She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 173: Opening Of Art Competition
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Chapter 173: Opening Of Art Competition

Chapter 173: Opening of Art Competition

Along the way, her phone kept buzzing non-stop with messages, reaching over a hundrednotifications per minute.

Nora casually clicked on the first two notifications. Turned out the first like her post received wasfrom her friend Danielle.

Her online name is "CuteDani". She commented under Nora's tweet: "Nora, you are too kind.Cheyenne was so heartless to kick you out, yet you still think about her."

"There's no way around it, she's my sister after all. I didn't want to bet against her originally,considering I've been studying art for fifteen years since the age of five. But she had to be stubbornand pick a fight. Why can't we all just get along as a family? @CuteDani"

"Get along as a family? Don't be foolish. She took away your marriage back then and now she'sforcing you to leave. Her heart is truly hard!"

The two of them only exchanged some words, but netizens got a lot of information from their chat.

#Shocking! Cheyenne's happiness was all stolen!

#Behind the sky-high bride price, there is actually a hidden sisterly conflict.

#Nora is in her prime

#Our Goddess Must Stay Strong @Honora

Negative reviews were flooding in like a tide, all of which were malicious comments targetingCheyenne. Every word was sharp and every sentence was heartless!

"Disgusting! You little bitch. How come you are so vicious? @BreezeForSleeping"

"Cheyenne, you ugly woman! Apologize to my goddess, you must apologize."

"Last time when I saw her give a slap in the face of a C-list actress in the hospital, I thought she wasso cool. But I never expected that beneath that attractive exterior, she's actually this shameless anddespicable!"novelbin

"Trash! Trash! My cousin used to go to the same school as her. She was a troublemaker during highschool. I heard she often hung out with those delinquents and beat up other students."

"Is it Akloit High School you're talking about? I've also heard of Cheyenne, the school bully. Sheeven forced a female classmate to jump off a building, but because her family was wealthy, she gotaway with it."

"Oh my god, I've heard about it, too. That girl seemed to come from a poor family and was a kind-hearted person. But later on, she disappeared and it was rumored that she went back to thecountryside. It turns out that she had committed suicide."

"Cheyenne, this executioner, is truly terrifying. People like her deserve to be in hell. Fortunately, Mr.Foley saw through her true nature a long time ago. I'd like to crowdfund a million dollars to get herkilled. Without further ado, I'll make the first donation of one dollar."

Sitting in the luxury car, Nora looked contentedly at the wave of negative comments. The thirtythousand dollars she spent on hiring internet trolls had proven to be quite effective.

She was about to enter the venue, and she turned off her phone before confidently making her wayinside.

She could imagine how Cheyenne would not only lose but also be completely crushed in thiscompetition. This was the only way to alleviate some of the resentment she felt after having her

clothes forcefully stripped off at the last banquet.

"Your phone, I'll hold onto it for now. Just play normally during this competition," said the young manwho spoke. He appeared to be around thirty years old with fair skin and a stylish head of hair tiedback with a black leather band.

His loose-fitting linen pants and long coat were both in a similar style, exuding an artistic vibe. A hintof stubble on his chin added some masculinity to his gentle and refined demeanor.

Nora nodded and handed him her phone.

Her delicate fingers accidentally brushed against his palm, making her heart skip a beat. The mansuddenly leaned over and quickly kissed her neck.

A look of shock flashed across Nora's eyes!

She pinched her own thigh with one hand while giving him a reproachful glance as if telling him notto do that here.

"Don't move; your earring is hanging from your hair," he said calmly.

There were other students on the bus who witnessed their intimate behavior. Some had beensuspicious at first but relaxed when they heard what Xzavier had said about helping Nora fix herearring. He was such a kind teacher who cared for his students!

Nora was one of his students whom he was proud of; it wasn't unusual for him to help fix her earring– it was like brotherly love!

The girls sitting at the back of the bus were all excited while speaking in cutesy voices.

"Oh my god, Mikaela! Look how gentle Mr. Rivera is! He just helped Nora fix her earring himself -being his student is so lucky!"

Their exaggerated voices drew some disapproving looks from those around them, but it wasn'tanything out of ordinary for them either way.

Xzavier came from an intellectual family; he was young yet talented with handsome features thatexuded artistic vibes.

He studied throughout various European countries early on in life which gave him broad knowledgeand experience, making lectures he gave lively and humorous. He was also very gentle.

Therefore, students held Xzavier in high regard. Every year when outstanding teachers areevaluated by school officials, Xzavier always comes first place without fail!

Xzavier, who was so outstanding, was still single at the age of 31. Despite the fact that there weremany female teachers in his department who had good looks and family backgrounds having acrush on him, no rumors about his affairs had ever spread.

Being celibate had become his another plus point.

The girl named Mikaela was slightly younger, wearing a JK school uniform. She had long straightchestnut hair parted down the middle, an oval face with delicate features and a cold temperament.

It was this sense of detachment that made many male classmates both hate and love her.

There was no doubt that she was very beautiful; furthermore, because she was aloof, she hadbecome an unattainable goddess in the hearts of countless male students who thought about herevery day.

In high school, Mikaela was recognized as the campus belle by everyone, but compared to Nora,she fell slightly short. Many of her senior schoolmates went out of their way to catch a glimpse ofher and considered Mikaela to be the most likely candidate to compete with Nora for the title of thecampus belle whatsoever.

With only half a year left until graduation exams arrive when Nora would go abroad for studies; itwas only a matter of time before Mikaela took over her position as campus belle.

She seemed not to be listening to what her companions were saying at all but instead staringintently at comments online.

When she saw #Akloit High School Suicide Girl topic page pop up on screen, she paused for quitesome time before gently tapping on it with slender fingers.

"Mikaela? Did you hear what I said? Mr. Rivera is really handsome! Oh my god! Don't you think sotoo?"

"Uh-huh." The girl hummed softly in response without any further words or expressions.

The bus continued to drive, and perhaps due to accidentally passing over a speed bump, the youngboy who had been dozing off, leaning on her shoulder, finally woke up.

With dark circles under his eyes and a drowsy look, he gazed at his girlfriend.

He grinned, revealing his white teeth.

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