Only Can She Fight But Also Paint
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Chapter 181: Not Only Can She Fight But Also Paint

Chapter 181: Not Only Can She Fight But Also Paint

Theo looked at the woman in front of him, who seemed carefree and relaxed. He glanced at herwith his eyes slanted, holding his chin up arrogantly as he said, "Just because you're old Mr.Edwards' granddaughter doesn't mean the judges will go easy on you. Don't waste our time; weneed to move on to the next round quickly."

His disrespectful words were met with support from viewers commenting live.

"Truly an artist! Not only talented but also stylish! You're right; she shouldn't have the privilege ofbeing advanced just because of her connections."

"If that's the case, isn't Nora also old Mr. Edwards' granddaughter?"

"It's not the same thing! My goddess has real talent; what is Cheyenne compared to her?"

Nora's painting slowly appeared before viewers: half a meter tall and 40 centimeters wide - quite alarge masterpiece indeed.

It depicted a golden field against a blue sky with faint snow-capped mountains in the distance - pureand serene.

There were dozens of people in it as well.

It was a scene from when farmers harvested their crops, with the main character being an olderwoman standing at the forefront whose face was sunburned red from years of labor. She held abundle of barley while tears welled up in her eyes.

On another side of the field stood a five or six-year-old boy holding onto a book while lookingforward to his future full of hope and aspiration.

"This is so beautiful! Nora really deserves to be our campus belle - both intelligent and beautiful!"

"She must be number one for sure!"

"Cheyenne went too far by requiring Nora's brother kneel down and apologize. We should forgiveothers when possible; doesn't she understand that?"

"I hope Cheyenne loses this competition!"

"Let's wait and see; it'll definitely happen!"

Despite Theo's mockery and everyone else's disdainful looks around her, Cheyenne remained calmas she gazed back at them through watery eyes.

"Don't conflate my grandfather and me," she retorted calmly. "Besides, I signed up for oil paintingwhile he is a judge of traditional painting group... Are you afraid that you're not professional enoughor don't have enough qualifications to comment on my work? Is that why you brought him up?"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was silence before someone exclaimed, "Holy crap! Whodoes this young woman think she is? So arrogant!"

She had only spent half an hour creating such garbage. Could it even be called art? At best it wasjust doodling!

"This trash actually dares to say that Mr. Roberts is not qualified to comment on her work. Whogave her the courage?"

For the first time in his 60 years of life, someone dared to speak so boldly in front of Theo.

His gaze became sinister, reminiscent of a vulture in the dark night - sharp and terrifying. "Miss, youshould respect the elders."

Cheyenne didn't hesitate to retort with sarcasm, "You don't even show respect to me? What makesyou demand my respect? Are you proud of taking advantage of your seniority?"


"I signed up based on my abilities and naturally prepared to be selected based on my skills. Don'tbring up my grandfather."

Although her attitude was quite disrespectful, it depended on who she was facing.

Cheyenne always believed that if someone respected her, she would respect them too; but ifsomeone caused trouble for her, she wouldn't be afraid either!

The red-haired youth standing beside them repeated Cheyenne's words and for once thoughtCheyenne's words made sense! This time he stood by Cheyenne's side.

The other two judges felt embarrassed as their thoughts were similar to Mr. Roberts' but asassistants they didn't have a chance to speak out.

"Ahem... Alright... you should submit your painting first so we can evaluate it." He tried to ease thetension around him

Cheyenne handed over her oil painting.

As it was slowly opened up, a stunning masterpiece came into view and left everyone speechless!

The landscape painting was vividly portrayed using oil painting techniques with distant snow-capped mountains draped in red robes while nearby lakes were serene blue reflecting colorful

sunsets; black trees along both sides had lost their leaves leaving behind deep blackness whichformed the foundation of life itself.

As soon as Nora saw it, she couldn't believe what was before her eyes. "No... no way?" Afterstudying oil paintings for fifteen years, the work she submitted today took an entire month's worth ofeffort before reaching its current state whereas Cheyenne created hers under Nora's nose withinhalf an hour almost effortlessly.

Those with keen eyes could see who won or lost.

"You cheated! I don't believe it - how could you paint such a good picture!" Sean attacked clumsilylike an angry little rooster using his sharp beak.

Jerry stepped forward and stood up for Cheyenne. "If you can't handle losing, don't throw a tantrumhere. There are so many eyes watching, and her painting is still wet. Is that cheating?" The othersnodded in agreement as witnesses to Cheyenne's on-site creation of the painting.

Cheyenne was truly a prodigy! It was difficult for most people to complete an oil painting within halfan hour, but she not only finished it but also made it outstanding.

Glancing at the red-haired young man standing in front of her speaking up for her, Cheyenne felt awarm feeling inside and thought about the ten million dollars earlier. Well, she would give him backone million later.

Theo felt his face burning with pain. If this painting were just graffiti, then his previous works couldonly be considered scribbles.novelbin

This scene shocked netizens when it was uploaded online:

"Damn! Cheyenne actually painted it! What terrifying talent!"

"Is she even human? Is this what human wisdom and ability look like?"

"Look at the judge's expression; it's so exciting."

"We misunderstood Cheyenne before; not only can she fight but also paint."

"I support our goddess Nora. I don't understand if Cheyenne's paintings are good or bad, but basedon appearance alone, I prefer Nora's style."

"You're blind? Honestly speaking, Cheyenne is beautiful too despite wearing pajamas; her figure isgreat!"

"I don't care; our goddess shouldn't apologize to someone like Cheyenne. She must havedeliberately hidden her talent - what a cunning woman!"

Nora turned pale and said with a forced smile, "I never knew you could paint, Cheyenne. If I hadknown earlier, Mommy should have let you study art with me..."

"I told you they weren't worthy of teaching me," replied Cheyenne coldly.

Xzavier felt as though he had been slapped across the face when he heard those words!

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